Examples of the the word, escalation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( escalation ), is the 12734 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the Arab masses,to secure the continuation of the revolution, its, escalation , and victory. " The most controversial element of text of the Charter were many
- Relocation sites" Ashore" and" Rabat shore ", and to the very rapid cost, escalation ,in Eastern Europe. The offshoring sector in Morocco is of great importance as
- 10 minutes had been approved, but was cancelled in March 2008 because of cost, escalation , Supporters of the transrapid project founded the organization Bavaria pro Rapid
- Island, resupplied every two months by a ship from Acapulco. However, with the, escalation ,of fighting in the Mexican Revolution, the regular resupply visits ceased, and
- Rather than the merits of the case at hand, as a major factor behind the, escalation ,of legal costs during the 20th century. He argued that courts should ban the
- Name for Scotland) — and I might have added 'e' for extravagance and 'e' for, escalation ,as well! " Concorde also acquired an unusual nomenclature for an aircraft. In
- Of the electricity produced is relatively small, so even a large fuel price, escalation ,will have relatively little effect on final price. For instance, typically a
- In the mid-1970s,the Syrian and then Israeli intervention of the late 1970s, escalation , of the PLO-Israeli conflict in the early 1980s,the 1982 Israeli invasion, a
- And withdrawal have been raised, there is no evidence for significant dose, escalation ,in patients using benzodiazepines long-term. For many such patients stable
- extraterritorial" roads across the Polish Corridor. This marked a significant, escalation ,of the German pressure on Poland, which until then had been confided only to
- Development plan independently of Moscow, which resulted in a diplomatic, escalation ,followed by a bitter exchange of letters in which Tito affirmed that The Soviet
- The English and Dutch formed a Triple Alliance in 1668. The threat of an, escalation ,of the conflict and a secret treaty partitioning the Spanish succession with
- Stand aside while the men with rifles stepped forward to take charge. The final, escalation ,towards war began in early January 1918,as each military or political act of
- To arm the two sides; instead, there began a race for weapons and a final, escalation ,towards war. Finnish sovereignty The disintegration of Russia offered the Finns
- Events of 1917 have often been seen simply as precursors of the Civil War,an, escalation ,of the conflict starting with the February Revolution, but the opposing
- To Israeli shipping. Nasser demanded that the UNEF leave Sinai, threatening, escalation , to a full war. Egyptian radio broadcasts talked of a coming genocide. Israel
- It as an escalation from Level 1 if it's not the basics. Level 3 is generally an, escalation ,point from level 1/2,although some companies have them as product support, ie
- Liquefaction is one of the backstop technologies that could potentially limit, escalation ,of oil prices and mitigate the effects of transportation energy shortage that
- The risks of miscalculation, accidents,unauthorized use of weapons, or from, escalation ,in tensions, nuclear conflict. The NPT process was launched by Frank Aiken
- Was to help the AFL win the bidding war, some AFL and NFL owners saw the, escalation ,as detrimental to both leagues. The same month Davis was named commissioner
- 2003 until the complete withdrawal of the Georgian contingent in 2008 due to an, escalation ,of hostilities in South Ossetia. According to independent accounts, a number of
- Identify the key issues facing civilization and to explore ways to prevent the, escalation ,of conflicts that have religion, culture or ethnicity as their primary
- With the Soviet Union’s tacit agreement that this would not cause an, escalation , the United States now could intervene with confidence that other commitments
- Intervention. Philip Habit was dispatched to the region to head off further, escalation , which he successfully did via an agreement concluded in May. Intra-Palestinian
- Self-sufficiency, currency controls, and quotas, with little success. With the, escalation ,of the Cold War, the United States reconsidered its position, and in 1951
- Placement of nuclear weapons on Okinawa, fears intensified on the possible, escalation ,of the Vietnam War. Okinawa was then perceived, by some inside Japan, as a
- Revolution in the late 1960s that continued until 1977 that called for an, escalation ,of measures to eliminate the remains of capitalism in the country through
- Were developed without the under-privileged users in mind. As privilege, escalation ,exploits have increased this priority is shifting for the release of Microsoft
- In the same way ... I believe that a matter this sensitive needs dialogue not, escalation , and it shouldn't be dealt with as if Iran were one of America's states. "
- Among poly-drug users. Dependence and tolerance, often coupled with dosage, escalation , to benzodiazepines can develop rapidly among drug misuses; withdrawal
- Remains his most popular play. Wilde's professional success was mirrored by an, escalation ,in his feud with Queens berry. Queens berry had planned to publicly insult Wilde
- Been maintained and increased by each outbreak of violence in the city. This, escalation ,in segregation, described as a" ratchet effect ", has shown little sign of
- SLN. Somoza, in his memoirs, refers to this action as the beginning of a sharp, escalation ,in terms of Sandinista attacks and government reprisals. Martial law was
- And that the White Paper of 1939 restricting Jewish immigration was an, escalation ,of their pro-Arab policy, he decided to break with the Hannah. Soon after he
- China. Despite calls for renewed détente, Chernenko did little to prevent the, escalation ,of the Cold War with the United States. For example, in 1984,the Soviet Union
- She Was Spangled and Flashy" ) sold for $2,500. Subsequent offerings saw an, escalation ,in the prices realized. The buyer of this painting, Jerry Osborne, quickly
- On the Iraq War began, by the end of 2006,to refer to this violent, escalation ,as a civil war. In addition to these sectarian and religious divides, an
- NATO's command structure should East-West hostilities break out. Détente and, escalation ,During most of the Cold War, NATO maintained a holding pattern with no actual
- The nucleus of the Palestinian popular liberation war. This requires its, escalation , comprehensiveness, and the mobilization of all the Palestinian popular and
- Belgrade (before the conclusion of the Turkish war) determined to prevent an, escalation ,of the conflict, complaining that," two wars cannot be waged with one army ";
- The Iranian and Egyptian politicians exchanged blames over inaction towards the, escalation , Despite wavering tensions between Tehran and Cairo, the two countries are
- That is, your standing at the PC helping),although some see it as an, escalation ,from Level 1 if it's not the basics. Level 3 is generally an escalation point
- Time and resources devoted to political activity. The abortive attempt at an, escalation ,of the military part of that strategy led republican leaders increasingly to
- Recommend that U. S. President Lyndon B. Johnson adopt a plan for a two-stage, escalation ,of bombing in North Vietnam. *1965 – Vietnam War: In response to U. S.
- Jamal Mohammed Ibrahim denies any Sudanese involvement," We are not for any, escalation ,with Chad. We technically deny involvement in Chadian internal affairs. " This
- Grasp of contemporary political and theological tensions. By 1624,however,the, escalation ,of those tensions and the ambiguity of the prophecies meant political trouble
- BIND security holes. A $1000 prize for the first person to find a privilege, escalation ,security hole in DynDNS was awarded in March 2009 to Matthew Dempsey., djbdns
- Guard and the Town Guard Artillery formed during the two world wars. With the, escalation ,of the Sri Lankan Civil War, local villagers under threat of attack were formed
- Such things as gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege, escalation ,or a denial-of-service attack. Classification There are several methods of
- Connection and Dirty Harry. This sparked heated controversy over the perceived, escalation ,of violence in cinema. During the 1970s,a new group of American filmmakers
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