Examples of the the word, misunderstanding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misunderstanding ), is the 7686 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As an author, instead of a location, often with the academic degree MI,a, misunderstanding ,of the abbreviation for Michigan. Media The Ann Arbor News, owned by the
  2. Erupted between Buckingham and the Spanish nation between whom was mutual, misunderstanding ,and ill temper. Charles was outraged, and upon their return in October, he and
  3. The latter being situated along River Oder,Adam's statement is probably a, misunderstanding , No place having a similar name to Burka is known to have situated on the
  4. Contain aldosterone, a metabolic product of testosterone. However, this is a, misunderstanding ,of aldosterone. Beaten in the seeds can increase photosensitivity, so the
  5. And negative positions regarding these questions are based on attachment to and, misunderstanding ,of the aggregates and senses. That is, when one sees these things for what they
  6. 1789 near their new convict settlement at Port Jackson. Some earlier writers, misunderstanding ,that British stocks of virus had been sterilized, proposed that the 1789
  7. Leads to a less dogmatic style of language that reduces the possibility of, misunderstanding ,and for conflict. Some languages already treat equivalents of the verb" to be
  8. Hungry" can mean" I'm somewhat hungry ". This divergence of use can lead to, misunderstanding , Frequency * In the UK the word whilst is historically acceptable as a
  9. Many people to be a harmless and well-established tactic. This led to a serious, misunderstanding ,amongst the English public and the Marlene Cricket Club - the administrators
  10. By Winston Churchill, the opposite meanings of the verb to table created a, misunderstanding ,during a meeting of the Allied forces; in BRE to table an item on an agenda
  11. And opened the gates to avoid a mutual massacre. However, possibly because of a, misunderstanding , fighting resumed. Ninety-eight attackers and just one defender died in the
  12. To be evil to return to God. Christian Science believes that evil arises from a, misunderstanding ,of the goodness of nature, which is understood as being inherently perfect if
  13. With chronological order. The difference in short-form date order can lead to, misunderstanding , For example 06/04/05 could mean either June 4,2005 (if read as US format)
  14. Duke, the partners saw no reason to work together again. A last unpleasant, misunderstanding ,occurred in 1898. At the premiere of Sullivan’s opera The Beauty Stone on 28
  15. In my small world, and it was read by people in the larger world and thus the, misunderstanding , And for that, I am sorry. Gay people who set out to be parents can be just as
  16. Certainly erroneous given the long distance in time, and probably based on a, misunderstanding ,of the original description. Therein, C. Fratercula is called a" new
  17. Of a war which brought the human race to the brink of extinction, caused by a, misunderstanding ,during a first contact situation. By the start of the third season, the opening
  18. Man called Kenneling, and later took him to England. On the beach at Manly,a, misunderstanding ,arose and Phillip was speared in the shoulder: but he ordered his men not to
  19. The electric and magnetic fields produce forces on electric charges, A common, misunderstanding ,is that the quanta in the field are the same as the charged particles that
  20. Tended to remove anthropomorphic imagery in order to prevent the reader from, misunderstanding ,the ancient texts. This tendency is evidenced in both the Aramaic translations
  21. Of Charles, I's namesake, the current Prince of Wales). However, due to a, misunderstanding ,between Oliver Cromwell (guest-star Warren Clarke) and Baldric, the king is
  22. Tended not to enter into arguments with their opponents, which prevented the, misunderstanding ,from being uncovered. Nonetheless, due to the high regard in which Etches was
  23. For Neolithic to avoid the false segmentation. It was at this time that the, misunderstanding ,began among those who had not understood the Italian. The -within was seen as a
  24. Affairs," We now have two Latter-day Saints running, and the potential for, misunderstanding ,or missteps is therefore twice what it was before. " However, the official
  25. Of the spherical of the Earth had become widespread. There was considerable, misunderstanding ,illustrated by the debate concerning the possibility of the inhabitants of the
  26. Into English for use by American players. According to some, due to a, misunderstanding ,arising from differences in pronunciation between French and English, the
  27. Farm) meaning" the farm located by the Church ". It is, however,a common, misunderstanding ,that the name relates to its direct translation: churchyard/cemetery),but
  28. Between the position in everyday life and BDSM preferences. A further, misunderstanding ,is that members of BDSM communities want only to be hurt or to inflict physical
  29. Film category. Both the producer and Kurosawa himself attributed this to a, misunderstanding ,: because of the Academy's arcane rules, no one was sure whether Ran qualified
  30. Chinese names used in Western countries may be rearranged when written to avoid, misunderstanding , e.g. cellist Yo-Yo Ma. However, some well-known Chinese names remain in the
  31. The spacecraft, the crew had been instructed to temporarily stop urine dumps. A, misunderstanding ,prompted the crew to store all urine for the rest of the flight. Apollo 13
  32. In Russian, it does not mean" —" disentangle "," untie "," clean up a, misunderstanding ,". However, the most well-founded explanation is a standard Russian surname
  33. Un-idiomatic or ambiguous with these genitives, introducing the likelihood of, misunderstanding , Purpose In the genitive of purpose, the marker identifies the purpose or
  34. As a dominatrix rather than a prostitute to the media, due to frequent, misunderstanding ,and conflation by the public of the two terms. While dominatrices come from
  35. As the school shootings. Violence against goths In part because of public, misunderstanding ,and ignorance surrounding gothic aesthetics, goths sometimes suffer prejudice
  36. And West. Church politics, authority conflicts, ethnic hostility, linguistic, misunderstanding , personal rivalry, forced conversions, large scale wars, political intrigue
  37. As in the Durer portrait) is often portrayed with flowing blond hair, due to a, misunderstanding ,of Reinhard, who describes Charlemagne as having canine punch, or " beautiful
  38. Has to" find oneself" and then live in accordance with this self. A common, misunderstanding ,is that the self is something one can find if one looks hard enough, that one
  39. They have a spacious yard and regular opportunities for free exercise. A common, misunderstanding ,about the intelligence of breeds in the Hound group stems from their
  40. Him to be, and that their marriage has been based on mutual fantasies and, misunderstanding , Torvald is unable to comprehend Nora's point of view, since it contradicts
  41. As described in the Confessions. But in view of his writings it is apparently a, misunderstanding , Augustine teaches that human sexuality has been wounded, together with the
  42. It easy for readers of the book to misunderstand what it was about, and the, misunderstanding ,will pursue me till I die. I should not have written the book because of this
  43. Was granted the regeneration patent in what is today widely regarded as a, misunderstanding ,of the technical facts by the Supreme Court justices. By early 1923,however
  44. Instead that explanation of a term is only needed when we need to avoid, misunderstanding , Locke and Mill also argued that we cannot define individuals. We learn names
  45. Here for? We are here to go! ": :- The Process *:" Language is an abominable, misunderstanding ,which makes up a part of matter. The painters and the physicists have treated
  46. Synagogue, the Christian drive for converts decreed by the Great Commission, misunderstanding ,of Jewish beliefs and practices, and a perceived, and sometimes actual, Jewish
  47. Training videotapes. Amway denied wrongdoing, blaming the case on a, misunderstanding ,by distributors, and settled the case out of court for $9 million. In a related
  48. There has been some reconciliation. Both Churches agree there to have been a, misunderstanding ,between the two in 451,that is to say that each side's terminology basically
  49. The goal of clear concise communication is that the receiver (s) have no, misunderstanding ,about what was meant to be conveyed. An exception to this could include a
  50. Muggled cache has been removed or vandalized by a non-geocacher, usually out of, misunderstanding ,or lack of knowledge. * Smiley – A cache find. Refers to the" smiley-face "

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