Examples of the the word, leaflet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leaflet ), is the 7687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the beginning of February provided the occasion for the group's sixth, leaflet , written by Huber. Headed" Fellow students! ", it announced that the" day of
  2. Nikolai Grunting verse 3:" Yea were every tree endowed with speech and every, leaflet ,singing … ”. In the Roman Catholic Church, Veni Since Spirits is the sequence
  3. At the top of a flowering plant, this number again diminishes to a single, leaflet ,per leaf. The lower leaf pairs usually occur in an opposite leaf arrangement
  4. Like the ones across the Yalu River and for dams. Also conducted countless, leaflet ,drops in North Korea, such as those for Operation Molar. The B-29 was soon
  5. The target groups. This may begin with a simple transmission such as a, leaflet ,dropped from a plane or an advertisement. Generally these messages will contain
  6. Are long, with 20 to 31 medium to dark green leaflet s about long. The terminal, leaflet ,is often missing. The petioles are short. Flowers The (white and fragrant)
  7. The veins on the leg, although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have, leaflet ,valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde). Leg muscles pump
  8. And they were executed by decapitation in 1943. The text of their sixth, leaflet ,was smuggled by Helmut James Graph von Monte out of Germany through
  9. Group is thought to have produced between 6,000 and 9,000 copies of their fifth, leaflet ," Appeal to all Germans! ", which was distributed via courier runs to many
  10. About a secret government establishment, RSG 6,that the march was passing. The, leaflet ,said that RSG 6 was to be the local HQ for a military dictatorship after
  11. Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous, leaflet ,campaign, lasting from June 1942 until February 1943,that called for active
  12. In the occupied territories. The acronym" Hamas" first appeared in 1987 in a, leaflet ,that accused the Israeli intelligence services of undermining the moral fiber
  13. 40–100 cm) pinnate leaves with 15-41 long pointed leaflet s, the terminal, leaflet ,normally present, and the basal pairs of leaflet s often lobed at their bases.
  14. The so-called Dutch Dada campaign in 1923,where Van Does burg promoted a, leaflet ,about Dada (entitled What is Dada? ), Schwitters read his poems, Vilmos Hussar
  15. Of the German people to Nazi oppression and tyranny. Huber wrote the final, leaflet , A draft of a seventh leaflet , designed by Christoph Proust, was found in the
  16. The Ra's super family Gases. Limitation In order to associate with the inner, leaflet ,of the plasma membrane, many G proteins and small Gases are liquidated, that
  17. Of the TWERPS system was sold in a small plastic bag containing an 8-page, leaflet , a sheet of card stock counters to be cut apart, little card stock hex-maps and a
  18. And phospholipids destined for the endoplasmic cellular membrane on its inner, leaflet , In signal transduction Some types of phospholipid can be split to produce
  19. Operations missions such as the BLIND BAT FAC/Flare mission and FACT SHEET, leaflet ,mission over Laos and North Vietnam. The A-model was also provided to the South
  20. 2004,when the" Greatest Hits" of Queen was released in Iran, the explanatory, leaflet ,accompanying the cassette tape described the song saying that the hero,"
  21. That it had 'considerable sympathy' with the defendants' submissions that the, leaflet ,meant 'that there is a respectable (not cranky) body of medical opinion which
  22. The Dakotas were used on cargo runs, in troop movement and in paratroop and, leaflet ,drops with in Malaya. The Lincolns, operating from bases in Singapore and from
  23. World. In Britain, his pamphlet Protest and Survive, a parody on the government, leaflet ,Protect and Survive, played a major role in the revived strength of the
  24. Had not bothered to visit Huber before the trial and had not read Huber's, leaflet , Another attorney had carried out all the pre-trial paperwork. When Roger
  25. Of Gram-negative bacteria is the structure of the outer membrane. The outer, leaflet ,of the membrane comprises a complex lipopolysaccharide whose lipid portion acts
  26. Tickets and passes. The municipal transport company publishes a very useful, leaflet ,called" Bus Navy. " It contains a route map for the bus lines to most sights
  27. And central Europeans to Australia for the first time. A 1958 government, leaflet ,assured readers that unskilled non-British migrants were needed for“ labor on
  28. Gramma" letter, writing ") may refer to: * Program (booklet),a printed, leaflet ,for patrons of a live event such as a theater or sports performance * Program
  29. The Greenland Post Office issued commemorative postage stamps and a, leaflet ,by the flag's creator. He described the white stripe as representing the
  30. The" eat me"-signal phosphatidylserine which is transferred to the outer, leaflet ,of the plasma membrane during apoptosis. By reason of delayed apoptosis the
  31. Middle. " However, when the band released the Greatest Hits cassette in Iran,a, leaflet ,in Persian was included with translation and explanations (refers to a book
  32. Together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf or, leaflet , and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format
  33. Leaders of SDS and retained control of the SDS National Office. Thereafter, any, leaflet , label, or logo bearing the name" Students for a Democratic Society" or" SDS
  34. Prisoner, thereby saving her life. The White Rose had the last word. Their last, leaflet ,was smuggled to the Allies, who edited it, and air-dropped millions of copies
  35. Person before being taken into custody, Hans did not do the same with Probst's, leaflet ,draft or cigarette coupons given to him by Layer, an act that cost Probs this
  36. Digitate, with serrate leaflet s. The first pair of leaves usually have a single, leaflet , the number gradually increasing up to a maximum of about thirteen leaflet s per
  37. Ensuing controversy. In 1989,McDonald's responded to the publication of the, leaflet ,by engaging private agents to infiltrate London Greenpeace in order to gather
  38. In 1954. His thesis, Experimental studies of stimulus response relationships in, leaflet ,communication, drew from sociology, psychology,and communication, to study how
  39. Campaigner for the Ghurka's right of settlement, spoke to The Sun condemning a, leaflet ,allegedly distributed by BNP candidate Adam Walker attacking her campaign and
  40. Phospholipids destined for the cytoplasmic cellular membrane on its exterior, leaflet ,and phospholipids destined for the endoplasmic cellular membrane on its inner
  41. Their point of view with that of the average person. For example, a propaganda, leaflet ,may make an argument on a macroeconomic issue, such as unemployment insurance
  42. Cologne, Vienna,Freiburg, Chemnitz,Hamburg, Innsbruck,and Berlin. The fifth, leaflet ,was composed by Hans Scholl with improvements by Huber. These leaflet s warned
  43. The sermon and distribute it at the University of Munich as the group's first, leaflet ,prior to their formal organization. In February 2006,however, Dr. Mud Newborn
  44. A Jones-type vowel diagram on its influential International Phonetic Alphabet, leaflet ,contained in the" Handbook of the International Association ". Many
  45. Oldest public university in the United States, is founded. * December 23 – A, leaflet ,circulated in France accuses marquis de Farms of plotting to rescue the royal
  46. Also be observed today in Trotsky circles, who insist on the importance of, leaflet ,distribution). Soviet propaganda meant dissemination of revolutionary ideas
  47. A high concentration of citric acid can damage hair and bleach it. The, leaflet ,of Villein The leaflet of Villein (also known as the flyer of Villein or
  48. The allegation, saying that neither the BNP nor Walker were responsible for the, leaflet , On 17 May 2009,The Daily Telegraph wrote that the BNP's leader, Nick Griffin
  49. Oppression and tyranny. Huber wrote the final leaflet . A draft of a seventh, leaflet , designed by Christoph Proust, was found in the possession of Hans Scholl at
  50. English Partnerships' plan is to work. As shown in DLR's first consultation, leaflet , there are proposals for the DLR to extend further than, possibly to or Rain ham

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