Examples of the the word, plaza , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plaza ), is the 7149 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or Santiago de Compostela are the same. The city The cathedral borders the main, plaza ,of the old and well-preserved city. Legend has it that the remains of the
  2. A lineup of would-be mystics and prophets who harangue the passing crowd in a, plaza , Forced to come up with something plausible in order to blend in and keep the
  3. The city of Gainesville, Florida,officially renamed and dedicated its downtown, plaza ,the BO Diddle Community Plaza. The plaza was the site of many benefit concerts
  4. Michigan (where Rockne had a summer home on Lake Michigan),and a travel, plaza ,on the Indiana Toll Road. *The Hatfield Green travel plaza on the Kansas
  5. The addition of a new four lane drop-off area and a large pedestrianized, plaza , complete with canopy to the front of the terminal building, was completed in
  6. Campus of Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. It is situated on a, plaza ,adjoining the Presidential Conference Center and the Texas A&M Academic Center.
  7. Given Spanish Christian names and rebuilt as Spanish towns centered around a, plaza ,with a church or cathedral facing an official residence. A few Inca cities like
  8. And a travel plaza on the Indiana Toll Road. *The Hatfield Green travel, plaza ,on the Kansas Turnpike, near Bazaar, contains a memorial to him. *Allentown
  9. Prada dos Tree Powered (Portuguese for Square of the Three Powers) is a, plaza ,in Brasília. The name is derived from the encounter of the three federal
  10. Country. A bronze statue of Deng was erected on 14 November 2000,at the grand, plaza ,of Liana Mountain Park () of Shenzhen. This statue is dedicated to Deng's
  11. The left field upper deck. Those pennants, along with the flags flying in the, plaza ,behind right field, serve as a visual cue for the players, suggesting the wind
  12. Side of the bay; the toll is $5 as of 7/1/10. There are six toll lanes at the, plaza ,; the leftmost two are dedicated Amtrak lanes. An additional carpool lane to
  13. The Philippines in the way many towns were designed around a central square or, plaza ,mayor, but many of the buildings bearing its influence were demolished during
  14. M&T Bank. However, a statue of Unitas was erected as the centerpiece of the, plaza ,in front of the Stadium named in Unitas' honor. Large banners depicting the
  15. For Greek, the right field gate serves as Gate #29 in tribute to Care and the, plaza ,gate is known as Gate #34,honoring Puckett. The numbers that have been retired
  16. At least one Catholic Church, most of which are located at the town center or ", plaza ,". Protestantism, which was suppressed under the Spanish regime, has spread
  17. Of Francis Scott Key; at the Worcester, Massachusetts,war memorial; at the, plaza ,in Tao's, New Mexico (since 1861); at the United States Capitol (since 1918)
  18. A central taxi terminal usually within walking distance of the town's central, plaza ,where taxis are stationed, and they provide transportation through local and
  19. Across the bay. Tolls are collected in the westbound direction at the toll, plaza , which is located on the eastern side of the bay; the toll is $5 as of 7/1/10.
  20. Atahualpa for the first time outside Cajamarca, arranging a meeting on the city, plaza ,the following day *1533 – Francisco Pizarro arrives in Cuzco, the capital of
  21. Located adjacent to the Western Wall, was evacuated and razed to make way for a, plaza ,for those visiting the wall. In the following days, Arabs living in the Jewish
  22. 12) in September 2007 as Rosa L. Parks Boulevard. In Grand Rapids, Michigan,a, plaza ,in the heart of the city is named Rosa Parks Circle. On July 14, 2009,the Rosa
  23. Science Publishing Society constructed between 1932 and 1934,and the present, plaza ,was constructed in the late 1960s and early 1970s to include a 28 story
  24. A top much wider than the bottom; the facade leans at an angle of 34 degrees. A, plaza ,stretches out before the building, and a series of support columns holds it up.
  25. Often stood four or five stories tall, with single-story rooms facing the, plaza ,; room blocks were terraced to allow the tallest sections to compose the pueblo
  26. Became essential for later projects. Pei was also the lead architect for the, plaza ,'s North Building (955 L'Enfant Plaza SW),South Building (490 L'Enfant
  27. Renamed and dedicated its downtown plaza the BO Diddle Community Plaza. The, plaza ,was the site of many benefit concerts at which BO Diddle performed during his
  28. Massacred thousands of unarmed members of the nobility gathered at the central, plaza , then partially burned the city. By the time he arrived in Tenochtitlan the
  29. Of toll, usually at a discounted rate, as well as use of dedicated toll, plaza ,lanes (for ENC system of the electronic toll collection). All heavily
  30. Seeking a directive to the builders to stop the construction of the commercial, plaza ,and reconstruct the temple at the site. The petitioners maintain that the
  31. Recently excavated site. According to accounts of residents who traded at the, plaza ,(including that of George Simpson),the fort was raided sometime between
  32. Of the West. Among these are, other than toponyms, chaps (from chaparral), plaza , lasso, bronco, With the new continent developed new forms of dwelling, and
  33. Headquarters of the Christian Science Church. The complex is located in a, plaza ,alongside Huntington Avenue in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston
  34. That it occupies one of the leisure units behind the Arena facing onto the, plaza ,with a children's playground in front. The plan is to build a 200 seat theater
  35. And electronic goods dealers. * Schildergasse - connects the Newmarket, plaza ,on its west end to the southern end of the Home Stress shopping street at its
  36. Feature trails, pedestrian bridges across the river, a fountain and skating, plaza , and a" civic garden" in front of the City Hall. Multiple existing downtown
  37. Has also constructed Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway which has the largest toll, plaza ,in Asia and 3rd largest in the world. There is a proposal for a Darfur
  38. Two modern buildings and ten renovated historic buildings surrounding a large, plaza , opened in 1993. The city falls under the Jerusalem District, with Jerusalem as
  39. Four meter wide public alleys which formed the Wall was expanded into a massive, plaza ,and worshipers were allowed to sit, or use other furniture, for the first time
  40. India; Pei sought to use the significant overhang to unify building and, plaza , The project cost much more than initially expected, and took 11 years. Revenue
  41. Such as Hotel Yak & Yeti, The Everest Hotel, Hotel Radisson, Soaltee Crown, plaza ,and De L'Annapurna, The Malley Hotel, Shangri-La Hotel, The Shaker Hotel (
  42. Single stage, rather than in increments. Houses generally faced the south, and, plaza , areas were almost always girt with edifices of sealed-off rooms or high walls.
  43. Iowans. Located downtown along the east bank of the Des Moines River,the, plaza ,is available for parties, social events, concerts during the warmer months of
  44. The name is derived from the encounter of the three federal branches around the, plaza ,: the Executive, represented by the Palacios do Plan alto (presidential office);
  45. And trappers such as Mathew Kinked, claimed to have helped construct the, plaza ,that became known as El Pueblo or Fort Pueblo around 1842. George married Juana
  46. The site contains impressive ruins, with palaces and temples bordering a large, plaza ,upon a terrace above the Usumacinta River. Lachlan is known for the large
  47. Alignments also can be seen as displays of power. When viewed from a ceremonial, plaza ,on the Island of the Sun (the mythical origin place of the Sun) in Lake
  48. Chose to set the tower back from the property line to create a forecourt, plaza ,and fountain on Park Avenue. Although now acclaimed and widely influential as
  49. For the Gran Colombia, a precursor of the modern Republic of Colombia. The main, plaza ,in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico is called Plaza Colón in honor of the Admiral. A
  50. Sculptures on and around the dam. His works include the monument of dedication, plaza , a plaque to memorialize the workers killed and the bas-reliefs on the elevator

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