Examples of the the word, penis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penis ), is the 8172 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Located on the underside of the body. Males have two slits, one concealing the, penis ,and one further behind for the anus. The female has one genital slit, housing
  2. In the emissions of pollutants * Ejaculation, the ejecting of semen from the, penis ,; also, specifically: ** Nocturnal emission, ejaculation experienced during
  3. Christopher Byers also had deep lacerations and injuries to his scrotum and, penis , The original autopsies were inconclusive as to time of death, but the Arkansas
  4. In the penis and in the ability of the vagina's walls to properly feel the, penis , because of the material barrier. In general, this complaint has been responded
  5. Of a male's penis by a sexual partner. It involves the stimulation of the, penis ,by the use of the mouth, tongue,teeth or throat. The person who performs
  6. Of women ", in response to Gate members constructing a 2.5-metre snow, penis ,and placing a cooked pig's head in an Amnesia bathroom. During its 93 years
  7. Minerals. Some can include the parts of endangered species, including tiger, penis ,and rhinoceros horn. The black market in rhinoceros horn reduced the world's
  8. A period of more than 2,500 years, some have considered the clitoris and the, penis ,equivalent in all respects except their arrangement. Real do Colombo (also
  9. To dry before use. The cloths he described were sized to cover the glans of the, penis , and were held on with a ribbon. Fallopian claimed that an experimental trial
  10. For a cold, making a man with a headache jump up and down in order to make his, penis ,swing (while mirroring the patient's bewildered jumping himself) and making
  11. Plastron and seahorses. In general, Chinese traditional medicine emphasizes the, penis ,of animals as therapeutic. Is the most widely known Chinese medicine in the
  12. Infection is only a fraction of that in women; however, yeast infection on the, penis ,from direct contact via sexual intercourse with an infected partner is not
  13. One-fifth that of unprotected intercourse. Standard condoms will fit almost any, penis , with varying degrees of comfort or risk of slippage. Many condom manufacturers
  14. For" Right Wing" ) * Personal names, such as John Thomas or Willy for ", penis ,", Fanny for" vulva" ( British English). * Slang,e.g. pot for" cannabis "
  15. Being penetrated can produce a pleasurable sensation due to the inserted, penis ,rubbing or brushing against the prostate (also known as the" male G-Spot ","
  16. From the same tissues that would have become the glans and upper shaft of a, penis ,if the embryo had been exposed to“ male” hormones. Changes in appearance of
  17. Linen sheath demonstrated protection against syphilis. After this, the use of, penis ,coverings to protect from disease is described in a wide variety of literature
  18. Of the labia minor, above the opening of the urethra and vagina. Unlike the, penis , which is homologous to the clitoris, the clitoris does not contain the distal
  19. Occur about every two weeks and last about 4 to 7 days. Upon withdrawal of the, penis , the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which is a trigger for
  20. Infection of the male genitalia include red patchy sores near the head of the, penis ,or on the foreskin, severe itching, or a burning sensation. Candidiasis of the
  21. Is a method of birth-control in which a man, during intercourse withdraws his, penis ,from a woman's vagina prior to ejaculation. The man then directs his ejaculate
  22. Proportion that it was better than a standard condom which increased the, penis ,size and longer lasting sexual experience for women. The boosting condom used
  23. Previously undifferentiated genital tubercle develops into either a clitoris or, penis , along with all other major organ systems, making them homologous. The clitoris
  24. The depiction features a cross-legged seated, bearded male with an erect, penis , He is wearing a pointed cap and stroking his triangular beard. The statue is 9
  25. Or clitoral release, are alternatives to phalloplasty (construction of a, penis ,) which permit retention of sexual sensation in the clitoris. On the other hand
  26. Est quantum tibia, Papyle, nasus, : UT posses, quotiens arrives, olfacere.: Your, penis ,is as large as your nose, Papylus, : so you can smell it when it's erect. Poets
  27. Condom with a tight band at the opening to ensure that it remains on the boy's, penis ,during intercourse. A standard condom has a diameter of 2 inches (5.2 cm)
  28. Or on the foreskin, severe itching, or a burning sensation. Candidiasis of the, penis ,can also have a white discharge, although uncommon. Causes Candida yeasts are
  29. Brit Milan in which a drop of blood (hatafat-dam, הטפת דם) is drawn from the, penis ,at the point where the foreskin would have been or was attached. Milan l'she
  30. That purpose. A potential 'opposite' strategy,i.e. stimulating the, penis ,to near-orgasm without a condom and then hurriedly applying the condom at the
  31. STDs—such as gonorrhea, syphilis,and HIV). It is put on a man's erect, penis ,and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual
  32. Can prevent exposure to the hormone. Causes of failure Condoms may slip off the, penis ,after ejaculation, break due to improper application or physical damage (such
  33. Urethritis) is usually symptomatic, causing a white discharge from the, penis ,with or without pain on urinating (dysuria). Occasionally, the condition
  34. Been suggested that the pre-ejaculate (" Cowper's fluid" ) emitted by the, penis ,prior to ejaculation normally contains spermatozoa (sperm cells),which would
  35. The retention of the original genitalia, the enlarged clitoris analogous to a, penis ,as part of the transition. However, the clitoris cannot reach the size of most
  36. Two issues per volume. Fellatio is an act of oral stimulation of a male's, penis ,by a sexual partner. It involves the stimulation of the penis by the use of the
  37. Already-circumcised convert, the model draws a symbolic drop of blood from the, penis , A Brit Milan is not considered complete unless blood is actually drawn. This
  38. Designed to be applied to the tip of the penis and then unrolled over the erect, penis , It is important that some space be left in the tip of the condom so that semen
  39. A circumcision operation at birth which left the man with a badly deformed, penis , In 2002,Queensland police charged a father with grievous bodily harm for
  40. Spirited, tight-knit community. According to Grayson Lee, who created the snow, penis ,sculpture in 2007,most of its residents were" heartbroken" to leave. The
  41. Then a vagina, which can yield greater tactile pleasure for the man via his, penis , While each person's sphincter muscles react to penetration differently, the
  42. Female members of the crowd dancing in cages and a giant motorized inflatable, penis ,similar to one used by The Rolling Stones in the 1970s. The tour was troubled
  43. Used gel in its tips that dilates the arteries and increased blood flow to, penis ,make a firmer and bigger erection. Adolescent and teenage condoms In March 2010
  44. Or anal intercourse) commonly refers to the sex act involving insertion of the, penis ,into the anus of a sexual partner. The term can also include other sexual acts
  45. Heavy ", i. e., their material significantly decreases sensation both in the, penis ,and in the ability of the vagina's walls to properly feel the penis , because
  46. From objects that might come near the woman's vulva (e.g. hands and, penis ,). Advantages The advantage of coitus interrupts is that it can be used by
  47. To the people consecrated to God ",3) causes the circumcised portion of the, penis ,to resemble a heart, thereby representing a physical connection between the "
  48. Liquids; the other for reproduction, which appears as a vagina in females and a, penis ,in males. Female placental mammals have completely separate orifices for
  49. Of losing them and if the rubber ring was too tight, it would constrict the, penis , This type of condom was the original" Capote" ( French for condom),perhaps
  50. Wrapper, in a rolled-up form, and are designed to be applied to the tip of the, penis ,and then unrolled over the erect penis . It is important that some space be left

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