Examples of the the word, levi , in a Sentence Context
The word ( levi ), is the 12861 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The term Levi as just being a word meaning priest; some scholars suspect that ", levi ," was originally a general term for a priest, and had no connection to ancestry
- JPG|Cristóbal Tapia-Montt (Young Man) Image: Hum animal III 014 - Cecilia, levi ,- picture taken by Ignacio tribe. JPG|Cecilia Levi (Bunny) Image: Hum animal
- Delta Clorox, M&M Mars, http://www.pcubed.com/industries/casestudies/? CS, levi , Strauss Levi Strauss, http://www.pcubed.com/industries/casestudies/? CS BCBS
- A Levi; the remaining slim are ISR'elm — Jews who are neither Cohen nor, levi , (This assumes that such people are available; there are rules in place for
- Judaism, the first ole (person called to read) is a Cohen and the second a, levi , ; the remaining slim are ISR'elm — Jews who are neither Cohen nor Levi. (This
- In Slovenian can serve in three syntactical functions: left attributes (, levi , prilastek),predicate articles (povedkovo docile) and predicate attributes
- A Levi; the remaining slim are ISR'elm — Jews who are neither Cohen nor, levi , (This assumes that such people are available; there are rules in place for
- Huic signup SUS est, animálque before, Acribus hind sets, lanitio index, levi , ). Alito credits the most saintly and learned Ambrose for his account. In
- Movements generally practice *Abolition of tribal distinctions among Cohen, levi , and Yisrael on grounds of egalitarianism *Most congregations abridge the
- Orthodox Judaism does not permit a bat Cohen (daughter of a Cohen) or bat, levi , ( daughter of a Levite) to participate in nest keypad because the practice
- Include (Serbian language titles):" Her NASA JE mama, mene CE strati, levi , elementi "," Draco Colombo, ovde America "," Plastic lice "," Rock and
- And abroad - in Belgrade, at the Verna Festival in Bulgaria, at the ALADI, levi , and Exodus Festivals, in London, Paris,Antwerp, Mons,Dortmund and at the
- Underworld of Stockholm during the years 1995-1998ziigi Caspar Hold Marquis, levi , is one those who joined via Spain after a Swedish sentence for marijuana
- Judaism, the first ole (person called to read) is a Cohen and the second a, levi , ; the remaining slim are ISR'elm — Jews who are neither Cohen nor Levi. (This
- Have adapted a custom of calling a bat-kohen for the first aliyah and a bat, levi , for the second. Conservative Judaism, consistent with its view that sacrifices
- They could also be interpreted as just referring to a social position titled, levi , In the Blessing of Jacob (later than the Song of Deborah),Levi is treated
- Latin poem by Claudia (late 4th century),who uses this very phrase (magma, levi , detrudens murmur tact... intoned,“ let him thunder forth as he presses out
- They were considered guilty, they had to publicly abjure their crimes (DE, levi , if it was a misdemeanor, and de vehement if the crime were serious),and
- Hebben ", German " Wei like Hand haven ", the Bulgarian expression" due, levi , ratse ", French " avoid DEU mains gauche ", Hungarian kétbalkezes and Czech "
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