Examples of the the word, brethren , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brethren ), is the 9267 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And adopted a habit consisting of a brown tunic, scapular,and hood. The, brethren ,elected a superior with the title of prior who was then instituted by the
  2. Friendship, as James Anderson's Constitutions originally urged amongst, brethren , Ritual, symbolism,and morality Masons conduct their meetings using a
  3. The relics of St. Aurelia beneath the altar. A monastery was erected, and the, brethren ,forthwith observed their regular life. Columbus is reported to have performed
  4. Valleys, now so rich and productive, had a very different appearance when the, brethren ,first chose them as their place of retreat. Wide swamps, deep morasses, tangled
  5. To the newly converted Jews who often separated themselves from their Gentile, brethren , The unity of the church, especially between Jew and Gentile believers, is the
  6. Is in the region of the seven churches of. In there is mention of local, brethren ,in Colossi, Laodicea, and Metropolis. Colossi was approximately 12 miles from
  7. A manner contrary to the wish of the one deceased. Text. With the advice of our, brethren ,and of the entire Curia, as well as with the will and consent of the prefect
  8. Conclusion is that Christians should see John as" representative of all his, brethren ," so they should" hope as he hoped, love as he loved. " Recently, aesthetic
  9. For men to preach what they did not or could not understand. When the, brethren ,left Profile, then,to begin their apostolic work, Dominic sent Matthew of
  10. Do not do your own computations, but instead observe Passover when your, brethren ,from the circumcision do. If they err in the computation, it is no matter to
  11. FFJ) (1968-1983) from Greg Shoemaker covered Toho's Godzilla and his Asian, brethren ,when no other publications much cared. In 1993,G-FAN picked up where JFFJ left
  12. Jesus' death on the cross makes believers dead to the law (," Wherefore, my, brethren , ye are also become dead to the law by the body of Christ" ), according to an
  13. Lives to see his great-grandchildren, and on his deathbed he exhorts his, brethren , if God should remember them and lead them out of the country, to take his
  14. Permit me to live in silence in these forests, near the bones of 17 of my, brethren ,now dead. " When the Frankish bishops still insisted the abbot was wrong in
  15. Is more than these comet of evil. ' ... the Apostle James saith,'My, brethren , above all things swear not, neither by heaven, nor by earth, nor by any other
  16. Or the brethren , and promises aid or charity to a member of the human family, brethren ,and their families in times of need if it can be done without causing financial
  17. To his twelve apostles and disciples, including " more than five hundred, brethren ,at once," before Jesus' Ascension to heaven. Jesus' death and resurrection
  18. Writer was strangely insensitive to the insult he was inflicting on the Cretan, brethren ,by the use of so devastating a quotation. ” TiB 1955 XI pp. 530 – 531“ 15. All
  19. In speech and the truthfulness of the tongue. #Protection and mutual aid to the, brethren ,in faith. #Renunciation of all forms of former worship (specifically, invalid
  20. Not allowed to ask potential candidates to join (in these jurisdictions,the, brethren ,must wait for the potential candidate to inquire). Other jurisdictions allow
  21. Distant, with a single companion who acted as messenger between himself and his, brethren , After a few years, the ever-increasing number of his disciples obliged him to
  22. The friars built an oratory to the Blessed Virgin Mary and by 1265,the, brethren , in keeping with their devotion to study, began erecting a school. Actually
  23. Story of the refectory is the" bestiaries," where the ordinary clothes of the, brethren ,were kept. On the western side of the cloister is another two-story building (
  24. A word created using Greek which means" Brethren in Christ" — ", brethren ,in Christ" ) is a Christian group that developed in the United Kingdom and
  25. Side the" Psalms" or" malefactors ", ( H),the common sitting-room of the, brethren , warmed by flues beneath the floor. On this side in later monasteries we
  26. Of Judaism given a certain interpretive approach. Among them are:: For you, brethren , became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea;
  27. Palestine. He called on the Arab population in Palestine to welcome the Jews as, brethren ,and cooperate with them for the common welfare. Following the publication of
  28. Of no Sex – Truth is of no Color – God is the Father of us all, and we are all, brethren , " In September 1848,Douglass published a letter addressed to his former
  29. Granted independence, and it was understood that they would join their ethnic, brethren ,in Russia and Germany in forming a Polish state. The rest of Cisleithania was
  30. A Mason begins when a candidate for Freemasonry formally petitions a lodge. The, brethren ,will then investigate the candidate, to assure themselves of his good character
  31. Lodge if he is able, promises not to wrong, cheat nor defraud the Lodge or the, brethren , and promises aid or charity to a member of the human family, brethren and
  32. To use violence in their attempts to build a New Jerusalem, and their pacifist, brethren , later broadly known as Mennonites. Radical Anabaptist groups included the
  33. The only condition upon which they can obtain forgiveness, would beg of their, brethren ,to shed their blood, that the smoke might ascend to God as an offering to
  34. Of the church's founding, it was not founded by Paul. Many of the, brethren ,went out to meet Paul on his approach to Rome. There is evidence that
  35. Concerning salvation and justification (RSV):: What does it profit, my, brethren , if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? If a
  36. Possessed real affection for others is abundantly manifest in his letter to his, brethren , Archbishop Healy eulogizes him thus:" A man more holy, more chaste, more
  37. The region to orthodox Christianity. On the return trip to Spain, the two, brethren ,met with a group of papal legates who were determined to triumph over the
  38. Of Paris. This was the first of many Dominican schools established by the, brethren , some near large universities throughout Europe. Mysticism By 1300,the
  39. That in answer to your prayers this question also has been resolved. All the, brethren ,in the East who have hitherto followed the Jewish practice will henceforth
  40. Increases flight safety and economy. The Airbus A320 and its fly-by-wire, brethren ,are protected from dangerous situations such as low-speed stall or
  41. Back to Babylonian origins). The similar spellings mirror that of his angelic, brethren ,Michael, Raphael,Uriel and Gabriel, previous to his expulsion from Heaven.
  42. Games. During the 2010 season, the Packers paid tribute to their historical, brethren ,with a third jersey modeled after that worn by the club in 1929,during its
  43. Highly; to practice it, but not abuse it. In the letter, Paul commands church, brethren ," Do not forbid to speak in tongues" ( 1 Cor 14:39),while warning them that
  44. As over time the membership evolves beyond that envisaged by its" founding, brethren ,"; in others, the membership remains exclusive. There are also specialist
  45. Organisms can occupy ecological niches that are not available to their simpler, brethren , The conversion of a portion of the chemical energy to heat at each step in a
  46. All kinds of languages through the Spirit: In like manner we do also hear many, brethren ,in the Church, who possess prophetic gifts, and who through the Spirit speak
  47. With one another and safeguarding their secrets from enemies and false, brethren , Ecclesiastical abbreviates In course of time the Apostolic Chancery adopted
  48. Your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the, brethren , see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: / Being born again
  49. Church are not seen as being members of the Church proper, but rather separated, brethren ,who have failed to retain the fullness of the Christian faith and theology, as
  50. The late modern era, the abbot was treated with the utmost reverence by the, brethren ,of his house. When he appeared either in church or chapter all present rose and

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