Examples of the the word, ponder , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To each other (" I Talk to the Trees" ). Steve Bismarck and the other men, ponder ,the lonely nomadic life they lead in the song" They Call the Wind Maria ". Two
  2. But got his break as a fiction writer when, during a flight, he began to, ponder ,what would happen if both pilots fell sick from food poisoning. The storyline
  3. Has said," I must say that when I go to church – and I do go to church – I, ponder ,the mystery. I meditate on the 'why? ' Of 'Why people are as they are' and
  4. Sixty-six Watercolors and an Essay, Miller said that painting helped her to, ponder ,deeply into her memories. In some of her paintings, Miller depicted baby Alice
  5. Difficult to learn / enchant. A magician will then spend time, lots of time to, ponder ,his spells to learn and easier to enchant materials. The time spent on these
  6. Bill Less after an inspirational walk through the park, are also invited to, ponder ,the quotations and discern Tillich's systematic theology. Highways * * Arts *
  7. Head turning: to HEL downward, : but its feet ever seek the sun?: This riddle, ponder ,: O prince Harder! 'Your riddle is good, Gestumblindi,' said the king; 'I
  8. Wife, knock him down and take it; do what you please. As Berwick and the men, ponder ,Jimmy’s philosophy, Fatty and Moses rush in with news: The hurricane has
  9. Eddy writes" I then withdrew from society about three years,--to, ponder ,my mission, to search the Scriptures, to find the Science of Mind that should
  10. In the days before the stadium, a member of the public goes on to, ponder ," It will be interesting to see five years from now whose stadium it will be
  11. Vehicle for attaining spiritual enlightenment provided the faithful study, ponder ,and practice the teachings of their prophets and leaders. The holy book of the
  12. Of facts and fables about the animal kingdom that invites the reader to, ponder ,contrasts between human and animal behavior. " Aelian's anecdotes on animals
  13. About whether finding that one true love is just a futile effort, and, ponder , that,while their clique have always viewed themselves as proud-to-be-single
  14. Imposes a certain average speed of play, but allows spending more time to, ponder ,on difficult moves. Several yo-yo periods in one move per period variant (
  15. Guide readers through their stories, helping them to understand plots and, ponder ,themes. Since the end of the 18th century, the phrase" in character" has been
  16. And Meme. She was the muse of thought and meditation. Delete literally means ", ponder ," and" contemplation" in Greek. According to Ananias in the later 2nd
  17. Vehicles for attaining spiritual enlightenment, provided the faithful study, ponder ,and practice the teachings of their prophets and leaders. Sikhism had many
  18. Supreme effort; he drifts away from the ship and has far too much time to, ponder ,things. When he returns to Earth, he is unable to work as a spaceman, and has a
  19. Over another. The anthropic principles implicitly posit that our ability to, ponder ,cosmology at all is contingent on one or more fundamental physical constants
  20. And Naturalization Services (INS),where individual asylum officers, ponder ,the often life-or-death fate of the majority of immigrants seeking asylum. It
  21. Of the book’s truth by following the suggestion in its final chapter to study, ponder , and pray to God concerning its veracity. This passage is referred to as Moroni
  22. Defeat. According to Minister of Welfare Ashida's diary," Everyone seemed to, ponder ,Mikasa's words. Never have I seen His Majesty's face so pale. " U. S. General
  23. And Naturalization Services (INS),where individual asylum officers, ponder ,the often life-or-death fate of immigrants seeking asylum. Legal perspectives
  24. poem's composition, the preface can still, in Wheeler's words, lead us 'to, ponder ,why Coleridge chose to write a preface ...' What the preface describes, of
  25. Productions that I am always looking forward to a second reading where I can, ponder ,and muse and fully take in the miraculous wealth of thoughts ". On the first
  26. And was found wanting, leading writers like the composer Arthur Farewell to, ponder ,what sorts of musical traditions might arise from American culture, in his 1915
  27. Men ridicule even the existence of God. They scoff at goodness while they, ponder ,with befuddled minds the phantasmagoria of materiality. They have forgotten the
  28. Or contradictory to each other; however, the student is given each concept to, ponder ,its meaning in the whole system, over time. *"There is no substitute for
  29. On his relationship with his own late father. Ultimately Stevens is forced to, ponder ,the true nature of his relationship with Miss Kenton. As the book progresses
  30. In the universe in somehow connected. While this possibility is interesting to, ponder ,... Large Field Array can also seem more trite than profound. This may be due
  31. They think the film is really about. It's a movie that makes you continuously, ponder , makes you ask questions. I've heard over and over,'This is a movie that I
  32. Action films, which occasionally featured straight heroes and a few who would, ponder ,and dare fate itself. His next feature was the World War II epic Was Boot
  33. 2 notes? Or if someone claimed that there were just 2 colors in creation? Now, ponder ,if such a thing were true. Imagine the chunkiness & mechanically of such music
  34. Land together and share the bounty. The farmer, however,being greedy, began to, ponder ,a way to cheat the Bogart out of his share. When they were debating what to
  35. For a certain time. Bibliography Themes Incarnations uses its premise to, ponder ,questions regarding the nature of life. As each character goes from a mortal
  36. He now has to employ other men. His restricted ability to function leads him to, ponder ,his own futility. He literally drinks himself to death. The Merchant of Four
  37. Own grounds. The story concludes as the captain and his lieutenant silently, ponder ,the possibility that they, being " standard" humans, are just a minority, and
  38. A question; a contestant may (and often does) take as long as they need to, ponder ,an answer. After the first few questions, the host will ask the contestant if
  39. Of God unto salvation. (Doctrine & Covenants 68:4). Members are encouraged to, ponder ,these revelations and pray to determine for themselves the truthfulness of
  40. With the Latin terms election, meditatio, oratio, and contemplation (i.e. read, ponder , pray, contemplate ). Western Christian meditation was further developed by
  41. Swinging a bat caused him to fall to one knee in pain. Baseball scholars often, ponder ," what if" had he not been injured, and he was able to lead a healthy career.
  42. Budget stores, and we have them fray and fade and stretch in the first wash. We, ponder ,and try to figure out how we're going to pay for college and braces and tennis
  43. Be bowing down to Joseph. They became jealous that their father would even, ponder ,over Joseph's words concerning these dreams. () Plot against Joseph Joseph's
  44. Femtobarn," best described as a colossal amount of information for analysts to, ponder , " Two-up is a traditional Australian gambling game, involving a designated
  45. Epic. It was, in fact, a very narrow shave, and the reader may like to, ponder ,... whether ... we might have won without Ultra. " Debate continues on whether
  46. Of my twenty or thirty friends who I was singing to would ever have to actually, ponder ,the lyrics or even consider them. " Hiatus In the time between the release of
  47. The deaths of his younger sister and his uncle from cholera caused Karaganda to, ponder ,the meaning of life and death, and he started asking questions which worried his
  48. Meditation is derived from the Latin, meaning " to think, contemplate,devise, ponder , meditate ". In the Old Testament saga (Hebrew: הגה‎),means to sigh or
  49. Ideas for profiting from human nature. The final chapter invites the reader to, ponder ,upon several open-ended questions, such as the nature of gravity and the
  50. There, he went on build the nation, while the Republic of Genoa was left to, ponder ,prospects and solutions. Their ultimate solution was to sell Corsica to France

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