Examples of the the word, normalize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( normalize ), is the 12062 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Normalizing a vector. A unit vector is often indicated with a hat as in â. To, normalize ,a vector a = a1,a2,a3,scale the vector by the reciprocal of its length | | a
  2. Minister Fukuoka attended Chiang's funeral. Historically, Japanese attempts to, normalize ,their relationship with China were met with Taiwanese accusations of
  3. Regarding North Korea's nuclear programs and North Korea's desire to, normalize ,relations with the U. S., tempered by a stated perception of an imminent U. S.
  4. 1955 – The USSR and Yugoslavia sign the Belgrade declaration and thus, normalize ,relations between both countries, discontinued since 1948. *1962 – During the
  5. State must grant to other states' acts. Proponents made clear their purpose to, normalize ,heterosexual marriage on a federal level, while still allowing each state to
  6. May be in any of the three major sections. The experimental section is used to, normalize ,questions for future administrations of the SAT and does not count toward the
  7. A call by Bahrain's Crown Prince, Salman bin Haman bin ISA Al Khalifa to, normalize ,relations with Israel. On July 31,the Saudi Foreign Minister, Saud El Faisal
  8. Regarding North Korea's nuclear programs and North Korea's desire to, normalize ,relations with the United States, tempered by its stated perception of an
  9. 1972 – President Richard Nixon visits the People's Republic of China to, normalize ,Afro-American relations. * 1972 – The Soviet unmanned spaceship Luna 20 lands
  10. And others were emboldened to write more musicals and operas which aimed to, normalize ,societal toleration of minorities and urged racial harmony. Early Golden Age
  11. Then a disease. To fit into this mold, the woman with breast cancer needs to, normalize ,and feminize her appearance, and minimize the disruption that her health issues
  12. S Republic of China In the Post-Cold War era, China has taken major steps to, normalize ,its relationship with Mongolia, emphasizing its respect for Mongolia's
  13. Reciprocated with a visit to Argentina. In 1999,the two countries agreed to, normalize ,travel to the Salinas Islands from the mainland and resumed direct flights. In
  14. Approaches. Building upon the research of Lewin et al., academics began to, normalize ,the descriptive models of leadership climates, defining three leadership styles
  15. To reduce tensions along the frontier, expand trade and cultural ties, and, normalize , relations. A series of high-level visits between the two nations have helped
  16. To this day, though in October 2009 Turkey and Armenia signed a treaty to, normalize ,relations. These events severely affected the economy of the fledgling republic
  17. King Juan Carlos at the Mari vent Palace in 2008 to mend their relationship and, normalize ,diplomatic relations after the King (now famously) told him," Why don't you
  18. Third, some prescriptivism have had partial success in their attempts to, normalize ,the English language, forcing a change in spelling but not in pronunciation.
  19. Of sequences, or only highly related sequences, pseudocounts are added to, normalize ,the character distributions represented in the motif. Techniques inspired by
  20. Up to 64 KB * Arithmetic unit can make division, multiplication,shift and, normalize ,operations * Eight data pointers instead of one for indirect addressing of
  21. Countries. Through Algerian mediation, Iran and Iraq agreed in March 1975 to, normalize ,their relations, and three months later they signed a treaty known as the
  22. Psychological intervention. One such is" Anti-Trauma Inc." who are hired to ", normalize ," children, although what they do is more akin to" deprogramming ", as
  23. Arab's councils and persuade other Arab states to join the peace process and to, normalize ,their relations with the US. However, lately Egyptian-American relations have
  24. In the debate of the NATO countries in response to Willy Brandt's attempts to, normalize ,relations with East Germany, and the following widespread skepticism in Germany
  25. Presidential emissary. In 1978,for example, Brzezinski traveled to Beijing to, normalize ,U. S. -China relations. Like Kissinger before him, Brzezinski maintained his
  26. Its efforts to promote a Taiwanese national identity are merely an effort to, normalize ,a Taiwanese identity repressed during years of authoritarian Kuomintang rule.
  27. Margrave of Brandenburg, who could resist with unusual difficulty. In order to, normalize ,the situation in February of the next year Henry IV organized a meeting in
  28. This special adaptive software has just one single purpose: in effect to, normalize ,the non- normalize d field. Unforeseen queries can be answered trivially, and
  29. The freeing of all East Timorese leaders in a note reading," We can never, normalize ,the situation in East Timor unless all political leaders, including Mr. Gustav
  30. Relatives in his prisons. In addition, his proposals to free East Germany and, normalize ,relations with the United States alarmed other Politburo members, especially in
  31. Several times. Turning every pixel white, then black, then white, helps, normalize , the contrast of the pixels. This is why several devices with this technology "
  32. And denounced the societies. Hamilton and Washington designed the Jay Treaty to, normalize ,trade relations with Great Britain, remove them from western forts, and resolve
  33. Pen's daughter Marine leads an internal movement of the Front that wants to ", normalize ," the National Front," enclave" it, have a" culture of government" etc.;
  34. On a sensitive issue from Bhutto, she had allowed Pakistan to stabilize and, normalize , Trade relations were also normalize d, though much contact remained frozen (
  35. Maintains a delegation, not an embassy, near Paris. Steps have been taken to, normalize ,US and Japanese ties since the landmark February 13, 2007 agreement reached, in
  36. Number coefficients (a_0,~ ..., a_n) for a basis \. It is conventional to, normalize ,the basis so that i_k^2 \in \. A technical approach to hypercomplex numbers
  37. A big role and IBM acquired ROLE Inc, a US pioneer in Acts, in an attempt to, normalize ,all major PBX vendor interfaces with its Allah middleware. This attempt
  38. Remove component in direction vi):: next i:: \math bf_j \left arrow \franc (, normalize ,): next j The cost of this algorithm is asymptotically 2nk2 floating point
  39. Fact unique. Whereas the temptation for relational database programmers is to, normalize ,databases, Notes databases must be de normalize d. RDBMS developers often find it
  40. However, once they return to the surface, they need time to recover and, normalize ,their body chemistry. Ecology Diet Pinnies are carnivorous, eating fish
  41. The Gaza Strip) from 1948 to 1967. During this time, Jordan and Egypt did not, normalize ,the living conditions for the Palestinian refugees, neither did Israel after
  42. Bilateral relations was stunted. It was only in 1976 that relations started to, normalize ,when Mr. Aditya Barley, one of India’s successful industrialists, met with then
  43. Different realizations as HMM states); it would use central normalization to, normalize ,for different speaker and recording conditions; for further speaker
  44. In 1981 and 1982,as Foreign Minister, he guided negotiations with Egypt to, normalize ,relations after the treaty. Following the 1982 Lebanon War he directed
  45. If the dot product of two vectors is 0 then they are orthogonal. We can then, normalize ,the vectors by dividing out their sizes as shown above:: \math bf_1 =
  46. The relative mean difference is the mean difference divided by the average, to, normalize , for scale. Calculation The Gini index is defined as a ratio of the areas on the
  47. The international community. Since 2003 the country has made efforts to, normalize ,its ties with the European Union and the United States and has even coined the
  48. Is that CORBA provides a neutral playing field for engineers to be able to, normalize ,the interfaces between various new and legacy systems. When integrating C, C++
  49. Of Jones vectors is proportional to the intensity of light. It is common to, normalize ,it to 1 at the starting point of calculation for simplification. It is also
  50. Unlike the other successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia did not, normalize ,relations with the" Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" ( Serbia and Montenegro)

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