Examples of the the word, veterinarian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( veterinarian ), is the 7441 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pneumonic plague in Claremont, California. The CDC believes that the patient,a, veterinarian , contracted plague from a stray cat. As the cat wasn't available for necropsy
  2. While working on the windmill. Napoleon sends for a van to take Boxer to the, veterinarian , explaining that better care can be given there. Benjamin the donkey, who "
  3. As such, proper care should be taken by the owner to ensure that the attending, veterinarian ,is aware of this issue. History The Gallo was named for the Gauls, a tribe of
  4. Then with a hydraulic device intended to simulate whiplash. Laboratory animal, veterinarian ,Larry Carbone writes that the researchers openly discussed how one baboon was
  5. Ophthalmology, neurology,radiology and surgery. To become a specialist,a, veterinarian ,must complete additional training after graduation from veterinary school in
  6. In recent years as wildlife conservation has become more urgent. Today's, veterinarian ,According to consumer surveys, the veterinarian ranks across the United States
  7. And supported by a drum on one side and folding cot-like legs on the other,a, veterinarian ,operates on a horse. The Egyptian Papyrus of Kahuna (1900 BCE) and Vedic
  8. Marriage that produced a half-sister, Heather; his mother's 1964 remarriage to, veterinarian ,Ron Thrift provided two more half-siblings, Jane and James Thrift. Education
  9. February 22 – Ed Flanders, American actor (b. 1934) ** James Her riot, English, veterinarian , and author (b. 1916) ** Tatum Kuroshio, Japanese film director (b. 1927)
  10. 1976. Julia's father died of cancer when she was ten. Roberts wanted to be a, veterinarian ,as a child. She played clarinet in the band in school. After graduating from
  11. In his tongue being pulled out. Dr. Liz Wilson Dr. Liz Wilson is Garfield's, veterinarian ,and a long-time crush of Jon Ar buckle. Although she has somewhat of a deadpan
  12. Released. Before releasing them back into their feral colonies, the attending, veterinarian ,often nips the tip off one ear to mark the feral as neutered and inoculated
  13. A trained professional, and for severely ill or dying pets when euthanasia at a, veterinarian ,is unaffordable. They recommend euthanasia for certain breeds, such as pit bull
  14. Notable natives and residents * Léon Charles Albert Chalmette collaborated with, veterinarian ,Camille Turin to produce the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. As a member of
  15. Aspirin should only be used in animals under the direct supervision of a, veterinarian ,; in particular, cats lack the glucoside conjugates that aid in the excretion
  16. With dogs, cats,and horses who are being or have been euthanized by a, veterinarian , (These terms are not usually applied to humans, because both medical ethics
  17. Of the underlying problem, and therefore make diagnosis more difficult for a, veterinarian , Uses with other drugs Fetoprotein should not be used in with other NSAIDs or
  18. In the breed. Ibiza Hound owners should have their dogs' eyes tested by a, veterinarian ,before breeding. Ibiza Hounds are sensitive to barbiturate anesthesia, and
  19. Death with the white color being associated with death. * Black-dog bias is a, veterinarian ,and animal shelter phenomenon in which black dogs are passed over for adoption
  20. Equine Response team. The horses were taken in for free at Pierce, and a, veterinarian ,was onsite. Trained volunteers from Pierce's equestrian program assisted the
  21. Led to the suspension of funds from the university, the firing of its chief, veterinarian , the closure of the lab, and a period of probation for the university. In 1990
  22. Without complications, many owners have first aid supplies prepared and a, veterinarian ,on call in case of a birthing emergency. People who supervise foaling should
  23. Is the most accurate method in the hands of an experienced veterinarian . A, veterinarian ,experienced with ultrasound can do an exterior exam and detect a fetus as early
  24. A high level can indicate a pregnancy. #Palpation. In this test,the, veterinarian ,or breeder manually feels inside the llama to detect a pregnancy. There are
  25. Studies. Jean Pierre Meaning Jean Pierre Meaning (1828–1905),an army, veterinarian , published many articles and books on various subjects including the books
  26. Giovanni Antonio Giuseppe Female Guglielmo di Valentina D'Antonella,a, veterinarian ,who died of malaria when Valentino was 11. He had an older brother, Alberto (
  27. To the dam spitting at the male if she is pregnant. #Progesterone testing. A, veterinarian ,can take a blood sample test for progesterone. A high level can indicate a
  28. Hiram Wesley Evans sold the organization in 1939 to James Prescott, an Indiana, veterinarian , and Samuel Green, an Atlanta obstetrician. They were unable to staunch the
  29. Is 10 to 13 years. Due to the unique physiology and anatomy of Greyhounds,a, veterinarian ,who understands the issues relevant to the breed is generally needed when the
  30. French bacteriologist, and his assistant and later colleague, Camille Turin,a, veterinarian , were working at the Institute Pasteur de Lille (Lille, France ) in 1908. Their
  31. 1887) and Les Faunas DES Cadavers (Fauna of the Cadaver,1894) by French, veterinarian ,and entomologist Jean Pierre Meaning. These works made the concept of the
  32. The case),and may present herself to him, holding her tail to the side. A, veterinarian ,may also determine if the mare is ready to be bred, by ultrasound or palpating
  33. Actor. In the 1970-1971 the NBC sitcom Nancy, Fink was cast as an Iowa, veterinarian , Dr. Adam Hudson, who marries the daughter of the President of the United
  34. Old and not expected to live much longer—was killed off-camera by a certified, veterinarian , in accordance with Swedish law. Reilly was replaced by Hello Ivan. The U.
  35. Are roughly 500 counties that have large populations of food animals, but no, veterinarian ,to treat these animals. The common concern of a lesser salary in the farm
  36. Bite the other. *Artificial Insemination (AI): the mare is inseminated by a, veterinarian ,or an equine reproduction manager, using either fresh, cooled or frozen semen.
  37. To protect against various diseases, and dental examinations from a, veterinarian ,or a specialized equine dentist. If horses are kept inside in a barn, they
  38. Ultrasound is the most accurate method in the hands of an experienced, veterinarian , A veterinarian experienced with ultrasound can do an exterior exam and detect
  39. Man. Contemporary records state that his grandfather, Lafe Waterbury, was a, veterinarian , not a rancher, and was not wealthy. Hubbard was raised in a townhouse in the
  40. Ackerman, French poet (b. 1813) *1903 – Edmond No card, French, veterinarian , ( b. 1850) *1913 – Fer enc Faff, Hungarian architect (b. 1851) *1920 – Former
  41. Become more urgent. Today's veterinarian According to consumer surveys,the, veterinarian ,ranks across the United States as one of the most respected career paths.
  42. Sunburn (on the nose, for example). Such tattoos are often performed by a, veterinarian ,and in most cases the animals are anesthetized during the process. Branding is
  43. Dmitri eToro, Russian mathematician (d. 1931) *1872 – Camille Turin, French, veterinarian , and bacteriologist (d. 1961) *1874 – Franz Schmidt, Austrian composer (d.
  44. Geek who has trouble finding a date. Jon also had a crush on Liz (Garfield's, veterinarian ,) and is now dating her. Jon loves (or occasionally hates) Garfield and all
  45. Johnny Burke, American lyricist (d. 1964) *1916 – James Her riot, English, veterinarian , and author (d. 1995) * 1919 – Jean Leftover, French actor (d. 2004) *1923 –
  46. Where surgery is performed, or simply the office of a physician, dentist,or, veterinarian , Description of surgical procedure At a hospital, modern surgery is often done
  47. Stock, American television producer (d. 1969) ** James Her riot, Scottish, veterinarian , and author (d. 1995) * October 4 – Vitaly Ginsburg, Russian physicist, Nobel
  48. A horse. He was so afraid of being removed from the mission that he went to a, veterinarian ,in a nearby town for treatment and told only his wife, as well as friend and
  49. To be bought, traded,or sold and transport was only permitted to and from a, veterinarian ,under quarantined procedures. On September 8,2008,the FDA and CDC rescinded
  50. Winery and St. George Spirits are located at Alameda Point. In 1978,Alameda, veterinarian ,Dr. Kent Rosenbaum and his wife Kathy founded Rosenbaum Cellars. In 2008,the

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