Examples of the the word, mite , in a Sentence Context

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  1. May also be damaged by eriophyid coconut mite s (Trophies Guerrero). This, mite ,infests coconut plantations, and is devastating: it can destroy up to 90 % of
  2. Eight-ray star" or" eight-spoked wheel" symbol, in his bronze" Widow's, mite ," coins, in combination with the widespread Seleucid numismatic symbol of the
  3. Parasitosis: a delusion in which one feels infested with an insect, bacteria, mite , spiders, lice,fleas, worms,or other organisms. Affected individuals may also
  4. Were found to effectively control the cassava mealybug and the cassava green, mite , respectively. The cassava mosaic virus causes the leaves of the cassava plant
  5. Eat" ). Despite the fact that the name Leaps was preoccupied by a genus of, mite ,and had been changed to Brontosaurus in 1877 by Thiel Charles Marsh. Cope
  6. May infest humans if their normal hosts are eliminated. Three species of, mite ,are a threat to honey bees and one of these, Varroa destructor, has become the
  7. Mites are ubiquitous everywhere humans live indoors. Positive tests for dust, mite ,allergies are extremely common among people with asthma. Dust mite s are
  8. Pidgin English monarch and his people. And its story moves at a pace that's a, mite ,too slow for this more hurried day and age. " When the production reached
  9. Apoanagyrus Lopez (a parasitic wasp) and Typhlodromalus trip (a predatory, mite ,) were found to effectively control the cassava mealybug and the cassava green
  10. Mythological dog who never failed to catch what he was hunting. *Leaps (, mite ,) is a genus of mite s which are ectoparasites of rodents. The most familiar
  11. 18th century, Italian biologist Jacinto Estonia (1637–1718) described the, mite ,now called Scopes scabies, variety hominid, as the cause of scabies.
  12. In Africa, the cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manicotti) and cassava green, mite ,(Mononychellus Tanaina) can cause up to 80 % crop loss, which is extremely
  13. Allergic itching. The infection in animals (caused by different but related, mite ,species) is called sarcastic mange. The disease may be transmitted from
  14. It in their Hearts to promote the kingdom of Christ to assist them and lay some, mite ,for the said Building of the said Church in the Hands of their Fellow Brothers
  15. Substances can be allergens to sensitive individuals. Types of allergies Dust, mite ,excretion, pollen and pet dander are all common allergens, but it is possible
  16. The symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction of the host's body to, mite ,proteins, though exactly which proteins remain a topic of study. The mite
  17. Which are ectoparasites of rodents. The most familiar species is the spiny rat, mite ,Leaps echidninus, because it is a common parasite of fancy rats. *Leaps (
  18. S count," Ina, mina, tehra, methera" or the Cornish" Elena, mea, mona, mite ,". More recognizable as a variation, which even includes the 'toe' and 'Ella '
  19. Result of self-denial. " One donor gave" five cents as a poor office boy's, mite ,toward the Pedestal Fund. " A group of children sent a dollar as" the money we
  20. Treatment under some conditions" ( when the patient is highly allergic to dust, mite ,and the intervention reduces the dust mite exposure level from high levels to
  21. Fermentor ictus. Although wolves are host to Scopes scabies (or mange, mite ,) they rarely develop full-blown mange, unlike foxes. Other ectoparasites
  22. Humans. Many zoonotic diseases require a vector (e.g., a mosquito, tick,or, mite ,) to be transmitted from the animal host to the human host. In the case of
  23. To mite proteins, though exactly which proteins remain a topic of study. The, mite ,proteins are also present from the gut, in mite feces, which are deposited
  24. Which usually cause little harm to adult sparrows. In Europe, the most common, mite ,found on sparrows is Proctophyllodes, the most common ticks are Areas reflexes
  25. Are seen. Should be used in conjunction with insecticidal soap. *Red spider, mite , another pest found in the greenhouse, can be controlled with the predatory
  26. Mite, Phytoseiulus persimmons, is used for control of the two-spotted spider, mite , Lady beetles, lacewings,or parasites such as those from the genus
  27. Stages of decomposition. Microphones beetles often carry on their bodies the, mite ,Poecilochirus which feed on fly eggs. If they arrive at the corpse before any
  28. Spider" maintains a queue in a relational database, and the second program ", mite ,", is a modified WWW ASCII browser that downloads the pages from the Web. *
  29. Midge, the rice bug, the rice leaf roller, rice weevils, stemborer, panicle rice, mite , rats, and the weed Echinochloa crustal. Major rice diseases include Rice
  30. In a home with infants have shown mixed findings. Strict reduction of dust, mite ,allergens, for example, reduces the risk of allergic sensitization to dust
  31. Plural morpheme, which is written as either -‹s › (as in tick, ticks and, mite , mite s) or -‹BS › (as in box, boxes ). Here the spelling -‹s › is pronounced
  32. An orange body. It develops from egg to adult twice as fast as the red spider, mite ,and once established quickly overcomes infestation. *A fairly recent
  33. Encarta Formosa, are used to control greenhouse white fly, and the Cretaceous, mite , Phytoseiulus persimmons, is used for control of the two-spotted spider mite .
  34. The puffins have had to compete with gulls, and in 1949,hundreds died from red, mite ,infestation. The rabbit holes on the island make good nesting for them. Amongst
  35. Remains a topic of study. The mite proteins are also present from the gut, in, mite , feces,which are deposited under the skin. The allergic reaction is both of the
  36. And opulence, and protected by our arms, will they grudge to contribute their, mite ,to relieve us from heavy weight of the burden which we lie under? " This led to
  37. Drawn a stiff eight-year sentence for a petty crime: trying to steal $40 from a, mite ,box of the C. O. is wife's favorite charity. During their train trip up the
  38. Another pest found in the greenhouse, can be controlled with the predatory, mite ,Phytoseilus persimmons. This is slightly larger than its prey and has an orange
  39. Animals. It is caused by a tiny and usually not directly visible parasite,the, mite ,Scopes scabies, which burrows under the host's skin, causing intense
  40. In the bath or shower. Lifestyle Various measures may reduce the amount of, mite ,antigens, in particular swapping carpets for hard surfaces. However, it is not
  41. The auxiliary verb IRU" to be "; to illustrate, 見る Mir," to see" ) → 見ている, mite ,IRU," to be seeing" ). Verbs can be semantically classified based on certain
  42. Was originally referred to by the name Leaps until it was discovered that the, mite ,(above) was named first. Many species formerly attributed to the defunct
  43. But it is very rare and does not significantly influence the population. One, mite ,in particular, Lynxacarus Morgan, has to date only been found on the bobcat.
  44. Before its natural lifecycle has ended. * Demodex Follicular, a microscopic, mite ,that feeds on the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands>to ‘ sebaceous gland ’
  45. Patient is highly allergic to dust mite and the intervention reduces the dust, mite ,exposure level from high levels to low levels). Washing laundry/rugs in hot
  46. And labor-intensive. In Kerala the main coconut pests are the coconut, mite , the rhinoceros beetle, the red palm weevil and the coconut leaf caterpillar.
  47. Is now at a critical level. Wombats suffer from a disease called sarcastic, mite ,or mange that was introduced to Australia and to wombats by human activity.
  48. Red-billed Coughs can also carry mite s, but a study of the feather, mite ,Guainía delicate, acquired by young birds a few months after fledging when
  49. Function; this applied equally to positive and negative ion generators. Dust, mite ,control measures, including air filtration, chemicals to kill mite s, vacuuming
  50. Are aphids (usually on young stems and immature flower buds),red spider, mite ,(cause foliage mottling and discoloration, worse in hot and dry conditions)

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