Examples of the the word, nineteenth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nineteenth ), is the 6654 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The end of 1843,when Cauchy was finally replaced by Point. All through the, nineteenth ,century the French educational system struggled with the separation of Church
  2. But his research did not enter the mainstream of scientific discussion. In the, nineteenth ,century revival of alchemy, the two most seminal figures were Mary Anne Atwood
  3. Bede's interested in the Easter dating controversy. In about 692,in Bede's, nineteenth ,year, Bede was ordained a deacon by his diocesan bishop, John,who was bishop
  4. That they occupied before the partition of Poland. Islamic antisemitism in the, nineteenth ,century Historian Martin Gilbert writes that it was in the 19th century that
  5. The human experience of different humans. The arrival of Modernism in the late, nineteenth ,century lead to a radical break in the conception of the function of art, and
  6. As an occult science. The esoteric or occultist school, which arose during the, nineteenth ,century, held (and continues to hold) the view that the substances and
  7. Of classical alchemical literature were published throughout the early, nineteenth ,century. Esoteric interpretations of alchemy remains strong to this day, and
  8. White aquatic ghosts" in the words of Professor Cope, who studied in the late, nineteenth ,century, ready to disappear into the depths to sound. These fish, barely
  9. Called Kabul Shah. Islamization and Mongol invasion Between the fourth and, nineteenth ,centuries, much of modern Afghanistan was known by the regional name as
  10. Christian antisemitism, which was religious; and the racial antisemitism of the, nineteenth ,and twentieth centuries. " Ancient world The first clear examples of
  11. His works Germany in the Durer Renaissance of about 1570 to 1630,in the early, nineteenth ,century, and in German nationalism from 1870 to 1945. Four Books on Measurement
  12. Glass. It also includes The Alexander Macdonald Bequest, a collection of late, nineteenth ,century works donated by the museum's first benefactor and a constantly
  13. Elaborate examples for the Chapel Royal with orchestral accompaniment. In the, nineteenth ,century Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810–1876) wrote anthems influenced by
  14. Is discrete and has a relatively small number of possible outcomes. In the late, nineteenth ,century, a former cricket player, English-born Henry Chadwick of Brooklyn, New
  15. To North America, where the modern version of baseball developed. By the late, nineteenth ,century, baseball was widely recognized as the national sport of the United
  16. B. A. Bailey," From the middle of the eighteenth century to the middle of the, nineteenth , artillery is judged to have accounted for perhaps 50 % of battlefield
  17. some wilder excesses of artists' self-portraiture, especially in the, nineteenth ,and twentieth centuries. Durer has never fallen from critical favor, and there
  18. Of Lu Fang (era. Lithuanian exiles In the late eighteenth and during the, nineteenth ,century, Lithuanian participants in the 1794,1830–1831,and 1863 rebellions
  19. Move was mostly successful, and the consequences of this continued into the, nineteenth ,and twentieth centuries, and even to the present day. During the occult revival
  20. Without Herzegovina) until Austro-Hungarian occupation at the end of the, nineteenth ,century. Formerly one of the six federal units constituting the Socialist
  21. Like the cello and Monticello. It played a role in banjo orchestras in the late, nineteenth ,and early twentieth centuries. Bass banjos have been produced in both upright
  22. Rodin's major innovation was to capitalize on such multistaged processes of, nineteenth ,century sculpture and their reliance on plaster casting. Since clay
  23. Provided for on 19 occasions each year, a practice which continued until the, nineteenth ,century, when vigorous controversy regarding its statement about 'eternal
  24. Departed from the coast of the present-day Benin Republic. By the middle of the, nineteenth ,century, Dahomey started to lose its status as the regional power. This enabled
  25. Anne's depiction of alcoholism and debauchery were profoundly disturbing to, nineteenth ,century readers. Helen Graham, the tenant of the title, intrigues Gilbert
  26. The creation of new cultural forms. Baseball cards were introduced in the late, nineteenth ,century as trade cards. A typical example would feature an image of a baseball
  27. Astronomical principles underlying the orientation of churches. Late in the, nineteenth ,century astronomers such as Richard Proctor and Charles Piazza Smith
  28. In the design and supervision of construction projects prior to the late, nineteenth ,century were not necessarily trained in a separate architecture program in an
  29. De Richelieu" became" Argue main d'Hercules ". Modern period Examples from the, nineteenth ,century are the transposition of" Horatio Nelson" into" Honor est a Nile" (
  30. Ludolph Areas. The discovery of the Oxyrhynchus papyri towards the end of the, nineteenth ,century dramatically increased the scope of scholarly research. In fact, eight
  31. Manifested in the Tractarian and so-called ritualism controversies of the late, nineteenth ,and early twentieth centuries. This controversy produced the Free Church of
  32. Nowrap;" >28 feet) high model of the Murchison oil production platform and a, nineteenth ,century assembly taken from Rattrap Head lighthouse. Provost Ross' House is the
  33. Greedy, or miserly, or aggressive bargainers. Krefeld suggests that during the, nineteenth ,century, most of the myths focused on Jews being" scurrilous, stupid,and
  34. Velázquez Vermeer Neo-classical Key dates: 1750-1880 A, nineteenth ,century French art style and movement that originated as a reaction to the
  35. Of alchemy ", likely reflecting his interest in the occult literature of the, nineteenth ,century. Jung began writing his views on alchemy from the 1920s and continued
  36. On 19 October 2008. Museums Babelsberg has a long tradition of museums. In the, nineteenth ,century, Nicholas Stark UND Peter Paul Dillinger began a collection based on
  37. Sometimes critical of the Jungian approach to alchemy as overly reflective of, nineteenth ,century occultism. Magnum opus The Great Work of Alchemy is often described as
  38. The United States Senate about public funding of the arts. Art theories In the, nineteenth ,century, artists were primarily concerned with ideas of truth and beauty. The
  39. Force in the eventual dominance of the singular usage by the end of the, nineteenth ,century. In recent years, historians have stressed Lincoln's redefinition of
  40. Quoted by ancient scholars were able to be integrated by scholars in the, nineteenth ,century. Thus, for example two separate quotes by Athens were united by
  41. For the memorial temple of Set I, which contains an inscription from the, nineteenth ,dynasty known to the modern world as the Abyss King List. It is a
  42. To the cemetery beyond, featuring a great gateway of granite. Set I, in the, nineteenth ,dynasty, founded a temple to the south of the town in honor of the ancestral
  43. 1908),and Amateur (1871,1873,1877,1891). The Dreyfus affair of the late, nineteenth ,century had consequences in the Arab world. Passionate outbursts of
  44. Course anachronistic... Treating Wollstonecraft’s thought as an anticipation of, nineteenth ,and twentieth-century feminist argument has meant sacrificing or distorting
  45. Of agricultural fundamentalism. In the late eighteenth century and early, nineteenth ,century, agrarianism felt the influence of the European Romanticism movement.
  46. Of the birth canal. The breed originated in central and upper Belgium in the, nineteenth ,century, from crossing local cattle with Shorthorn cattle from the United
  47. In Weimar. Aristophanes has appealed to both conservatives and radicals in the, nineteenth ,and twentieth centuries — Anatomy Lunacharsky, first Commissar of Enlightenment
  48. Centuries, and even to the present day. During the occult revival of the early, nineteenth ,century, alchemy received new attention as an occult science. The esoteric or
  49. Some scholars hold that Arab antisemitism in the modern world arose in the, nineteenth ,century, against the backdrop of conflicting Jewish and Arab nationalism, and
  50. Techniques of calculus to elaborate theories of sound wave propagation. In the, nineteenth ,century the major figures of mathematical acoustics were Helmholtz in Germany

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