Examples of the the word, stimulation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stimulation ), is the 6655 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Also use practice signalling to control the activity of each other. Osteoblast, stimulation ,Osteoblasts can be stimulated to increase bone mass through increased secretion
  2. Ten sexual encounters,100 % reported kissing, sucking on breasts, and manual, stimulation ,of the clitoris; more than 90 % reported French kissing, oral sex, and fingers
  3. Pressure. The psychedelic effects of ayahuasca include visual and auditory, stimulation , the mixing of sensory modalities, and psychological introspection that may
  4. A higher density of synaptic connections, than animals whose levels of, stimulation ,are restricted. Research The field of neuroscience encompasses all approaches
  5. DAT, the serotonin transporter SET can be induced to operate in reverse upon, stimulation ,by amphetamine. This mechanism is thought to rely on the actions of calcium
  6. Study of hetero anal sex (8/2010 (n=214) ), female participants stated that, stimulation ,to multiple erogenous zones simultaneously (the clitoris, the G-Spot, the anus
  7. Are two ways to relieve anxiety in humans with serotonergic drugs: by blocking, stimulation ,of 5-HT2A receptors or by overstimulating them until they decrease via
  8. To people who have not consumed caffeine over the previous days, they produce a, stimulation ,in urinary output. Because of this diuretic effect, some authorities have
  9. Condition improved dramatically. Selloff and Howitzer noted" a subtle general, stimulation ,... the patients exhibited renewed vigor and indeed this occasionally served to
  10. Of an aversive stimulus/event (positive punishment or punishment by contingent, stimulation ,), removal of a desirable stimulus (negative punishment or punishment by
  11. As more exotic items like soft whips for fondling and TENS for erotic electron, stimulation ,can be found in catalog aiming at classical vanilla target groups, indicating
  12. Parties, British Columbia's Social Credit actively practiced government, stimulation ,of the economy. Most notable of these was the winning of a world's fair for
  13. Scholars state that oral sex and mutual masturbation are more common than anal, stimulation ,among gay men in long-term relationships, By the 1950s in the United Kingdom
  14. Without a prescription or medical consultation, and provides no barriers to, stimulation , Disadvantages Compared to the other common reversible methods of contraception
  15. Of cancer vaccines in development use BCG as an adjuvant to provide an initial, stimulation ,of the patients' immune system. *Diabetes, Type I: Clinical trials based on
  16. End of the spectrum are those who are indifferent to, or even reject physical, stimulation , At the other end of the spectrum are bottoms who enjoy physical and
  17. Its name from the effect it has on the reticular formation, which is via its, stimulation , It is therefore necessary to investigate in a comatose patient, the integrity
  18. Receptors or by overstimulating them until they decrease via tolerance. The, stimulation ,or blocking of different receptors on a cell affects its genetic expression.
  19. Concentration in the distal tubule of the kidney, decreased blood volume and, stimulation ,of the kidney by the sympathetic nervous system. In such situations, the
  20. The criteria in a clinical setting. It is possible that Transcranial magnetic, stimulation ,can be used to diagnose MND. Treatment Currently there is no cure for ALS. The
  21. Vagina. However, research shows most women achieve orgasm only through clitoral, stimulation , The clitoris surrounds the vagina somewhat like a horseshoe and has over 6,000
  22. Orgasms had the same stages of physical response, and argued that clitoral, stimulation ,is the primary source of both kinds of orgasms. Embryonic development During
  23. In their 30s were twice as likely as other age groups to engage in anal, stimulation ,(with a finger or dildo). Health risks General Anal sex exposes participants
  24. The chemo attractant into the gel, various cell populations requiring different, stimulation ,levels to migrate can then be visualized over time using microphotography as
  25. Hormone replacement therapy (estrogen),even electrical spinal cord, stimulation ,are tried to overcome the symptomatology -all with mixed results. Quite often
  26. The other end of the spectrum are bottoms who enjoy physical and psychological, stimulation ,but are not willing to be subordinate to the person who applies it. The bottom
  27. And differentiation from progenitor cells. Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and, stimulation ,from osteocytes induce osteoblasts to increase secretion of RANK-ligand and
  28. Anus and rectum, a physiological explanation for why some women may find anal, stimulation ,pleasurable is that the clitoris has" legs" which extend along the vaginal
  29. Is secreted by osteoblasts and is able to bind RANK-L, inhibiting osteoclast, stimulation , Osteoporosis is most common in women after the menopause, when it is called
  30. In humans, the clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zone of the female,the, stimulation ,of which may produce sexual excitement and clitoral erection; it's continuing
  31. Who planted electrodes deep inside his brain. The method, called deep brain, stimulation ,(DBS) successfully roused communication, complex movement and eating ability
  32. Of needles at that point does not increase the reduction over nonpenetrating, stimulation , Efficacy study design One of the major challenges in acupuncture research is
  33. Of which may produce sexual excitement and clitoral erection; its continuing, stimulation ,may produce sexual pleasure and orgasm, and is considered the key to females '
  34. Food, in particular in the U. S. as a method of disease prevention and growth, stimulation , One example is Roxanne, which is used as a broiler starter by about 70 % of
  35. Three signals based on the extent to which each is stimulated. These amounts of, stimulation ,are sometimes called stimulus values. The response curve as a function of
  36. Sampson and Barry Beyer stein said: Possible mechanisms Evidence supports that, stimulation ,of one acupuncture point reduces post-operative nausea and vomiting, although
  37. If it is not properly managed. Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in, stimulation ,of the GA BAA receptor, promoting central nervous system depression. With
  38. Skin, close enough to either warm or burn it). *Conjuncture or acetonic is a, stimulation ,of the body similar to acupuncture, but using sound instead of needles. This
  39. During anal sex was more of a full-body experience than an orgasm from clitoral, stimulation ,alone. At the same time, this act is held to carry a very low risk of unwanted
  40. In Caucasians. Pathophysiology Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in, stimulation ,of the GA BAA receptor, promoting central nervous system depression. With
  41. And expression involving the consensual use of restraint, intense sensory, stimulation , and fantasy power role-play. The compound acronym, BDSM,is derived from the
  42. Advertise" mutual pleasure" also are bulb-shaped at the top, to provide extra, stimulation ,to the male. Some women experience irritation during vaginal intercourse with
  43. Cochrane Review published in 2009 concluded that penetrative or non-penetrative, stimulation ,of the P6 acupuncture point was approximately equal to, but not better than
  44. Both; alternatively, they are located in specific sections to provide directed, stimulation ,to either the g-spot or frenulum. Many textured condoms which advertise "
  45. Human growth hormone (HGH),which can cause acromial. Rest Although muscle, stimulation ,occurs in the gym lifting weights, muscle growth occurs afterward during rest.
  46. Has been hypothesized that the portion of the brain responsible for processing, stimulation ,from amputated limbs, being deprived of input, expands into the surrounding
  47. Anal sex include inadequate lubrication, feeling tense or anxious, lack of, stimulation , as well as lack of social ease with being gay and being closeted. Research has
  48. With these processes even when they operate in the absence of relevant, stimulation , as in images and hallucinations ... Given such a sweeping definition, it is
  49. Dioxide (130 times the atmospheric concentration) is added to oxygen for, stimulation ,of breathing after apnea and to stabilize the balance in blood. It has been
  50. The Liberals to the political mainstream, with an ambitious program of state, stimulation ,of the economy called We Can Conquer Unemployment!, largely written for him by

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