Examples of the the word, dart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dart ), is the 12551 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Long patronizing certain rivers of ill repute in the Greater Amazon Basin, will, dart , up your prick or your asshole or a woman's cunt faute de mieux, and hold
  2. For a dummy to be put in the Maharajah's bed. That night the dummy is hit by a, dart ,fired by the fakir. Tintin follows the fakir to the cartel's hideout which the
  3. An excircle. Made by curve Padilla More quadrilaterals *A geometric chevron (, dart ,or arrowhead) is a concave quadrilateral with bilateral symmetry like a kite
  4. Assistance of a spear thrower such as the Atlanta or boomers. From the Atlanta, dart , the arrow for use with bows eventually developed. Ancient history Infantry
  5. Of Wu dang from her. As Jen runs off to prepare the antidote for the poisoned, dart , Mu Bad prepares to die. With his last breaths, he finally confesses his love
  6. 1975 – Masai Sustain, Japanese comedian * 1975 – Vincent van der Oort, Dutch, dart , player * 1975 – Ken Lambert. American IT professional *1977 – José Acevedo
  7. S hall. Upon their arrival, Ysbaddaden attempts to kill Clutch with a poison, dart , but is outwitted and wounded, first by Bedder, then by the enchanter Men, and
  8. Of the episode“ Love Song for Tanya ”, ends with Austin using the poison, dart ,gun in his bionic hand to kill an enemy agent; since the TV version of the
  9. Behind the battleships until gun-smoke obscured visibility enough for them to, dart ,out and fire their torpedoes. ) So for most of their history, battleships
  10. Young leading to the further spread of the nematode. South American poison, dart ,frogs in the genus Dendrites feed mainly on ants, and the toxins in their
  11. Word date was in Middle English pronounced (similar to modern non-rhotic, dart ,); the vowel in feet was (similar to modern fate); the vowel in wipe was (
  12. Is a trapezoid),and" kite" excludes the concave kite (arrowhead or, dart ,). Inclusive definitions are used throughout. Quantum teleportation, or
  13. It as a bridge to come in and counter-attack. BIU The (標指) BIU The (lit. ", dart ,fingers" ) is characterized by the use of open hand techniques (as opposed to
  14. A single day. Later, he decapitated a running ostrich with a specially designed, dart ,and afterwards carried the bleeding head of the dead bird and his sword over to
  15. From the skin of frogs may offer resistance to HIV infection. Arrow and, dart ,poisons are under active investigation for their potential as therapeutic drugs
  16. Achieved in hurling an object from a sling is:, using a long sling and a, dart , This was achieved by David England at Baldwin Lake, California,USA on 13
  17. And Marge bicycling into the sunset now end with Homer blowing a tranquilizer, dart ,into Marge's neck. The show's still funny, but it hasn't been touching in
  18. Sling weapon mentioned by Livy and Polybius. It seems to have been a heavy, dart ,flung from a leather sling. It was invented in 168 BC and was employed by some
  19. Blowgun dart s. The fibers create a seal that allows the pressure to force the, dart ,through the tube. The commercial tree is most heavily cultivated in the
  20. Their diet. Some native people of South America extract poison from the poison, dart ,frogs and apply it to their dart s for hunting, although few species are toxic
  21. Gaigei and Litotes lineages) that mimic the coloration of, dart ,poison frogs' coloration for self-protection (Batesian mimicry). Because
  22. Cities and towns Unincorporated Communities Townships History Stone spear and, dart ,points found in the area verify that people from the Dalton Culture were
  23. Fired the standard 9 mm bullet, although sometimes it was loaded with a special, dart ,tipped with a fast-acting tranquilizer when it was preferable to have a live
  24. Name of these frogs was thus changed from" poison arrow frog" to" poison, dart ,frog" in the early 1980s. Poisonous frogs tend to advertise their toxicity
  25. For him to be knocked out with a blow to the head, and a CO2-powered poison, dart ,gun in one of his bionic fingers which the literary version of Austin often
  26. Rally for trucks with his MAN truck. * Raymond Van Barnfield Former world #1, dart , player,5 time World Dart Champion * Auto racing driver Are Lundy is a
  27. Myth of Cupid's arrows might be based on early observations of the love, dart ,behavior of the land snail species Helix aspens. In contemporary speech, the
  28. Tessellations, to refer to the concave quadrilateral with these properties as a, dart ,or arrowhead, with term kite being restricted to the convex shape. ) *
  29. Saxons. Shortly afterwards, they chose a new name found at random by throwing a, dart ,at a map of the United States. It landed near the community of Bay City
  30. With a weapon more suited to a man, whereupon Cupid wounds him with a golden, dart ,; simultaneously, however,Cupid shoots a leaden arrow into Daphne, causing her
  31. And there is a great diversity of parental behaviors. Some species of poison, dart ,frog lay eggs on the forest floor and protect them, guarding the eggs from
  32. M5050),the reversing agent in the Immobile large animal tranquilizer, dart ,kit; the tranquilizer is another ultra-potent morphine derivative/structural
  33. No effect on the trajectory of a cork-spun ball. Upon bouncing, the ball will, dart ,right or left, depending on the direction of the spin, making it very difficult
  34. Behind the eyes, on the top of the head. Some frogs, such as some poison, dart ,frogs, are especially toxic. The chemical makeup of toxins in frogs varies from
  35. With the Abrasion in which Alexander himself was wounded in the shoulder by a, dart ,but eventually the Abrasion lost the fight. Alexander then faced the Assani
  36. Despite claims that boar bristles have been used in the manufacture of premium, dart ,boards for use with steel-tipped dart s, these boards are, in fact, made of
  37. Who thinks the same thing for Spider-Man. When the Captain America is hit by a, dart ,coated in some type of poison, it regresses to a Skull named Pit'o Villi and
  38. While piranha are known to bite and injure humans. Various species of poison, dart ,frogs secrete basophilic alkaloid toxins through their flesh. There are also
  39. 200 times more potent than morphine, is found in some species of poison, dart ,frogs. Other chemicals isolated from the skin of frogs may offer resistance to
  40. gang's leader but, before he can, the Fakir, from outside the window, blows a, dart ,tipped with Rajah juice at Zloty, causing Zloty to go mad. Tintin takes
  41. Jellyfish, wasp ) *Defense (bee, ant,termite, honeybee,wasp, poison, dart , frog ) Some of the more well known types of biotoxins include: *Chemotaxis
  42. Roe the well-breath'd beagle flies, And rends his hide fresh-bleeding with the, dart ," The Iliad of Homer (1715–20) Book XV:697–8 Boiled leather, sometimes called
  43. With a sling stands at 477.0 m, set by David England in 1992 using a metal, dart , Larry Bray held the previous world record (1982),in which a 52 g stone was
  44. Third apocryphal account states that Valets was struck in the face by a Gothic, dart ,and then perished while leading a charge. He wore no helmet to encourage his
  45. Also played with big and heavy stones. One more typical Bhutanese game is the, dart ,game, known locally as Khufu, which is played with short targets. The dart s
  46. On another occasion, he decapitated a running ostrich with a specially designed, dart , carried the bloodied head and his sword over to the Senatorial seats and
  47. Improvised section of 'Dazed and Confused '. We'd remember the good stuff and, dart ,into a studio along the way. " Some recording studios used by the band
  48. And his horse Snowman, while in the book Snowman is killed by a" black, dart ,", crushing Theorem as he falls. As confirmed in the films' audio commentary
  49. Often be delivered from a distance by means of remote projector systems (", dart ,guns" ) before the animal can even be approached. Large domestic livestock can
  50. In pursuit of Jade Fox. While the three are eating lunch, Jade Fox fires a, dart ,with a written message attached to it, challenging them to a showdown that

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