Examples of the the word, baton , in a Sentence Context
The word ( baton ), is the 12293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Work was given in the Festspielhaus at Bayreuth on 26 July 1882 under the, baton ,of the German-born Jewish conductor Hermann Levi. Stage designs were by Max
- Of office that symbolized his power. Person made the mistake of seizing the, baton , thereby signifying that he was taking power, a virtual coup d'état. The
- A jet of flames very briefly. Group Marshal Strike was also seen carrying a, baton , It would not be until The Ontarian Stratagem that General Steal would show
- Demonstration was ready. The gameplay centers on controlling wind with a, baton ,called the" Wind Water" and sailing a small boat around an island-filled
- Peru, Juan Velasco Alvarado takes power in a revolution. * October 5 – Police, baton ,civil rights demonstrators in Derry, Northern Ireland, marking the beginning of
- Music has had great performances. The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, under the, baton ,of its principal conductor Gustavo Dual, has hosted a number of excellent
- Studio over interpretation angered Paul Whitman and he left. The conductor's, baton ,was taken over by Victor's staff conductor Nathaniel Children. In 1925
- Not be until The Ontarian Stratagem that General Steal would show that the, baton ,can fire an orange beam that could stun the target. In The Poison Sky
- Cast of the previous Star Trek films felt like a" good way to pass the, baton ," to the next series. The draft script's opening sequence took place on the
- Carry a baton from Buckingham Palace to the games opening ceremony. This, baton ,has within it Queen Elizabeth II's message of greeting to the athletes. The
- In October 1995 and 1997,the Paris Opera staged by Graham Pick, under the, baton ,of Jeffrey Tate starring Marie McLaughlin as Jenny, Felicity Palmer (1995)
- Bird-man Garuda. Vishnu's attributes include the discus, the conch shell,the, baton , and the orb. Ordinary housing The nuclear family, in rural Cambodia, typically
- She was devastated and felt that the had been overlooked for her poor, baton ,change. Strickland was disappointed with the way Matthews was treated and
- With Parsifal at Bayreuth in the post-war years, and the performances under his, baton ,in 1951 marked the re-opening of the Bayreuth Festival after the Second World
- Elgar produced the Enigma Variations, which were premiered in London under the, baton ,of the eminent German conductor Hans Richter. In Elgar's own words," I have
- Frenchmen. The sonic Henri Albert tried to intervene, carrying with him the, baton ,of office that symbolized his power. Person made the mistake of seizing the
- Oranges finally premiered in Chicago in December 1921,under the composer's, baton , In March 1922,Prokofiev moved with his mother to the town of Etta in the
- Baton-twirling skills; she often ends a concert by twirling a glow-in-the-dark, baton ,with the house lights turned off as she leaves the stage. Latin worked at Cafe
- Of Parsifal on 29 August, he secretly entered the pit during Act III, took the, baton ,from conductor Hermann Levi, and led the performance to its conclusion. After
- And explained his decision to his wife and son. Carrying his field marshal's, baton , Rommel went to Burgdorf's Opel, driven by SS Master Sergeant Heinrich Dose
- Sang the role of Tristan to critical acclaim in the 2005 EMI release under the, baton ,of Antonio Pompano despite never having sung the role on stage. In the last ten
- At the Enrico Fermi demonstration nuclear breeder reactor. *1968 – Police, baton ,civil rights demonstrators in Derry, Northern Ireland – considered marking the
- Maestro laid down his pen. ") (Some record that then Toscanini picked up the, baton , turned to the audience, and announced," But his disciples finished his work.
- Then dropping both arms to the sides. In the US, a Drum Major carrying a large, baton ,or mace will often salute by bringing the right hand, holding the mace with the
- Or box franchise, as we know it today). At some point la Anne and LE, baton ,stick fighting were added, and some form of stick-fencing, such as la Anne, is
- Alexander Mar shack, in a controversial reading, believed that marks on a bone, baton ,(c. 25,000 BC) represented a lunar calendar. Other marked bones may also
- The tip of which is used to strike the cue-ball.; Extension: A shorter, baton ,that fits over, or screws into, the back end of the cue, effectively
- Treated and maintained it was an opinion held in New South Wales that she had, baton ,problems. One of the selectors, Doris McGee from NSW, said that selecting
- Most influential of these was the Academy of St Martin in the Fields under the, baton ,of Sir Neville Mariner. With the advent of the early music movement, smaller
- Time the opera closed to thunderous applause. ) Toscanini's laying down the, baton ,has been misinterpreted by some journalists as a gesture of disapproval of
- Cilea's last opera, premièred at La Scala in Milan on 15 April 1907 under the, baton ,of Arturo Toscanini, was the 3-act tragedy Gloria, again with a libretto by
- Vocal and orchestral lines. It was first performed in Munich, again under the, baton ,of Below, on 21 June 1868,It's accessibility making it an immediate success. It
- 75th birthday),at Carnegie Hall, and the West Coast premiere under the, baton ,of John Adams on April 5. The Lost is based on a play by Austrian playwright
- By military forces Less Lethal rounds, for riot and animal control Flexible, baton ,rounds, commonly called bean bags, fire a fabric bag filled with birdshot or a
- Tristan of Wolfgang Windlasses. Their performance at Bayreuth in 1966 under the, baton ,of Karl Böhm was captured by Deutsche Gramophone—a performance often hailed as
- Guard at the main post office in downtown Phoenix, AZ with the guard's, baton , The guard shot Kirkwood in the stomach at least twice during the melee
- First Symphony of Johannes Brahms is premiered at Karlsruhe under the, baton ,of Otto Kissoff. * November 7 – U. S. presidential election,1876: After long
- And loud detonations, operated by the Royal Artillery * A type of extending, baton ,often carried by police forces. ASP, Inc. is actually a brand that manufactures
- Has within it Queen Elizabeth II's message of greeting to the athletes. The, baton ,'s final bearer is usually a famous sporting personage of the host nation. *
- Since 1958,the Queen's Baton Relay has taken place, in which athletes carry a, baton ,from Buckingham Palace to the games opening ceremony. This baton has within it
- Parts being double cast). At the last of these performances, Wagner took the, baton ,from Levi and conducted the final scene of Act 3 from the orchestral interlude
- By Blitz stein in the 1950s and first staged under Leonard Bernstein's, baton ,at Brandeis University in 1952. It was later used on Broadway. Other
- Gramophone Awards. Also, highly regarded is a recording of Parsifal under the, baton ,of Rafael Public originally made for Deutsche Gramophone, now reissued on Arts
- Are equal, its members felt that there was no need to be led by the dictatorial, baton ,of a conductor; instead they were led by a committee. Although it was a partial
- American performance was at the Metropolitan Opera in December 1886 under the, baton ,of Anton Sail. Significance in the development of romantic music The score of
- As great. Inside the casket is the picture of a court jester's head on a, baton ,and remarks" What's here? The portrait of a blinking idiot ... / Did I
- Performing the Ninth Symphony with the London Philharmonic Orchestra under the, baton ,of Victor De Sabata at the Royal Albert Hall. In 1951 Furtwangler and the
- Is actually a brand that manufactures this type of weapon (the ASP tactical, baton ,), and the brand has come to casually refer to all telescopic baton s. *
- Live in stereo by Decca engineers at the Bayreuth Festival in 1955 under the, baton ,of Joseph Halbert. Although unavailable for over 50 years, this cycle has now
- The caduceus, in later times. Early depictions of the staff it shows it as a, baton ,stick topped by a golden way that resembled the number eight, though sometimes
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