Examples of the the word, drainage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drainage ), is the 6657 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drainage basin; * the easternmost part of the country falls into the Limpopo, drainage ,basin; * the southern and southwestern regions, which are the driest of all
  2. Approximately half of the province of Alberta, south of the Athabasca River, drainage , became part of Rupert's Land which consisted of all land drained by rivers
  3. Then that of any other river except the Amazon, while the African inland, drainage ,area is greater than that of any continent but Asia, where the corresponding
  4. A regular occurrence, requiring constant maintenance of irrigation ditches and, drainage ,systems. Farmers were recruited into regiments for this work from August to
  5. Pushes the particles / droplets against one another, hence helping in the film, drainage , However, some emulsions would never coalesce in normal gravity, while they do
  6. Atlantica and the pampas and surrounding areas. Geology, geomorphology and, drainage ,In contrast to the Andes, which rose to elevations of nearly in a relatively
  7. It is important to note that antibiotic therapy alone without surgical, drainage ,of the abscess is seldom effective due to antibiotics often being unable to get
  8. The vigor of frontier expansion weakened. The variety of climates, soils,and, drainage ,conditions in Brazil is reflected in the range of its vegetation types. The
  9. Brazil has one of the world's the most extensive river systems, with eight major, drainage ,basins, all of which drain into the Atlantic Ocean. Two of these basins—the
  10. Of the north and central region of the country is part of the Okaying inland, drainage ,basin; * the easternmost part of the country falls into the Limpopo drainage
  11. Is heavily populated. Demographics About 85 million people live in the Baltic, drainage ,basin,15 million within of the coast and 29 million within of the coast.
  12. Of western Turkmenistan and about half of Uzbekistan. Part of the Amu Darya's, drainage ,divide in Tajikistan forms that country's border with China (in the east)
  13. The Attempt bay and Skagerrak strait in the North Sea. Land uses The Baltic Sea, drainage ,basin is roughly four times the surface area of the sea itself. About 48 % of
  14. The Atlantic Ocean drainage basin (drained by the Rhine) and the Black Sea, drainage ,basin (drained by the Danube). List of the highest mountains Political
  15. In the Sicilian kingdom include the restoration of the aqueducts,the, drainage ,of marshy areas, and the pavement of streets. Connection with Ethiopia Alfonso
  16. Especially the Zeravshan River) have been diverted, and much of the river's, drainage ,is dominated by outlying desert and steppe. The abundant water flowing in the
  17. America was settled using the vast tributary river systems of the Mississippi, drainage ,basin. Pole boats utilize muscle power of" walkers" along the sides of the
  18. Identifying the causative organism mainly by blood culture studies). Surgical, drainage ,of the abscess remains part of the standard management of bacterial brain
  19. Damage. Heavy ions such as iron, zinc,and arsenic leak during acid mine, drainage , When the pH of this solution rises, as a result of dilution by fresh water
  20. That look identical to conventional bacterial abscesses on CT imaging. Surgical, drainage ,or aspiration is often necessary to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but
  21. The large Indus capitals, were among the first cities to use grid plans, drainage , flush toilets, urban sanitation systems, and sewage systems. At a somewhat
  22. Public works; Such as paved and stepped roadways, bridges,systems of, drainage , etc. External evidence *Monuments and records of other contemporary
  23. Debridement and curettage (FBI pus, ibi evacuate. Hippocrates). Incision and, drainage ,The abscess should be inspected to identify if foreign objects are a cause
  24. May someday develop transgenic plants which would allow for irrigation, drainage , conservation, sanitary engineering, and maintaining or increasing yields while
  25. Which are tributaries of the Amazon). The Amazon, which has the largest, drainage ,basin in the world, about,accounts for approximately one-fifth of the world's
  26. On the interior highlands, before breaking through the outer ranges. The main, drainage ,of the continent is to the north and west, or towards the basin of the Atlantic
  27. Demands even more intense weathering conditions in a location with very good, drainage , This enables the dissolution of the kaolinize and the precipitation of the
  28. The limb may be beneficial for a skin abscess. Packing In North America, after, drainage , an abscess cavity is often packed. However, there is no evidence to support
  29. The Black Forest is part of the continental divide between the Atlantic Ocean, drainage ,basin (drained by the Rhine) and the Black Sea drainage basin (drained by
  30. 1999. Countries that border on the sea: Countries that are in the, drainage ,basin but do not border on the sea: Islands and archipelagoes * Used om or UNAM
  31. A vast network of navigable waters. The calculation of the areas of African, drainage ,systems, made by Dr A. Luau (Determines Mitteilungen,43, 1897,pp. 184–186
  32. Water damage to steel supports and fireproofing systems, and overloaded, drainage ,systems. A $10 million contract, signed off as a cost overrun, was used to
  33. Bisection (49 kilometers),Osborne, Era,Elsa, Pesa and Pesci. The, drainage ,basin amounts to more than 8,200 km² and drains the waters of the following
  34. With the development of new extraction methods such as steam assisted gravity, drainage , which was developed in Alberta, bitumen and synthetic crude oil can be
  35. Drain the abscess and prescribe painkillers and possibly antibiotics. Surgical, drainage ,of the abscess (e.g., lancing ) is usually indicated once the abscess has
  36. With the development of new extraction methods such as steam assisted gravity, drainage ,(SAID),which was developed in Alberta, bitumen and synthetic crude oil can
  37. With China (in the east) and Pakistan (to the south). About 61 % of the, drainage ,lies within Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, while 39 % is in
  38. Surgery presents a high risk, it may be delayed or used as a last resort. The, drainage ,of a lung abscess may be performed by positioning the patient in a way that
  39. Also called Jesuit) ... ". Description The river's total length is and its, drainage ,basin totals in area, providing a mean discharge of around The Pan River forms
  40. Of a stream valley; others, such as the Kenya OVAs, are large basins of inland, drainage ,or are the result of limestone erosion. Most of the basins take their names
  41. The basins of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, there is an area of inland, drainage ,along the center of the East African plateau, directed chiefly into the lakes
  42. Within the basin, the water body is usually saline as a result of the internal, drainage ,— the water has no outlet to the sea. The two largest basins on the plateau are
  43. Highest point is Moneymaking Hill, at 1,494 m. The country is divided into four, drainage ,regions, which are sometimes indistinct due to the arid nature of the climate:
  44. And has long been the center of the republic's oil industry. Topography and, drainage ,The elevation changes over a relatively short distance from lowlands to
  45. River in the south. The Balkan Mountains divide Bulgaria into two nearly equal, drainage ,systems. The larger system drains northward to the Black Sea, mainly by way of
  46. Rivers of the Atlantic basin, the Orange, in the extreme south, brings the, drainage ,from the d'Arenberg on the opposite side of the continent, while the Knee
  47. The river was regarded as the boundary between Iran and Turn. The river's, drainage ,lies in the area between the former empires of Genghis Khan and Alexander the
  48. Of Azerbaijan, on the south by Iran, and on the west by Turkey. Topography and, drainage ,Twenty-five million years ago, a geological upheaval pushed up the Earth's
  49. Pregnancy, the weaning of an infant child, and the climacteric. Lymphatic, drainage ,About 75 % of lymph from the breast travels to the. Shape and support There is
  50. Basins—the Amazon and Tocantins-Araguaia account for more than half the total, drainage ,area. The largest river system in Brazil is the Amazon, which originates in the

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