Examples of the the word, eighty , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The top of the Italian football league system and has been operating for over, eighty ,years since 1929. It had been organized by Legal Calico until 2010,but a new
  2. Was next to be destroyed. In the three cities destroyed, between seventy and, eighty ,a thousand people are said to have been killed. Tacitus says the Britons had no
  3. Enterprise," Broken Bow" ( 2001) describes the Klingon language as having ", eighty ,poly guttural dialects constructed on an adaptive syntax ". However, Klingon as
  4. Based on coal-mining and iron-making, urbanisation was rapid. During these, eighty ,years the number of municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants increased
  5. To enter the gulf just west of Axis. Small craft can navigate approximately, eighty ,kilometers inland from its mouth. At one time, the Ankara helped transport
  6. End, stretches eastward through the Accra Plains, where it widens to more than, eighty ,kilometers, and terminates at the southeastern corner of the country at the
  7. Time of Julius Caesar to the end of the reign of Queen Anne ", its length being, eighty ,quarto sheets (640 pages),under 400,000 words. It was to be submitted for
  8. Changes. Minority languages are spoken throughout the nation. One hundred and, eighty ,Amerindian languages are spoken in remote areas and a number of other languages
  9. He could not reasonably have foreseen and provided for events occurring nearly, eighty ,years after his death, during which time his successors could have successfully
  10. The Institutes appeared in 1559. By then, the work consisted of four books of, eighty ,chapters, and each book was named after statements from the creed: Book 1 on
  11. Derived: # The number of possible outcomes equals the number of combinations of, eighty ,numbers taken twenty at a time. # The number of ways in which k of the n
  12. East of the Cape Cod Canal,35 miles conversion? South of Provincetown, and, eighty , miles southeast of Boston. Cape Cod's largest inland body of water, Long Pond
  13. In Fang dominance over the earlier Bantu inhabitants. The Fang constitute, eighty ,percent of the population and are themselves divided into sixty-seven clans.
  14. His career. *1977 – Johnstown, Pennsylvania is hit by a flash flood that kills, eighty ,and causes $350 million in damage. * 1977 – The Central Intelligence Agency
  15. Farther north in the Ostrogothic area, uplift is more rapid, it amounts to, eighty ,or ninety centimeters a century. The process also means that Finland is growing
  16. The entire Danubian Plateau and a stretch of land running forty-eight to, eighty ,kilometers inland from the coastline. The second system drains the Thracian
  17. The most productive on the island. The largest basin is the Vale of Clarendon, eighty ,kilometers long and thirty-two kilometers wide. Queen of Spain's Valley, Nassau
  18. It was destroyed, as was Verulamium (St. Albany). Between seventy and, eighty ,a thousand people are said to have been killed in the three cities. But Suetonius
  19. Whereas in BRE these amounts would be expressed one dollar fifty and one pound, eighty , For amounts over a dollar an American will generally either drop denominations
  20. S father remarried in 1891,to a schoolteacher, and lived to the age of, eighty , Coolidge senior engaged in many occupations, and ultimately enjoyed a
  21. Working in it. Within the next 4–5 years, the industry is expected to gross, eighty ,a thousand crores (800 billion rupees) annually. With a view to making the best
  22. Total force was approximately the same as in the Red Guards). Sixty to, eighty ,a thousand Russian soldiers remained stationed in Finland at the beginning of
  23. Settlers due to its weight and inability to fly, and became extinct fewer than, eighty ,years after the initial European colonization. History For a long time, the
  24. From Lithuanian Nicaea who wrote a history of Rome from its founding to 229 in, eighty ,books. Did is vital for the military history of the period, but his senatorial
  25. The Polk's had connections with the university, then a small school of about, eighty ,students: Sam Polk was their land agent for Tennessee, and his cousin, William
  26. Are often spoken differently. In AME one may say a dollar fifty or a pound, eighty , whereas in BRE these amounts would be expressed one dollar fifty and one pound
  27. Television monitor. The computer selects twenty numbers between one and, eighty , The payout is calculated based upon how many numbers were chosen and how many
  28. Primarily on its extensive fat reserves. Calf gray whales drink fifty to, eighty ,gallons of their mother's 53 % fat milk per day. Migration Each October, as
  29. A base in heavy industry. In the U. S. urbanization rate increased forty to, eighty ,percent during 1900-1990. Today the world's population is slightly over half
  30. Under his successors. At the start of 1971,Pope Paul VI set an age limit of, eighty ,years for electors, who were to number no more than 120,but set no limit to
  31. Numbers to match any of the twenty" dealt," so to speak, from the pool of, eighty , The probability that k of the n numbers chosen by the player, i. e., : P_n (k
  32. He never resumed his task, which was completed by another after a lapse of, eighty ,years. Besides this, Anatoli translated, between the years 1231 and 1235,the
  33. 2nd century and soon gained converts in the towns and among slaves. More than, eighty ,bishops, some from distant frontier regions of Namibia, attended the Council of
  34. French justice system. However,consensus held that Dreyfus was guilty:, eighty ,percent of the press in France condemned him. This attitude among the majority
  35. Death of his manager Hezekiah Lithium Batsman. Although the production lasted, eighty ,performances, his Macbeth was judged inferior to his Hamlet. His next essay
  36. Allow it to shape its own destiny. Forum: The Prince with the Silver Hand Set, eighty ,years after the defeat of the Sword Rulers, Corum has become despondent and
  37. Custom House. The action was a serious setback as five members were killed and, eighty ,captured. By the end of the war, in July 1921,the IRA was very hard-pressed by
  38. But set no limit to the number of cardinals as a whole, including those over, eighty , (As a result of the setting of the age limit at the start of 1971
  39. S planets. Furthermore, Alpha Centauri A sidereal period of approximately, eighty ,years means that this star would move through the local ecliptic as slowly as
  40. Of visual tricks and effects. The film garnered two Oscar nominations. Earning, eighty ,a million dollars domestically, it would stand as Scorsese's most commercially
  41. For making films by contributing to the production costs. Since 1995,over, eighty ,films have been made on the island. In recent years however the policy has been
  42. Used in most towns in Upper Canada and throughout the American frontier. The, eighty ,original lots had frontages of fifty feet; each lot faced a broad street and
  43. A last line of defense; Tacitus reports that" according to one report almost, eighty ,a thousand Britons fell" compared with only four hundred Romans. According to
  44. His work, mostly in fantasy, published under the name Lord Duns any. More than, eighty ,books of his work were published, and his oeuvre includes many hundreds of
  45. Northern kingdom, and there was perpetual war between them. For the following, eighty ,years, there was no open war between them, and,for the most part, they were in
  46. Territorial law which created a tenth department, the Chamber of Deputies had, eighty ,three seats and the Senate had twenty-seven. Judicial branch The legal system
  47. Is some 200 kilometers from Lahore, forty kilometers from Mali, and, eighty , kilometers from Want—along with a lack of good harbor facilities, make
  48. Many times as necessary to add up to the desired number; so to write the number, eighty ,or eight hundred, the symbol for ten or one hundred was written eight times
  49. Stable analogues. Matheson, ca 1720,stated" if a lute-player has lived, eighty ,years, he has surely spent sixty years tuning. " Belly The geometry of the lute
  50. Mascot Pictures Corporation. By Wayne's own estimation, he appeared in about, eighty ,of these horse operas from 1930 to 1939. In Riders of Destiny (1933) he

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