Examples of the the word, jc , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jc ), is the 12104 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 10. Molecular genetic studies aimed to identify the genetic defect in the,JC, locus demonstrated a small deletion of 10bp in exon 6 of the Soap gene. The
- Independently at The Jackson Laboratory that were named Jackson circle (, jc , ). The first mutation occurred in 1970 on the C57BL/6J background, named
- And any of the following conditional jump instructions: // JA, jae, jb, jbe, jc , JE, jg,age, jl, jle, jna, jnae, jnb, jnbe, // JC, jne, jng, jnge, jnl, jnle
- There, she worked in State of Mexico, assisting poor rural workers. Name ", jc ," /> Allegations of pregnancy After the dictatorship, some sensationalistic
- Work to needy children in the city, where she resides since 1984. Name ", jc ," /> About her torture in the past, she declared the following:" I do not like
- Nas Treas (), claims that Sister Marina was raped in prison. Name ", jc ," /> The nun, however,denies this claim. According to her, she was a victim of
- Music, week after week, including (but not limited to): cf, mr. Grecko, gc, jc , cs, duckman, nr, tammy, rc, etc, etc, etc and to my Mary bones, who has
- Says his claim was based on declarations made by FALL members. Name ", jc ," /> On 1970,after five months of illegal detainment, Sister Marina was
- To a stop codon (p. G632X). Phenotypes In the mouse, the truncating mutations, jc , and jc 2J lead to profound hearing loss and erratic circling behavior.
- Words /x/ is often omitted: Arno, arman, iʎada, itʃ, ɔrɔ, lɛp. *The palatals c, jc , ɟ, jɟ predominate over the Old Church Slavonic diphthongs at and CD: NFC
- It, in order to get her fingerprints on the gun. Name" EP" /> name ", jc ," /> Current life Nowadays, Sister Marina takes care of her flock in the São
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