Examples of the the word, override , in a Sentence Context

The word ( override ), is the 7436 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sources, but the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) is empowered to, override ,Biblical and Granitic prohibitions by Wakkanai (decree) when perceived to be
  2. Kipper because the preceding day is Shabbat. Additionally, the laws of Shabbat, override ,those of Oshawa Rabbi, so that if Oshawa Rabbi were to fall on Shabbat
  3. When the vehicle is in motion. Pre-2007 models came with a hidden manufacturer, override ,option, and updated European models allow operation in motion. Production
  4. The US Government, the executive acts only as an administrative body and cannot, override ,the will of town meeting. New England cities, on the other hand, have a mayor
  5. C inherit A B -- ... Rest of class declaration ... The class may redefine (, override ,) some or all of the inherited features. This must be explicitly announced at
  6. Recently. Both AARP and NBP had defined ways to allow" controller" devices to, override ,the default mechanisms. The concept was to allow routers to provide the
  7. That hate speech needs to be prohibited by law, and that such prohibitions, override ,or are irrelevant to guarantees of freedom of expression. The United States is
  8. Finland and the major enemy of the Allies, German Empire. The Allies hoped to, override ,Lenin and the Bolsheviks, in order to get Russia back to the war against
  9. Return, and maximum time to allow search to run. These values, however,cannot, override ,any restrictions the server places on size limit and time limit.; typesOnly:
  10. The mayor will have veto authority, with the city council having the ability to, override ,a mayoral veto by a 2/3 votes (6 out of 9). Current issues In order to combat
  11. BCM) With the Boeing 777 model airliners, the two pilots can completely, override ,the computerized flight-control system to permit the aircraft to be flown
  12. Authority in 2007. In 2010,the voters of Longemeadow approved a 2.5 % budget, override ,to support the construction of a new 78 million dollar high school. The town
  13. She will not display the mutation. Men do not have a second X chromosome to, override ,the chromosome that carries the mutation. If 5 % of variants of a given gene
  14. A majority in both houses of the Legislature. The Legislature has the power to, override ,a gubernatorial veto by a simple majority (most state Legislatures require a
  15. Flight controls for safety reasons, and with the capability for him to, override ,and turn off the fly-by-wire system. It flew in April 1972. Analog systems All
  16. To etymology, by analogy, or by some other convention. ) Morphology may in fact, override ,meaning, in some cases. The noun member/member" member" is always masculine
  17. The President can return a bill for further debate, although the parliament can, override ,the President's veto by vote of a majority of all MPs. Book Boris, leader
  18. Original text is not changed, and amendments are passed which add to and may, override ,the original text and earlier amendments. Procedures for constitutional
  19. Verdict if it was not supported by the evidence, a jurist has no authority to, override ,a verdict that favors a defendant. It was established in Bushel's Case that a
  20. Already been rejected by the Pensions Bureau, Congress should not attempt to, override ,that decision. When Congress, pressured by the Grand Army of the Republic
  21. Juridical power in the Republic, being the only office with the power to, override ,the decisions of the Praetor Uranus. Only laws and the decrees of the Senate
  22. Of expenses at the end of each fiscal year, however,lawmakers can vote to, override ,the rule, and did so during the most recent budget agreement. Transportation
  23. In 1954). The mayor may veto a bill passed by the council, but the council can, override ,the veto with a two-thirds majority. The mayor of Atlanta is Karim Reed. Every
  24. Attempts to ensure type correctness of most expressions, but the programmer can, override ,the checks in various ways, either by using a type cast to explicitly convert a
  25. Democratic or fitting. In this case, the Parliament Acts can not be used to, override ,the decision of the House of Lords. Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great
  26. Could be flooded at will to block the tunnel. This design feature did not, override ,the concerns of both nations' military leaders, and other concerns for hordes
  27. Demanded their release. Macdonald sought to pass a Fisheries Act which would, override ,some treaty provisions, to the dismay of the British, who were still
  28. Royal Assent without the consent of the House of Lords (i.e. the Commons can, override ,the Lords' veto). The House of Lords cannot delay a money bill (a bill that
  29. Applet extends the class, or in the case of a Swing applet, The class must, override ,methods from the applet class to set up a user interface inside itself (Applet
  30. Clement, unless the CRTC reverses this decision, the government will use its, override ,power to reverse the decision. Reception of non-Canadian services While an
  31. Force, without the requirement for any implementing measures, and automatically, override ,conflicting domestic provisions. When the time limit for implementing
  32. City departments, organizations,and commissions. However, the council can, override ,the mayor's veto with a nine out of thirteen member votes, and the city budget
  33. Not show a profit. Bell finally gathered enough support from the NFL owners to, override ,objections, and on December 9,1949,the leagues merged. Bell would stay on in
  34. Japan. Copyright and contract In all but a few countries, private contracts can, override ,the limitations and exceptions provided in copyright law. Copyright and
  35. By the state. The act contained“ nullity provisions that allowed the state to, override ,the church-sanctioned vow” if they deemed it necessary. Many argued that the
  36. Times of surplus; the bill did not pass. Coolidge vetoed it. Congress did not, override ,the veto, but passed the bill again in May 1928 by an increased majority; again
  37. To oppose them. The federal Conservatives proposed remedial legislation to, override ,Manitoba, but they were blocked by the Liberals, led by Wilfred Laurie, who
  38. Where the marriageable age is lower than the age of consent, those laws usually, override ,the age of consent laws in the case of a married couple where one or both
  39. To heed this court order, and did set the necessary mechanisms into motion to, override ,it. Fishermen displaced from Agassi had been settled in a landlocked area
  40. Vetoed by Governor Charles L. Robinson of Lawrence, and an attempt to, override ,the veto in the Legislature failed by two votes. In 1862,another bill to make
  41. Result. This is a contract in many programming languages that allow the user to, override ,equality and hash functions for an object, that if two objects are equal their
  42. Of Finland, bring about the resignation of the Council of State, and, override , presidential vetoes. Its acts are not subject to judicial review. Legislation
  43. Is also often employed. Finally, browsers usually permit the user to, override ,incorrect char set label manually as well. It is increasingly common for
  44. Law allows bars to be open until 4 a. m. (However, local municipalities can, override ,it to an earlier time. ) Several distinct and thriving nightlife districts have
  45. Are therefore specializations of their super classes. Also, derived classes can, override ,inherited methods if the language provides for such. If multiple inheritance is
  46. Been coming under increased pressure from their electorates to devise ways to, override ,previous rulings by the JCPC such as the Earl Pratt and Ivan Morgan v The
  47. Dissolve the National Assembly, but he has the right to veto its decisions. To, override ,the presidential veto, the parliament must have a majority of 95 votes. The
  48. Legislation, veto all or parts of legislation (the State Great Rural can, override ,the veto with a two-thirds majority),and issue decrees, which become
  49. By a simple majority (most state Legislatures require a two-thirds majority to, override ,a veto). During Reconstruction following the American Civil War, Alabama was
  50. L'She four, does not have to be performed on a particular day, and does not, override ,Shabbat and Jewish Holidays.

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