Examples of the the word, dice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dice ), is the 8173 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Money against each other (street craps, also known as shooting dice or rolling, dice ,) or a bank (casino craps, also known as table craps). Because it requires
  2. Pie Go and Then Go. Using the same coloring scheme of the traditional Chinese, dice , every half-domino with 1 or 4 spots has those spots colored red (for example
  3. Games, successful play requires a combination of luck and skill, as a single, dice ,roll can sometimes significantly change the outcome of the game. It is the
  4. Monitors the action at a table and decides when to give the shooter the, dice , after which no more betting is allowed. When joining the game, money (and I.
  5. Applied, in this case an attempt to roll under a certain number with percentile, dice , Each incarnation of the BRP rules has changed or added to the core ideas and
  6. Dealers and a roving supervisor who covers many tables. In the game of shooting, dice , there is no marked table and often the game is played with no back-stop
  7. Both luck and strategy. A player may be hampered by a few poor rolls of the, dice ,in Risk or Monopoly, but over many games a player with a superior strategy will
  8. Some unpredictability into character creation without the need to resort to, dice , cards, or other randomizing devices. A player may intend, for example, too
  9. Of Bakelite for its look, durability,fine polish, weight,and sound. Common, dice ,are sometimes made of Bakelite for weight and sound, but the majority are made
  10. Roger Zealand for his Chronicles of Amber. The game is unusual in that no, dice ,are used in resolving conflicts or player actions; instead a simple dice less
  11. That a similar game existed there around 3000 BC. The artifacts include two, dice ,and 60 checkers, and the set is believed to be 100 to 200 years older than the
  12. Libra de Los judges, completed in 1283,describes rules for a number of, dice ,and table games in addition to its extensive discussion of chess. By the 17th
  13. May wager money against each other (street craps, also known as shooting, dice ,or rolling dice ) or a bank (casino craps, also known as table craps).
  14. Fixed dice and taking advantage of the way players can bet with or against the, dice ,thrower. A man named John H. Win introduced the" don't pass" betting option
  15. right-hand side of the game board. The players then alternate turns, rolling two, dice ,at the beginning of each turn. A variant of the doubling cube" beaver" is the
  16. Of a two-player game, drawing cards until one player draws an ace, or rolling, dice , Hands, rounds and games A hand is a unit of the game that begins with the
  17. In 1591,where he speaks of" all thriftless games that may be found ... with, dice , with cards, with. " The word" billiard" may have evolved from the French
  18. Or sidewalk curb to hit against, this gave rise to presumed methods of, dice ,control, of which the best was known as the" army blanket roll ". In the
  19. Offered at 2 points, counter offered at 16 points) should the luck of the, dice ,change. Some players may opt to invoke The Murphy rule or the" automatic
  20. Five) by the" stick man ", and must choose two for the round. The remaining, dice ,are returned to the stickman's bowl and are not used. Each round has two
  21. Various bets. Players take turns rolling two dice and whoever is throwing the, dice ,is called the" shooter ". Players can bet on the various options by placing
  22. Strategy plays a more important role in the long run. With each roll of the, dice , players must choose from numerous options for moving their checkers and
  23. Slightly different payouts for the various bets. Players take turns rolling two, dice ,and whoever is throwing the dice is called the" shooter ". Players can bet on
  24. Starting position, restrict certain moves, or assign special value to certain, dice ,rolls, but in some geographic regions even the rules and directions of the
  25. Interference from the CNO cycle at the beginning of their lifetime. Craps is a, dice ,game in which players place wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of
  26. Chess. The tree of positions expands rapidly because of the number of possible, dice ,rolls and the moves available on each turn. Recent computer analysis has
  27. Same number, they must roll again as the first move can not be a doublet. Both, dice ,must land completely flat on the right-hand side of the game board. The players
  28. For the next player to become shooter. The shooter is presented with multiple, dice ,(typically five) by the" stick man ", and must choose two for the round. The
  29. The use of dice for the game is another indication of its India origin, since, dice , and gambling were a favorite pastime in ancient India. The rules of the game
  30. Luck is introduced to a game by a number of methods. The most popular is using, dice , generally six-sided. These can determine everything from how many steps a
  31. American community, the game of street craps is generally called shooting, dice , and is played on the floor or on a sidewalk, often without a back-stop. Among
  32. Ways, yo,craps, horn,etc.),announces the results of each roll, collects the, dice ,with an elongated wooden stick, and directs the base dealers to pay winners
  33. Standard backgammon, followed by four moves according to the difference of the, dice ,value from 7,and then the player has another turn (with a few exceptions).
  34. Victory was largely a matter of luck, as the computer received more favorable, dice ,rolls. In the late 1980s,backgammon programmers found more success with an
  35. Raja introduces the game of chess, and Burke demonstrates hard, played with, dice ,made from ivory and teak. Today, Nard is the name for the Persian version of
  36. In a famous 13th-century manuscript covering sharing, backgammon,and, dice ,named the Libra de Los judges. Another theory contends that chess arose from
  37. Replaced at the end of the round or when they lose a round with a seven. The, dice ,are moved clockwise around the table for the next player to become shooter. The
  38. Is still a very popular game in Turkey, and it is customary to name the, dice ,rolls with their Persian number names: yes (1),Du (2),see (3),cedar (4
  39. The stakes once again (" raccoon" ) as part of that cube phase before any, dice ,are rolled. The opponent retains the doubling cube. E.g. White doubles Black
  40. S version of the game in which players could exploit the casino using fixed, dice ,and taking advantage of the way players can bet with or against the dice
  41. p. 39),composed around the late sixth or early seventh century AD. The use of, dice ,for the game is another indication of its India origin, since dice and gambling
  42. Place wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of, dice , Players may wager money against each other (street craps, also known as
  43. The African-American community. Street craps may be played by rolling the, dice ,against a back-stop, such as a curb or stair-stoop, or without a back-stop, at
  44. And the checkers were moved across all three rows according to the roll of, dice , Little specific text about the gameplay has survived. Tabular, meaning " table
  45. Marked table and often the game is played with no back-stop against which the, dice ,are to hit. (Despite the name" street craps," this game is often played in
  46. S comments" I, at any rate, am convinced that He (God) does not throw, dice , " And" Do you really think the moon isn't there if you aren't looking at it
  47. Games for two players. The playing pieces are moved according to the roll of, dice , and players win by removing all of their pieces from the board. There are many
  48. Was to be the first to bear off all of one's checkers. Players threw three, dice ,and moved their checkers in opposing directions on a board of 24 points. East
  49. Multi roll proposition bets may be placed in either of the two rounds. Between, dice ,rolls there is a period for dealers to make payouts and collect losing bets
  50. In the Chinese domino set is made up of the outcome of a throw of two six-sided, dice , There are therefore 21 unique patterns. A tile set consists of 32 tiles in two

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