Examples of the the word, cheers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cheers ), is the 12550 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Italian, Spanish,French, German and English, with each language receiving, cheers ,from the international crowd, before continuing with the traditional Harems
  2. Him most of all for the enemies he has made. " As the convention rocked with, cheers , Tammany boss John Kelly lunged at the platform, screaming that he welcomed the
  3. Received and then forwarded on the passage. Claim that CNN faked Palestinian, cheers ,Shortly after the attacks, CNN showed footage of a group of Palestinians
  4. On the downfall of the German Democratic Republic on 3 October 1990. (jubilant, cheers ,from the CDU/DA, DSU and SPD). " Attempt to change the date of national
  5. Carried four states and received 39 electoral votes. One 1948 speech, met with, cheers ,by supporters, included the following: Early runs for Senate As Thurmond was
  6. Either to tip his cap as he circled the bases or to respond to prolonged, cheers ,of" We want Ted! " From the crowd by making an appearance from the dugout. The
  7. We shall shortly be gone. But if you listen, you can hear their songs and their, cheers , As you look, you can see the torch which they handed down to us. " —
  8. Before the team takes the field and leads the crowd in traditional Army, cheers , Between the 1998 and 2004 seasons,Army's football program was a member of
  9. Middendorf. Upon their departure the crew of Constitution rendered three, cheers ,for the Queen. Over 900,000 visitors toured" Old Iron sides" that year. 1995
  10. Student-run school spirit organization in the United States. The Aggie Pack, cheers ,on the sports team along with the http://www.aggiepack.com/spiritsquad.htm
  11. Pumped his arms, causing the holdout crowd at U. S. Cellular Field to erupt in, cheers , When play resumed, White Sox second baseman Tahiti Gucci blasted a grand
  12. Tunes later. Bands cheer with the cheerleaders, and some bands create their own, cheers , Some university bands play" pre-game" and" post-game" shows for tailgaters
  13. Had moved in his lifetime from an unduly positive rendition (the" three, cheers ,view" ) to an unduly negative view (The" 'black armband view' "). Blaine
  14. Staying at Hatfield House at the time of her accession, rode to London to the, cheers ,of both the ruling class and the common people. When Elizabeth came to the
  15. Because I have no doubt they are sincere; but I will say they are quacks (, cheers ,); they are deluded and beguiled by a spurious philanthropy, and when they
  16. Attributed to Spooner, most of them spuriously ". They are: *" Three, cheers ,for our queer old dean! " (dear old queen, referring to Queen Victoria) * "
  17. In Casey's bearing and a smile on Casey's face.: And when, responding to the, cheers , he lightly doffed his hat, : No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey
  18. This time, gymnastics,tumbling, and megaphones were incorporated into popular, cheers , and are still used. In 1948,Lawrence" Herbie" Perkier, of Dallas, TX and a
  19. Breed idiocy. Bellboys babbling orders, portraits of caudillos, prearranged, cheers , or insults, walls covered with names, unanimous ceremonies, mere discipline
  20. Haku's kick attempt, sending him reeling from the ring as well, prompting loud, cheers ,for André for the first time in three years. André went into the match as a
  21. Attendance of 17,503 was the Oilers' biggest crowd ever to that date. Large, cheers ,erupted for his first shift, his first touch of the puck, his two assists, and
  22. Girls are primarily a dance squad and do not perform gymnastics, stunts or lead, cheers , Founded in 1919,the USC Yell Leaders worked closely with The Spirit of Troy (
  23. Bill of health. On August 13, 1969,the astronauts exited quarantine to the, cheers ,of the American public. Parades were held in their honor in New York, Chicago
  24. Wagon. The police began escorting Mafia members into the first wagon, to the, cheers ,of the bystanders. Next, regular employees were loaded into the wagon. A
  25. In kick-offs. The 12th Man uses a variety of school yells, rather than, cheers , to support Aggie teams. Each year the student body elects five students to
  26. But no longer against his honor. " Seymour had to wait for the rousing, cheers ,to die down before he could address the delegates and make another refusal. " I
  27. Wrote, the emperor and his soldiers entered the city not to the sound of, cheers ,but to wailing and screaming. Not long after, the Christian population railed
  28. One to three minutes, which contain the components of tumbling, dance,jumps, cheers , and stunting to direct spectators of events to cheer on sports teams at games
  29. For a moment before replying, Sangue –" Blood ". Random is shaken. The crowd, cheers ,the Prince, provoking Turandot's anger. She presents her third riddle (Gel
  30. Dass HETE Ire Aureate ..." ). After these words, the speech drowned in, cheers , In 1991,Escher raced to recognize the Republic of Croatia in the Croatian
  31. On the balcony, with the palace's blacked-out windows behind them, to the, cheers ,from a vast crowd in the Mall. The boy Jones was an intruder who gained entry
  32. S first and only Olympic gold medal may have been realized in part by the, cheers ,from the representative hockey team that urged John Anti-bug forward. Also in
  33. Outraged cries, booing,and whistling by the offended parties, countered by, cheers ,and applause by the more forward-thinking contingent. Such interruptions
  34. Miami Dolphins for 33 years as a one-man sideline show, leading Miami crowds in, cheers ,and chants in his glittering coral (orange) and aqua hat from the Dolphins ’
  35. Worked closely with The Spirit of Troy (USC Band) and the Song Girls to lead, cheers ,and perform stunts to rally Trojan fans at football, basketball,and volleyball
  36. Unger walked over and turned Beethoven around to accept the audience's, cheers ,and applause. According to one witness," the public received the musical hero
  37. A pause as the conclusion and let the flag fall prematurely. The ensuing, cheers ,put an end to Evarts's address. No members of the public were
  38. And roaring approval of the same player for hitting a home run. Despite the, cheers ,and adulation of most of his fans, the occasional boos directed at him in
  39. S name: Decimal anti all Costco Imperator! –" It is ... love! " The crowd, cheers ,and acclaims the two lovers (O sole! Vita! Eternity). Critical response While
  40. Him of leading the Republicans" down the road to defeat ", mixed boos and, cheers ,rang out from the delegates, and there were even fistfights between some Taft
  41. April 3. His performance, on the deck of the USS Hancock in San Diego, prompted, cheers , and screams from an audience of sailors and their dates. A few days later, a
  42. Deputising for the sick Clement Attlee) entered the chamber to loud, cheers , Chamberlain spoke emotionally, laying the blame for the war on Hitler. No
  43. Man called Freddy. She admonishes him for spilling her violets in the mud but, cheers ,up after selling one to an older gentleman. She flies into an angry outburst
  44. Of the battle line. Within five minutes Guerrier's foremast had fallen, to, cheers , from the crews of the approaching British ships. The French captains had been
  45. Held supposedly to honor the polar victor. Carbon had called for" three, cheers ,for the dogs ". According to Huntford's account, this slight caused Amundsen
  46. Declares" Pining for the fjords? What kind of talk is that? " The audience, cheers ,this bit of breaking character, but Pain quickly composes himself and Cheese
  47. Taunt makes him see the answer, and he proclaims" It is Random! " The crowd, cheers ,for the triumphant Prince. Random throws herself at her father's feet and
  48. Back to Baltimore for the first time in 15 years. Amidst a shower of negative, cheers ,towards the Colts, the Ravens won 38-31. Three consecutive losing seasons under
  49. Around the world observe Pi Day (March 14,from 3.14). Several college, cheers ,at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of
  50. Been unsuccessful in 1934. When Hitler entered Vienna, he was greeted by loud, cheers , Four weeks later,99 % of Austrians voted in favor of the annexation (

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