Examples of the the word, intuition , in a Sentence Context
The word ( intuition ), is the 7440 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Maintain that this is false, so that mathematical reasoning uses some special, intuition ,that involves contact with the Platonic realm. A modern form of this argument
- Is also associated with Chandra or the moon and Shaka, who represent feelings, intuition ,and imagination. Astrological personalities People born under the astrological
- This more obvious. In this case, these arguments are being used as appeals to, intuition ,(see next section). Searle's intuition , however,is never shaken. He writes:
- And robot replies. Some arguments above also function as appeals to, intuition , especially those that are intended to make it seem more plausible than the
- He believed only humans have a non-physical mind. Most people have a strong, intuition ,that some animals, such as dogs, are conscious, while others, such as insects
- Sensation and abstract intuition would be symbolic as opposed to fantastic, intuition , (Jung,1921 (1971): par. 678). Abstraction in computer science Computer
- This proposition cannot at all be shown from concepts, but rests immediately on, intuition ,and indeed on pure intuition a priori because it is apolitically (
- Think. " Daniel Bennett describes the Chinese room argument as a misleading ", intuition ,pump" and writes" Searle's thought experiment depends, illicitly,on your
- As evasion A seemingly simpler way to view categories is as arising only from, intuition , Philosophers argue this evades the issue. What it means to take the category
- Of consciousness is that the vast majority of mankind have an overwhelming, intuition ,that there truly is such a thing. Skeptics argue that this intuition , in spite
- Definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying, intuition ,about what consciousness is. As Max Germans and Susan Schneider wrote in The
- Sensation would be aesthetic as opposed to sensuous sensation and abstract, intuition ,would be symbolic as opposed to fantastic intuition . (Jung,1921 (1971): par
- Curve with no" holes" or" jumps ". There are several ways to make this, intuition ,mathematically rigorous. These definitions are equivalent to one another, so
- Intuition that there truly is such a thing. Skeptics argue that this, intuition , in spite of its compelling quality, is false, either because the concept of
- Are conscious, while others, such as insects, are not; but the sources of this, intuition ,are not obvious. Philosophers who consider subjective experience the essence of
- That unthinking use of obsolete scientific ideas detracts from and misleads, intuition , Other neologisms collectively invented by the Fuller family, according to
- Smaller R) the road also must be banked more steeply, which accords with, intuition , When the angle θ does not satisfy the above condition, the horizontal
- In the 1900s. His concept of three types of knowledge – opinion, reason, intuition , – and his assertion that intuitive knowledge provides the greatest satisfaction
- Of everyday life in terms of the Coriolis force accords more simply with, intuition ,and experience than a cerebral reinterpretation of events from an inertial
- By Gauss to receive her honorary degree. Gauss usually declined to present the, intuition ,behind his often very elegant proofs—he preferred them to appear" out of thin
- Player is told their character is confronted with a fox. There is an immediate, intuition ,on the amount of peril a rabbit is facing. Although player characters are
- Significant resources, whatever the algorithm used. The theory formalizes this, intuition , by introducing mathematical models of computation to study these problems and
- Traditions, it is commonly associated with the qualities of emotion and, intuition , Greek and Roman tradition Water was one of many Archie proposed by the
- We have given? The problems relate to the formation of sets. One's first, intuition ,might be that we can form any set we want, but this view leads to
- There is an abstract thinking, just as there is abstract feeling, sensation and, intuition , Abstract thinking singles out the rational, logical qualities ... Abstract
- Would occur, to which,'Abdul'l-Baha replied," God gives man feelings of, intuition ,". While he spent most of his time in New York, he visited Chicago, Cleveland
- He told its director that the painting The Face of War had given him" the, intuition ,about the transcendence of the fractal geometry when making intelligible the
- Of years, which can be shown by dimensional analysis, but takes some financial, intuition ,to understand. * Velocity of money has units of 1/Years (GDP/Money supply has
- The size aspect is generalized by the cardinal numbers described here. The, intuition ,behind the formal definition of cardinal is the construction of a notion of the
- States could therefore be extremely specific. Speed and complexity: appeals to, intuition ,The following arguments (and the intuitive interpretations of the arguments
- Action of every neuron in the brain of a Chinese speaker. This strengthens the, intuition ,that there would be no significant difference between the operation of the
- Practice, acupuncture is highly individualized and based on philosophy and, intuition , and not on controlled scientific research. In the United States, acupuncture
- Should be seen as fundamental, irreducible,or primitive. To refer to, intuition ,as the source of distinctions and thus categories doesn't resolve this.
- doesn't resolve this. Ideology, dogma,theory Modern theories give weight to, intuition , perceptually observed properties, comparisons of categories among persons, and
- The assignment operation, setting the value of a variable. It derives from the, intuition ,of" memory" as a scratchpad. There is an example below of such an assignment.
- Cardinality as N, even if this might appear at first glance to run contrary to, intuition , He also proved that the set of all ordered pairs of natural numbers is
- Be shown from concepts, but rests immediately on intuition and indeed on pure, intuition ,a priori because it is apolitically (demonstrably) certain. " More
- Are being used as appeals to intuition (see next section). Searle's, intuition , however, is never shaken. He writes:" I can have any formal program you like
- And passionate style of writing and his emphasis on visual and geometric, intuition ,(supported by the inclusion of numerous illustrations) made The Fractal
- Solenoidal – in this case, no net flow can occur across any closed surface. The, intuition ,that the sum of all sources minus the sum of all sinks should give the net flow
- It would be sufficient to demonstrate new axioms that are supported by, intuition ,and resolve CH in one direction or another. Although the axiom of
- Complexity of strings of data. Complex strings are harder to compress. While, intuition ,tells us that this may depend on the codec used to compress a string (a codec
- Principle to be counterintuitive, and Zorn's lemma to be too complex for any, intuition , " The Axiom of Choice is necessary to select a set from an infinite number of
- Include emotions, love,compassion, healing,dreams, divination, intuition , and psychic abilities. The manifestations of the element of water are rivers
- Cabinets" of astronomical proportions. This brings the clarity of Searle's, intuition ,into doubt. An especially vivid version of the speed and complexity reply is
- Is impossible. He asserted that these principles can only be grasped through, intuition , and that this fact underscored the necessity for submission to God in
- It aims to develop faculties of perceptive imagination, inspiration and, intuition ,through cultivating a form of thinking independent of sensory experience, and
- The atomistic constitution of matter. Zero-point energy Einstein's physical, intuition ,led him to note that Planck's oscillator energies had an incorrect zero point.
- For example | R | = c > | N |, is said to be uncountable. Infinite sets Our, intuition ,gained from finite sets breaks down when dealing with infinite sets. In the
- Mutually exclusive, opposing complementary psychological functions: sensation, intuition , feeling, and thinking. Together they form a structural totality of the
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