Examples of the the word, naval , in a Sentence Context

The word ( naval ), is the 3904 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And was, for a time, head of Hut 8,the section responsible for reading German, naval ,signals. From September 1938,Turing had been working part-time (notionally
  2. Mistress of Louis XIV of France (d. 1710) *1656 – Claude de Forbin, French, naval , commander (d. 1733) *1666 – Maria Sofia of Newburgh, German-born consort of
  3. A salt water spring by striking the ground with his trident, symbolizing, naval , power. Athena created the olive tree, symbolizing peace and prosperity. The
  4. Four motor rifle divisions with prescribed army units. It also inherited, naval ,ships. There are also reports that 50 combat aircraft from the disbanded 19th
  5. Austrian composer (b. 1376 or 1377) *1511 – Andrew Barton, Scottish, naval , leader (b. c. 1466) *1611 – NATO Biomass, Japanese warlord and samurai (b.
  6. And capital of Pensacola in 1781. On May 8,1782,Gálvez captured the British, naval ,base at New Providence in the Bahamas; it was ceded by Spain after the Treaty
  7. Used for commerce raiding. John Paul Jones became the first great American, naval ,hero, capturing HMS Drake on April 24, 1778,the first victory for any American
  8. Plain, asserting control over all coastal cities in order to deny the Persians, naval ,bases. From Pamphlet onward, the coast held no major ports and so Alexander
  9. Balance 1990 or 1991). The Navy had an estimated 2,500 personnel whose major, naval ,units consisted of nine patrol/coastal vessels from Spain and France. There are
  10. Was untenable, and the British fled on March 17, 1776,sailing to their, naval ,base at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Washington then moved most of the Continental
  11. American Baptist missionary (d. 1850) *1797 – Charles Robert Malden, British, naval , officer (d. 1855) *1805 – Joseph Locke, English railway and civil engineer (
  12. And architecture are also used in the disciplines of landscape architecture, naval ,architecture and often information technology (for example a software
  13. In British waters. France's formal entry into the war meant that British, naval ,superiority was now contested. The Franco-American alliance began poorly
  14. The institution of slavery, along with Lincoln's Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, naval ,blockades, severely decreased any chance that either the United Kingdom or
  15. The Quit India Movement. * 1942 – World War II: Battle of Save Island – Allied, naval ,forces protecting their amphibious forces during the initial stages of the
  16. Is defeated in the Battle of Memorial by the Republic of Genoa, thus losing its, naval ,dominance in the Mediterranean. *1506 – The Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated
  17. Lee north of Richmond, Rosecrans ' on Chattanooga,Grant's on Vicksburg, and a, naval ,assault on Charleston. Lincoln became despondent when none of these plans, at
  18. Union seized control of the border states early in the war and established a, naval ,blockade. Land warfare in the East was inconclusive in 1861–62,as the
  19. In June, received orders from General Clinton to establish a fortified, naval ,base in Virginia. Following these orders, he fortified Yorktown, and,shadowed
  20. In South Carolina. It seemed a cheap way of waging the war, but it failed as the, naval ,force was defeated by the forts and because no local Loyalists attacked the
  21. Widening of the naval war When the war began, the British had overwhelming, naval ,superiority over the American colonists. The Royal Navy had over 100 ships of
  22. Abandoned Philadelphia to reinforce New York City, now vulnerable to French, naval ,power. Washington shadowed Clinton on his withdrawal and forced a strategic
  23. Proved decisive yet expensive as it ruined France's economy. A French, naval ,victory in the Chesapeake forced a second British army to surrender at the
  24. After early British success, the war became a standoff. The British used their, naval ,superiority to capture and occupy American coastal cities while the rebels
  25. Escalated when the British seized a Dutch merchant convoy sailing under Dutch, naval ,escort in December 1779,prompting the Dutch to join the League of Armed
  26. Vietnam War: Easter Offensive – American forces begin sustained air strikes and, naval ,bombardments. * 1973 – The American League of Major League Baseball begins
  27. Centre. For a time he was head of Hut 8,the section responsible for German, naval ,cryptanalysis. He devised a number of techniques for breaking German ciphers
  28. S Axis of Time trilogy deals with the culture shock when a United Nations, naval ,task force from 2021 finds itself back in 1942 helping the Allies against the
  29. What Abraham Wald later called sequential analysis) to assist in breaking, naval ,Enigma," though I was not sure that it would work in practice, and was not in
  30. Princess Viktoria of Prussia (d. 1929) *1868 – Okayama Sneak, Japanese, naval , commander (d. 1918) *1869 – Henri Desire Landry, French serial killer (d.
  31. 1782. Yorktown and the surrender of Cornwallis The northern, southern,and, naval ,theaters of the war converged in 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. Cornwallis, having
  32. Forge alliances with other European powers that could help break the British, naval ,blockade along the North American coast. Amanda invited the commission to his
  33. In 1786,Thomas Jefferson, concerned over the failure to fund an American, naval ,force to confront the Barbary pirates, wrote to James Monroe," It will be said
  34. S. Military cooperation with Azerbaijan. This has included Special Forces and, naval ,aid, consultations with United States European Command, and linkages through
  35. By Cleisthenes in 508 BC. Athens had by this time become a significant, naval ,power with a large fleet, and helped the rebellion of the Ionian cities against
  36. King given some military support. In February 1776 Clinton took 2,000 men and a, naval ,squadron to invade North Carolina, which he called off when he learned the
  37. Enigma Turing decided to tackle the particularly difficult problem of German, naval ,Enigma" because no one else was doing anything about it and I could have it to
  38. To Canada, Nova Scotia and Florida. At the beginning of the war he urged a, naval ,blockade, which would quickly damage the colonists' trading activities. Black
  39. From the British and fought five celebrated, but largely inconclusive, naval ,engagements against British Admiral Sir Edward Hughes. France's Indian
  40. Colonies after dealing with the Americans' European allies. Widening of the, naval ,war When the war began, the British had overwhelming naval superiority over the
  41. And French forces south toward Virginia in August. In early September, French, naval , forces defeated a British fleet at the Battle of the Chesapeake, cutting off
  42. Blockade the Union had created around the Southern ports and cities. Lincoln's, naval ,blockade was 95 % effective at stopping trade goods; as a result, imports and
  43. By the USS Monitor. Lincoln closely reviewed the dispatches and interrogated, naval ,officers during their clash in the Battle of Hampton Roads. Despite his
  44. The Potomac to defend Washington for a second time. The war also expanded with, naval ,operations in 1862 when the CSS Virginia, formerly the USS Merrimack, damaged
  45. A joint training program with Turkey. The US has also participated in joint, naval ,exercises with the Azeris Navy’s 641st Special Warfare Naval Unit, headquartered
  46. And Savannah. The war continued elsewhere, including the siege of Gibraltar and, naval ,operations in the East and West Indies, until peace was agreed in 1783. Treaty
  47. Anchor is also related with the Spanish name of the mall, Armada,which means, naval ,fleet. As Ankara started expanding westward in the 1970s,several moderns
  48. Indicator systems used by the other services. The same night that he solved the, naval ,indicator system, he conceived the idea of Barbarisms, a sequential
  49. Have it to myself ". In December 1939,Turing solved the essential part of the, naval ,indicator system, which was more complex than the indicator systems used by the
  50. Morton, American baseball player (b. 1944) *1984 – Edwin T. Layton, American, naval , officer (b. 1903) *1986 – Valentin Kate, Russian writer (b. 1897) *1987 –

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