Examples of the the word, endangered , in a Sentence Context
The word ( endangered ), is the 7152 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The number at fewer than 15 speakers – the language has been regarded as “, endangered ,”. As a result of this the study of the Ainu language is limited and is based
- The abyss of death. And as Jonah suffered this for the sake of those who were, endangered ,by the storm, so Christ suffered for the sake of those who are tossed on the
- Loaded pistol. In response to a neighbor's complaint that his target shooting, endangered ,her children, he replied," If that should ever happen, ma-da-me, we should
- Safety, are females. This creates a further depressive effect on an already, endangered ,species. The grizzly bear is officially described as" threatened" in the U.
- Species is good, except for the Scandinavian mainland population. It is acutely, endangered ,there, despite decades of legal protection from hunting and persecution. The
- It is the official state animal. * The Mexican grizzly bear is listed as an, endangered ,species, but it may be extinct. * In Canada, it is listed as vulnerable in
- Asian Arabic, spoken in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, is highly, endangered ,* Maltese, spoken on the Mediterranean island of Malta, is the only one to have
- And fauna, including the Royal Bengal Tiger. In 1997,this region was declared, endangered , The Magpie Robin is the National Bird of Bangladesh, and it is common and known
- Notable species are Viper latest, a venomous snake, and the endemic (and, endangered ,) fish Aphasics Atticus. Protected areas Andalusia has many unique ecosystems.
- Are extremely sensitive to such changes, and do not generally adapt quickly. In, endangered ,species Biodiversity is determined by many things, and one of them is abiotic
- Most ants survive attempts by humans to eradicate them, a few are highly, endangered , These are mainly island species that have evolved specialized traits and
- Sea sturgeon. Rocky coastal regions in the south provide good habitats for the, endangered ,Mediterranean monk seal. Some of the most significant bird species found in the
- Birth. One young is born per year. Both species of Anna have been classified as, endangered ,since the 1960s and the population continues to decrease. It is believed
- The order of several hundred thousand animals. The world population is thus not, endangered , but two arctic fox subpopulations are. One is on Meany Island (Commander
- But have since rebounded. The American plains bison is no longer listed as, endangered , but the wood bison is on the endangered species list in Canada. Although
- Gorse, Norway rat, crested myna, and Asian or European gypsy moth. Some, endangered ,species in British Columbia are: Vancouver Island marmot, Spotted Owl, American
- Importance, and the various grove structures offer habitat to severely, endangered ,bird species. Sports The soccer team of 1921-founded VFR Allen is playing in
- Or kept as pets, a practice that has led to the illegal trafficking of some, endangered ,species. Falcons and cormorants have long been used for hunting and fishing
- Lists as endangered 99 animals, fish,and birds, and 18 plant species. The, endangered ,animals include the Alabama Beach Mouse, Gray Bat, Alabama red-bellied turtle
- Island species that have evolved specialized traits and include the critically, endangered ,Sri Lankan relict ant (Aneurysms Simon) and Adetomyrma Beatrix of
- The Asian bile bear market. The IUCN lists six bear species as vulnerable or, endangered , and even least concern species such as the brown bear are at risk of
- Throughout the Middle East. The Aramaic languages are considered to be, endangered , Geographic distribution During the Neo-Assyrian and the Neo-Babylonian period
- Status in the wild is lacking, lowland bongos are not presently considered, endangered , Bongos are susceptible to diseases such as rinderpest, which almost
- In a vulnerable position between fortifications. The rest of his company was, endangered ,when the Japanese cut a hole in their line, leaving his right flank cut off.
- Elephants, hippopotamus,monkeys, warthogs,and antelopes. Previously the, endangered ,Painted Hunting Dog, Lycaon ictus occurred in Burkina Faso, but,although last
- Species of bee can effectively pollinate a plant species, and some plants are, endangered ,at least in part because their pollinator is dying off. There is, however,a
- Commercial trapping and killing of the birds. The Bald Eagle was declared an, endangered ,species in the U. S. in 1967,and amendments to the 1940 act between 1962 and
- And marine wildlife. Baker Island is home to a number of threatened and, endangered ,species. The ruddy turn stone, bar-tailed god wit, sanderling, bristle-thighed
- States, because its precursor originates from the sperm whale, which is an, endangered ,species. However, it has been legal since 2005 because of strict monitoring of
- On the Basque language. However, in Navarre, Basque has been declared an, endangered ,language, since the conservative government of Union del Pueblo Navarro opposes
- Western/lowland species as Near Threatened. This may mean that bongos may be, endangered ,due to human environmental interaction as well as hunting and illegal actions
- 2006,Florida's wildlife commission voted to take the manatee off the state's, endangered ,species list. Some environmentalists worry that this could erode safeguards for
- Made of pine, low-grade maple (and formerly often of rain, which is now, endangered ,), or other low-quality wood, with inferior plastic ferrules. A quality cue can
- Subspecies, the Masked Bobwhite (Colin us Virginians ridgeway),is listed as, endangered ,with wild populations located in Sonora, Mexico and a reintroduced population
- Poaching of abalone, the South African government listed Perelman as an, endangered ,species according to the CITES section III appendix, which requests member
- Hippos, and monkeys. Historically Benin has served as habitat for the, endangered ,Painted Hunting Dog, Lycaon ictus; however, this candid is thought to have been
- Speed and brought so many benefits that, ironically,the world economy was, endangered , The much-copied storyline was a parable that was metaphorically interpreted in
- America, particularly in Paraguay and surrounding areas. Many species are, endangered , Some species groups, such as the long-nosed armadillos, are widely distributed
- So the species was removed from the U. S. federal government's list of, endangered ,species and transferred to the list of threatened species on July 12, 1995,and
- Found. Northern Botswana has one of the few remaining large populations of the, endangered ,African Wild Dog. Chose National Park, found in the Chose District, has the
- This means that species are more likely to become population threatened, endangered , and even extinct, when and where abiotic stress is especially harsh. The
- Twenty-seven centimeters of the critical point where flora and fauna would be, endangered , Among major industrial centers closed to curtail pollution were the Carat
- The Ku Klux Klan restored order to the post-war South, which was depicted as, endangered ,by abolitionists, freedmen,and carpetbagging Republican politicians from the
- And Labium),with no more than 70 individuals, protected by strong laws, but, endangered , by the human presence in the area. In Arctic areas, the potential habitat of
- Pompano, Red drum, and bonito. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists as, endangered ,99 animals, fish,and birds, and 18 plant species. The endangered animals
- Of the 15-19 year-old age-group spoke Breton, which is now considered to be an, endangered ,language. In 1925,thanks to Professor Rotary Demon, the first issue of the
- Plains bison is no longer listed as endangered , but the wood bison is on the, endangered ,species list in Canada. Although superficially similar, there are a number of
- The eastern end of São Miguel, and is classified by BirdLife International as, endangered , Monteiro's Storm-petrel, described to science as recently as 2008,is known
- EDGE),as given by chief Helen Meredith, identified nature's most, endangered ,) include: the Chinese giant salamander, a distant relative of the newt, the
- IN"> brass"/> This idea leads into the understanding of how abiotic stress and, endangered ,species are related. It has been observed through a variety of environments
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