Examples of the the word, evoke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evoke ), is the 7437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1875 by Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India. The architecture of the school buildings, evoke ,the grandeur of erstwhile princely Rajasthan. The main building of the school
  2. Gables reminiscent of ancient castles, keeps and fortified houses, are used to, evoke ,a sense of national identify. Into various parts of the fabric were built
  3. Or at least accept the possibility that Wembley is as" real" as New We, may, evoke , popular fantasy literature about royalty such as The Prisoner of Zelda
  4. Of disease can still be a widespread social phenomenon, though not all diseases, evoke ,extreme social stigma. Social standing and economic status affect health.
  5. While disowning his son. The Kaddish helps bring forth the power needed to, evoke ,the emotion of loss. *In Rocky III (1982),Rocky Balboa recites the Mourners
  6. Thus, conclusions about actual agriculture in the Letters are as likely to, evoke ,Labium as Attica. The fragments have been edited in 1998 by D. Domingo-Foraste
  7. Era of sensory psychology, and prompted others to ask, do the nerves that, evoke ,the different qualities of touch and feeling have specific characteristics?
  8. On December 16, 1773,a group of men, led by Samuel Adams and dressed to, evoke ,American Indians, boarded the ships of the government-favored British East
  9. History where Germany won World War II and the US President attempts to, evoke ,a golem in order to destroy the world. Two episodes of the science fiction TV
  10. Tale about the dangers of famine to large families, but its latent meaning may, evoke ,a strong emotional response due to the widely understood themes and motifs such
  11. Dynamics from forte to piano. When forte is indicated, the pianist is meant to, evoke ,a sense of wickedness, thus depicting the antagonist. In contrast, the markings
  12. Decades to come. In a Cold War setting his descriptions could hardly fail to, evoke ,comparison to Soviet communism and the seeming willingness of Stalin and his
  13. By measuring empathetic responses, or lack thereof, from questions designed to, evoke ,an emotional response, often including animal subjects and themes. Because
  14. A" culture of life" sounds like general goodwill to most people, but will, evoke ,opposition to abortion for many pro-life advocates. The phrase" States '
  15. Line the third time the story is told. The first two telling of the story, evoke ,a familiar pattern in the brain, thus priming the brain for the punch line.:
  16. S use of imagery of the sense of smell and of fragrances, which is used to, evoke ,feelings of nostalgia and past intimacy. The book, however,quickly became a
  17. Verbs carry much of the pitch in the English language, assonance can loosely, evoke ,the tonal elements of Chinese poetry and so is useful in translating Chinese
  18. Also celebrate Quiróz (March 21) as New Year's Day. Kurdish films mainly, evoke ,poverty and the lack of rights of Kurdish people in the region. Alma Luna (
  19. Services Union),rises to 45 meters and has a curving glass facade designed to, evoke ,the shape of that erstwhile landmark. Leipziger Platz Other developments, more
  20. Forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretation to words, or to, evoke ,emotive responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration,onomatopoeia, and
  21. Le Samurai. The torments of The Machinist (2004),directed by Brad Anderson, evoke ,both Fight Club and Memento. In 2005,Shane Black directed Kiss Bang Bang
  22. Intertitles, a shot of the empty path once trod by the lovers is used to, evoke ,the past. Continuity cinema The years 1914-1919 in America also saw the
  23. The macrocosm, creates a microcosm. You invoke a God into the Circle. You, evoke ,a Spirit into the Triangle. There are several Eucharistic rituals within the
  24. For mass-market flags, printed reproductions, and other products intended to, evoke ,flag colors. The practice of using more saturated colors than the official
  25. For the medium. In particular, he demonstrated how few strokes were required to, evoke ,a place or an atmosphere (example Note in Pink and Brown (17.97.5). Modern
  26. E. G. Boring perpetuated it. In fact Berkeley argued that the same cues that, evoke ,distance also evoke size, and that we do not first see size and then calculate
  27. Integrated into a well-made story, with serious dramatic goals, that is able to, evoke ,genuine emotions other than laughter. The three main components of a book
  28. Thus, a practice that the police" should know is reasonably likely to, evoke ,an incriminating response from a suspect ... amounts to interrogation. " For
  29. Debussy at his most avant-garde, where he utilizes dissonant harmonies to, evoke ,specific moods and images. Debussy consciously gives titles to each prelude
  30. Because none correspond to the present names. Furthermore, later records, evoke ,Angie (also spelled Anna). Indium, a Latinized version of the Gaulish (
  31. Is a debate tactic common among those familiar with Godwin's law who seek to, evoke ,a comparison with a commonly held evil without fulfilling the letter of Godwin
  32. By Earl Sutherland. Sutherland investigated whether hormones enter cells to, evoke ,action, or stayed outside of cells. He studied norepinephrine, which acts on
  33. Rich, deep color, and intense light and dark shadows. Baroque art was meant to, evoke ,emotion and passion instead of the calm rationality that had been prized during
  34. New plastic screw cap and a slightly taller contoured bottle shape, designed to, evoke ,the old glass bottles. Designer bottles Karl Lagerfeld is the latest designer
  35. Extended the intensive theory, proposing that each tactile nerve fiber can, evoke ,three distinct qualities of sensation – tickle, touch and pain – the quality
  36. By religious faith through prayers and/or rituals that, according to adherents, evoke ,a divine presence and power toward correcting disease and disability. Belief in
  37. And geographically limited cycle or period, treating subsequent films that, evoke ,the classics as fundamentally different due to general shifts in filmmaking
  38. Solutions to construction problems, to the use of space, and to the attempt to, evoke ,an emotional response in the builders, owners,viewers and users of the
  39. Mystery and the paintings of Aesthetic movement artist James McCall Whistler, evoke ,both sophistication and decadence. In the United States the Romantic tradition
  40. Complex patterns; it also allows stimuli impinging on one part of the body to, evoke ,responses in other parts, and it can prevent different parts of the body from
  41. It. In fact Berkeley argued that the same cues that evoke distance also, evoke ,size, and that we do not first see size and then calculate distance. It is
  42. First used during the Steelers' 75th anniversary season in. They were meant to, evoke ,the memory of the – era uniforms. The uniforms were so popular among fans that
  43. Thus, a practice that the police" should know is reasonably likely to, evoke ,an incriminating response from a suspect ... amounts to interrogation. " For
  44. Diminutive of Barbara) and her father are fictional characters supposed to, evoke ,a sentimental image of women and elderly men waiting for Polish soldiers to
  45. The etymology of the German Punnett or Hünengrab and Dutch Hundred all, evoke ,the image of giants building the structures. Of other Celtic languages
  46. Evocation, as Crowley explains:: To" invoke" is to" call in ", just as to ", evoke ," is to" call forth ". This is the essential difference between the two
  47. Understandable to some English speakers, but not to all. The term is meant to, evoke ,the image of a nineteenth century factory, powered by steam, pushing gears and
  48. And with ideas of Romanticism. The style was used because it was believed to, evoke ,feelings of awe, religious sentiment, and nostalgia. Two important examples of
  49. Memory) is an example. Emotional memory, the memory for events that, evoke ,a particularly strong emotion, is another. Emotion and memory is a domain that
  50. In quite normal people. " Indeed,ELIZA's code had not been designed to, evoke ,this reaction in the first place. Upon observation, researchers discovered

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