Examples of the the word, modernization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( modernization ), is the 8025 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the National Football League for its main playing field. The Raymond Field, modernization ,was a gift to the university by friends, alumni,and the province. War Memorial
  2. Of the Maoist policy of economic self-reliance. China decided to accelerate the, modernization ,process by stepping up the volume of foreign trade, especially the purchase of
  3. Within certain cultural traditions. There are a number of criticisms of the, modernization ,critique. One centers on the definition of" traditional society. " The
  4. In the international community at large as a primary architect of China's, modernization ,and dramatic economic development ". French President Jacques Chirac said" In
  5. Era when other Muslim nations, like Turkey and Egypt were also on the path to, modernization , King Manuela was so impressed with the social progress of Europe that he
  6. The stadium is located next to Lake Michigan, and was recently remodeled in a, modernization ,intended to update stadium amenities while preserving a historic Chicago
  7. Transport, and irrigation. Local Afghan tribes strongly resisted this, modernization , Workmen making roads had to be protected by the army against local warriors.
  8. A disciple of Henry Clay ". The party, including Lincoln, favored economic, modernization ,in banking, railroads,and internal improvements and espoused urbanization as
  9. Financial schedule of the entire project. It will be a 20-year plan, including, modernization , and expansion of the elements for defense of the Brazilian territory. Troop
  10. Preserving the Union while ending slavery and promoting economic and financial, modernization , Reared in a poor family on the western frontier, Lincoln was mostly
  11. As" the chief architect of China's economic reforms and China's socialist, modernization ,". To the Communist Party, he was believed to have set a good example for
  12. The practice of the European country which had policy influence through, modernization ,or colonization. The first university degrees, starting with the law school
  13. Borrowing allowed the funding of public works projects and the expansion and, modernization ,of Santo Domingo. Though considered to be a relatively principled man, Vásquez
  14. Had also begun to integrate concepts of Western philosophy, as steps toward, modernization , By the time of the Sinai Revolution in 1911,there were many calls, such as
  15. Such as Lloyd Callers and Clifford Hertz, focused on processes of, modernization ,by which newly independent states could develop. Others, such as Julian Steward
  16. Sport by maintaining a minimum average of 80 per cent. Expansion and, modernization ,of Raymond Field was completed in the fall of 2007 and features the
  17. Including the famous dissident Wei Finishing, who coined the term" fifth, modernization ," to refer to democracy, missing element renewal plans of Deng Xiaoping. In
  18. Sustained has been hard to come by. Recent statistical analyses have challenged, modernization ,theory by demonstrating that there is no reliable evidence for the claim that
  19. Of the Korean War, South Korea's rapid economic growth, democratization and, modernization ,in the subsequent decades that followed (See also: Miracle on the Han River)
  20. Emphasizes nationalism in the context of a Third World oppressed nation seeking, modernization , mixed with a focus on present-life lite form of Confucian perspective. The
  21. Private railway, opens in Akihabara. * Since 2005 Major redevelopment and, modernization ,of the station and surrounding area. * June 8,2008: The Akihabara massacre
  22. By 2050,at which point, the Chinese people will be fairly well-off and, modernization ,will be basically realized. Deng, however,did little to improve relations with
  23. Elites and high-income individuals dwell. In the developing world, economic, modernization , brings poor newcomers from the countryside to build haphazardly at the edge of
  24. Took on a strongly bureaucratic character and corruption was widespread. The, modernization ,drive brought considerable demographic changes to Algeria. Village traditions
  25. For speaking of older and younger brothers is over ", and his discussion of the, modernization ,of" primeval" societies. Later in life he became more convinced that" modern
  26. Flights, but gunship pilots do not fly often due to the yet unfulfilled, modernization ,of the Mi-24 gunships. Due to financial difficulties fighter pilots have 60
  27. Of policies designed to unify the territory and an exceptionally slow pace of, modernization , In the French scale of priorities, the colony of Chad ranked near the bottom
  28. Plant breeding, and in some cases spray irrigation. As agriculture underwent, modernization ,in the 1970s and 1980s,soil fertility became less important for agricultural
  29. Despite this growth, the military still does not receive sufficient funds for, modernization , An example of bad spending plans is the large-scale purchasing of transport
  30. well-trained, and mobile military. Azerbaijan has been undergoing extensive, modernization ,and capacity expanding programs, with the military budget increasing from
  31. Changes came to Cairo under IMA'IL Pasha (r. 1863–1879),who continued the, modernization ,processes started by his grandfather. Drawing inspiration from Paris, Isma'IL
  32. Efficiency of the total force. In addition to administrative reorganization;, modernization ,projects include procurement of new vehicles, aircraft and equipment
  33. It rolled out the new jet commuter plane prototype EMB-145 in 1995. Extensive, modernization ,program In 2008 the Brazilian minister of defense has formulated the "
  34. Constitution that incorporated equal rights and individual freedoms. This rapid, modernization ,though, created a backlash, and a reactionary uprising known as the Host
  35. Grenade launchers,107 mm and 122 mm MLRS systems, Cobra 4x4 vehicles and joint, modernization ,of BTR vehicles in Baku. The major military companies of Azerbaijan are: *
  36. The ramifications that go with it. Cities are traditionally engines of social, modernization ,and economic growth and at the same time the theaters in which globalization
  37. Steep decline after the collapse of socialism in the country, but a process of, modernization ,has been taking place since 2000. As of the first decade of the 21st century
  38. Information is available regarding the motivations supporting China's military, modernization , A 2007 report by the US Secretary of Defense notes that" China's actions in
  39. That differentiates it from other groups. Even with rapid urbanization and, modernization , regionalism and regional identification continued to be important reference
  40. With cereal and vegetable yields dropping nearly 40 % by 1999. A five-year, modernization ,and development program was launched by the government in 2007,aimed at
  41. To 150.0 million in 2001–2003. Prior to the increased industrialization and, modernization ,following the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 (and
  42. The Navy was largely overlooked and received almost no funding. No projects for, modernization ,were carried out until 2005,when a Wailing class frigate (F912 Wander)
  43. Political reform, the fruits of economic reform would be lost and the goal of, modernization ,would not materialize. " The CPC is the world's largest political party
  44. Around 90 Economic Activity Inspectors. The National Police have implemented a, modernization ,and development plan to increase the capabilities and efficiency of the total
  45. KW·h Most of Bulgaria’s conventional power stations will require large-scale, modernization ,in the near future. Bulgaria has some 64 small hydroelectric plants, which
  46. In the low to mid-twenties. Due to a projected increase in enrollment and the, modernization ,of facilities, Simmons Middle school will be significantly remodeled with the
  47. Of convergence into a world civilization. This view is heavily influenced by, modernization ,theory, but is also strongly influenced by indigenous sources such as the
  48. Has responded to the dual challenges of interactions with the outside world and, modernization ,in the post-1700 era. Long abandoned as a research focus among most Western
  49. That, Russian factories will participate in the Armenian program of military, modernization , and that Russia is prepared to supply the necessary spare parts and equipment.
  50. As a sort of boldface. In North Korea, Hanja has been discontinued. Since the, modernization ,of Japan in the late 19th century, there has been debate about abandoning the

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