Examples of the the word, devastating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( devastating ), is the 6752 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the boundary between the Emirate of Afghanistan and the British. Two, devastating ,earthquakes occurred in Balochistan during the British colonial rule: The 1935
  2. City is either the last or one of several underground cities used to escape a, devastating ,war. However, the scale of the city is far below a typical Arcology, having
  3. U. S. itself. September 11 attacks The September 11, 2001 attacks were the most, devastating ,terrorist acts in American history, killing approximately 3,000 people. Two
  4. Are restrained by Samoa's remote location, its limited transportation, and its, devastating ,hurricanes. Tourism, a developing sector, may be held back by the current
  5. Territory. This humiliating treaty, the contemporary spread of plague with its, devastating ,effects and the chaotic situation in the East with the Sassanian invasions left
  6. Soil degradation and erosion. The cyclones of 1970 and 1991 were particularly, devastating , A cyclone that struck Bangladesh in 1991 killed some 140,000 people. In
  7. Halted as the 52nd Light Infantry wheeled in line onto their flank and poured a, devastating ,fire into them and then charged. Under this onslaught they too broke. Retort "
  8. Point on. Effects of the two world wars Both World War I and World War II had a, devastating ,effect on the sport of Australian football and on Australian sport in general.
  9. Is that Adventure turned her guns on the two ships and fired. The broadside was, devastating ,; in an instant, Maynard had lost as much as a third of his forces. About 20 on
  10. Of suicide, especially during depressive episodes. In some cases, it can be a, devastating ,long-lasting disorder. In others, it has also been associated with creativity
  11. The victors of the Great War, contained in the heavily one-sided treaties, had, devastating , political and economic effects. The previously rapid economic growth of the
  12. That Germany's war production continued to increase despite massive and, devastating ,Allied bombing. After the war, he was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to 20
  13. In the game. After falling behind 3–0,the Mets then won Game 7,concluding the, devastating ,collapse and feeding the myth that the Red Sox were" cursed. " This World
  14. Its eponymous album released in 1969 The Black Death was one of the most, devastating ,pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. The
  15. Brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite often, devastating ,consequences. It results from a complex interplay of biological vulnerability
  16. Turned on their Byzantine employers after the murder of Roger de Flor in 1305, devastating , Thrace,Macedonia, and Thessaly on their road to Latin Greece. There they
  17. Rozhestvensky's Russian battleships in 1905 at the Battle of Sushi, with, devastating , results. Bellicose was to achieve this twice in one hour against the High Seas
  18. Since Reconstruction. However,Goldwater's vote on the Civil Rights Act proved, devastating ,to his campaign everywhere outside the South (besides Dixie, Goldwater won
  19. Two countries without involving a third party, such as the United Nations. A, devastating ,earthquake hit Azad Kashmir in 2005. Azad Kashmir Day Azad Kashmir Day
  20. That give no warning of the incoming rounds, these rounds are especially, devastating ,because many enemy soldiers are likely to be caught in the open. This is even
  21. Senate's dictate, Philip had been goaded beyond endurance by the incessant and, devastating ,raiding of the Armani, a warlike Thraco-Illyrian tribe on his northern border
  22. Independence and civil war After independence in November 1975,Angola faced a, devastating ,civil war which lasted several decades and claimed millions of lives and
  23. Been shown to be associated with Aortic Stenosis. Bleeding from an AVM can be, devastating , particularly in the brain. It can cause severe and often fatal strokes. If a
  24. To defend itself during the Thirty Years' War. Beginning near the end of that, devastating ,conflict, however,Brandenburg enjoyed a string of talented rulers who expanded
  25. And Europe, with the intention of reducing the rabbit population - which had, devastating ,but temporary results, with wild rabbit populations reduced to a fraction of
  26. Position that inevitably drew her, although unwillingly, into a World War with, devastating ,results for her, since she was less prepared (both militarily and socially)
  27. Tears off her left breast and flings it on Madurai, cursing it, causing a, devastating ,fire. Sexual aspects In some cultures breasts play a role in human sexual
  28. Death "; the latter is now used primarily to describe the second, and most, devastating , pandemic of the disease. The etymology of the word" plague" is believed to
  29. Produced by moving at. The hind legs can also be used to kill or maim with, devastating ,effect. At the time bison ran wild, they were rated second only to the Alaska
  30. Could better defend them against Viking attacks. The Danish raids had also a, devastating ,impact on learning in England. Alfred lamented in the preface to his
  31. P. Canaliculata also preys on a common freshwater gymnolaemate, but with less, devastating ,effect. Indigenous snails do not feed on Bryozoa. Several species of the
  32. For timber plummeted. The effects of widespread unemployment were worsened by a, devastating ,hurricane that struck the colony in 1931. Perceptions of the government's
  33. Syndicate. The resulting sequence," Jack Jawbreaker Fights Crime!," was a, devastating ,satire of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's notorious exploitation by DC Comics
  34. Subsequently, he moved against the castle of Jules in the al-Jarrah. After, devastating ,its countryside to deprive it of any resource, he encircled it. Finding it
  35. From north to south difficult. Geological turmoil continues in the form of, devastating ,earthquakes, which have plagued Armenia. In December 1988,the second largest
  36. Who consolidated control over the areas south of the Amu Darya then carried out, devastating ,raids into India. With his booty from India, Mahmud built a great capital at
  37. As it became known was issued against many sitting Liberal MPs, often to, devastating ,effect, though not against Asquith himself. Asquith and most of his colleagues
  38. To prevent Germany from occupying these countries. The War would be the most, devastating ,in British military history, with near 800,000 men killed and over 2 million
  39. Their entire body weight behind the punch; Mike Tyson was famous for throwing, devastating ,uppercuts. Julio César Chávez was known for his hard" chin ", punching power
  40. And is a way for the practitioner to receive, safely,what would otherwise be a, devastating ,strike or throw and return to a vertical position in one fluid movement. Thus
  41. Of drought. Caused approximately half a million deaths. The one from 1915 was, devastating ,too. South of Bahia, near São Paulo, the distribution of rainfall changes, with
  42. They opened fire on the Confederate infantry during their approach with, devastating ,results. Nearly one half of the attackers did not return to their own lines.
  43. India, Southeast Asia and North America. The impact of these attacks was, devastating ,– France, England,and Spain each lost thousands of ships, and long stretches
  44. At the Battle of the Catalonia Plains. Subsequently, he invaded Italy, devastating ,the northern provinces, but was unable to take Rome. He planned for further
  45. In pushing the Japanese back to their home islands. B-25s were also used with, devastating ,effect in the Central Pacific, Alaska,North Africa, Mediterranean and
  46. September 1993 - February 1995) The Azeris armed forces took a series of, devastating ,defeats by Armenian forces during the 1992–1994 Nagorno-Karabakh War, which
  47. Known as sadomasochists. Public knowledge of one's BDSM lifestyle can have, devastating ,vocational and social effects (Persona non grata) for sadomasochists. The
  48. However, the availability of the iPad 2 has been limited as a result of the, devastating ,tsunami and ensuing earthquake in Japan in March 2011. iPod On October 23, 2001
  49. The Pacific Northwest First Nations. This epidemic was the first and the most, devastating ,of a number that were to follow, other than the Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1862
  50. Horse often destroyed the cohesion of the enemy's line. The results were, devastating , The Dauphin attacked Salisbury and pressed his advance in spite of heavy fire

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