Examples of the the word, exclusively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exclusively ), is the 3905 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In penetrating a host's cell. They are unicellular, spore-forming,and, exclusively ,parasites of animals. Motile structures such as flagella or pseudopods are
  2. The local channel ABS TV 10 is available (it is the only station which shows, exclusively ,local programs). There are also several local and regional radio stations
  3. Compounds that consist only of hydrogen and carbon atoms and are bonded, exclusively ,by single bonds (i.e., they are saturated compounds) without any cycles (or
  4. 1179 the bull Manifests Probate accepted the new King as vassal to the Pope, exclusively , In Portugal, he built several monasteries and convents and bestowed important
  5. Found in most levels of the Morrison. Fossils of Apatosaurus Ajax are known, exclusively ,from the upper portion of the formation (upper Brushy Basin Member),about
  6. During the Apollo 15 mission. This rock, called anorthosites, is composed almost, exclusively ,of the calcium-rich feldspar mineral abortive, and is believed to be
  7. English and New World bishops. These bishops in turn consecrated bishops almost, exclusively ,for their respective countries causing other episcopal lineages to die off.
  8. To refer to qualities of the heart that underlie moral action; this was an, exclusively ,Buddhist use of the word. Finally, the ideals he promotes correspond to the
  9. Immense experience in neurosyphilis, having a 200-bedded ward devoted, exclusively ,to that disorder. Jakob made a lecture tour of the United States and South
  10. Times larger, from 200-1000 km in diameter, with many nuclei, and are found, exclusively ,in fresh water. Two other genera, Echinosphaerium and Camptonema, have been
  11. Ainu assimilation and integration into the Japanese nation-state. It now is run, exclusively ,by Ainu and operates mostly independently of the government. Other key
  12. Going into competition with it, or to require consumers of security to come, exclusively ,to it for this commodity. " Molina and this new type of anti-state liberal
  13. For APL execution was included in the actual firmware as opposed to APL being, exclusively ,a software product. Somewhat later, as suitably performing hardware was finally
  14. Journalists, and tourists. Until 2002,astronauts were sponsored and trained, exclusively ,by governments, either by the military, or by civilian space agencies. With the
  15. States ", Moreover,the Royal Spanish Academy advises against using Americans, exclusively ,for U. S. nationals: English translation: Canada Prior to Confederation in 1867
  16. In the National Park of the same name in Kentucky. These small amblyopia live, exclusively ,in the groundwater of Kentucky and southern Indiana. The fishes referred to are
  17. Era. The Anglican and some Lutheran Churches do not specifically teach this but, exclusively ,practice episcopal ordination. These churches generally hold that Jesus Christ
  18. Of some bucculatricid moths also feed on Acacia: Bucculatrix Giles feeds, exclusively ,on Acacia horrid and Bucculatrix plexus feeds exclusively on Acacia militia
  19. S de facto official language and is the first language of, and is used, exclusively ,by, a large majority of the population. Australian English was distinctly
  20. Appearance of Spider-Man's black costume, which the hero would wear almost, exclusively ,for the next four years' worth of comics; the debut of criminal mastermind the
  21. Of many sacred works, and in his last years it was almost, exclusively ,in religious works and teaching that Salary occupied himself. Among his
  22. And Oceania. Genetic analysis indicates that male Ones and Caracas almost, exclusively ,belong to Haplotype D, which is also found in Tibet and Japan, but is rare on
  23. Desires were not touched by the fall either. Immorality,e.g. fornication, is, exclusively , a matter of will,i.e. a person does not use natural desires properly.
  24. Great computational power enabling more autonomous targeting. Rather than rely on, exclusively ,on ground-based control, the many small interceptors would cooperatively
  25. Has agreements in place for its image archive. All digital images of Warhol are, exclusively ,managed by Corgis, while all transparency images of Warhol are managed by Art
  26. In 1773,Washout became a professor of canon law, a position that was held, exclusively ,by the Jesuits until that time. In 1775 Washout was introduced to the
  27. Of the law to extend the length of this fixed period where the work is, exclusively ,controlled by the copyright holder. However, copyright is merely the legal
  28. In general. It is used primarily by Muslims and Baha'is, and often, albeit not, exclusively , used by Arabic-speaking Eastern Catholic Christians, Maltese Roman Catholics
  29. Have been written entirely in assembly language. Operating systems were almost, exclusively ,written in assembly language until the widespread acceptance of C in the 1970s
  30. C. Enchorda (feeds exclusively on Amaranths),C. Immortalis (feeds, exclusively ,on Amaranths),C. Lineapulvella and C. Estrella (recorded on A. spinous)
  31. In academia. The term" America" ( America) on the other hand is used almost, exclusively ,for the continent as the U. S. A. are called" Estates UNIDO" ( United States
  32. Americano denotes" U. S. citizen" in Portugal. Usage of Americano to, exclusively ,denote people and things of the U. S. is discouraged by the Academia was
  33. Agilis feeds exclusively on Acacia horrid and Bucculatrix plexus feeds, exclusively ,on Acacia militia. Acacias contain a number of organic compounds that defend
  34. On the Imbued speaking strip from Luanda to Balance, the Baptists almost, exclusively ,among the Baking of the Northwest (now massively present in Luanda as well)
  35. The aardvark is nocturnal and is a solitary creature that feeds almost, exclusively ,on ants and termites (formicivore); the only fruit eaten by aardvarks is the
  36. Account for less than one percent of the population, inhabiting almost, exclusively ,the largest metropolitan areas. However, during the colonial period there was a
  37. Sales of Carat rubber and chemical products, many of which had been assigned, exclusively ,to that plant under the Soviet system and were still unavailable elsewhere to
  38. Case-bearer moths of the genus Coleoptera: C. tarantella, C. Enchorda (feeds, exclusively ,on Amaranths),C. Immortalis (feeds exclusively on Amaranths),C.
  39. And culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found, exclusively ,among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or
  40. The 2008 season, all regionally broadcast Diamondback TV games will be shown, exclusively ,on Fox Sports Arizona; and a few could possibly be shown on the national MLB on
  41. Likewise, Albanian has taken the old relative job and innovative used it, exclusively ,to qualify adjectives, much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to
  42. Afrikaans and in Dutch. The letters ‹ c ›, ‹ q ›, ‹ x ›, and ‹ z › occur almost, exclusively ,in borrowings from French, English,Greek and Latin. This is usually because
  43. To customs, law enforcement or military aircraft, thus its scope appears to, exclusively ,encompass civilian aircraft. Importantly, the convention only comes into force
  44. An orbital (and, consequently,of any electrons in the orbital) is determined, exclusively ,by n. The n=1 orbital has the lowest possible energy in the atom. Each
  45. July 1598 – 10 June 1654) was an Italian high-Baroque sculptor active almost, exclusively ,in Rome, where for the latter decades of his life, he was the major rival of
  46. One in the last decade. Since the 1993 season, the two teams have reigned, exclusively ,as NL East champions, except in 2006,when the Mets won their first division
  47. British Artists, Art,class, and value Art is sometimes perceived as belonging, exclusively ,to higher social classes. In this context, art is seen as an upper-class
  48. Australia, and Venezuela. The band completed their third album and released it, exclusively ,digital on August 29, 2009. The band is set to begin writing a new record this
  49. In Andorra, mobile and fixed telephone and internet services are operated, exclusively ,by the Andorran national telecommunications company, SOM, also known as Served
  50. His Shear HaGilgulim," The Gates of Reincarnation ", is a book devoted, exclusively ,to the subject of reincarnation in Judaism. Christianity Mainstream

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