Examples of the the word, continuing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continuing ), is the 5558 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1891–92. But England dominated, winning the next three series to 1896 despite, continuing ,player disputes. The 1894–95 series began in sensational fashion when England
  2. It was announced that Schwarzenegger is considering a comeback film despite his, continuing ,legal problems. He has reportedly signed to star in" Last Stand" as a
  3. Company under the name Atari Corporation. Warner retained the arcade division, continuing ,it is under the name Atari Games, but sold it to NAMC in 1985. Warner also sold
  4. Plate armor associated with the knights of the European Late Middle Ages, but, continuing , to the early 17th century Age of Enlightenment in all European countries. By
  5. Anglican Communion churches in recent decades and thus claim that they are ", continuing ," the traditional forms of Anglicanism. The modern Continuing movement
  6. And pushing against the boundaries of established operatic genres would be a, continuing ,hallmark of Salieri's own personal style, and in his choice of material for
  7. S philosophical method, especially demonstrated in his Confessions, has had, continuing ,influence on Continental philosophy throughout the 20th century. His
  8. Very different in organization and language from those of Europe, has led to a, continuing ,emphasis on cross-cultural comparison and a receptiveness to certain kinds of
  9. Something that was stumbled upon ". Apple has, however,supported the, continuing ,existence of a network of Mac User Groups in most major and many minor centers
  10. All together," Dickerson claimed it," erases the significance of slavery and, continuing ,racism while giving the appearance of progress. " On the liberal website Salon
  11. Puebloan style and/or spiritual significance, rather than evidence of a, continuing ,specific elite socioeconomic system. Cultural development Origins The period
  12. In the Book of Common Prayer, under the leadership and organization of a, continuing ,episcopate; and over the years these traditions themselves came to command
  13. Honor for a man of 22. As such, Speer taught some of Tessenow's classes while, continuing ,his own postgraduate studies. In Munich, and continuing in Berlin, Speer began
  14. She rejected the labels" conservative" and" libertarian," Rand has had, continuing ,influence on right-wing politics and libertarianism. Jim Powell, a senior
  15. Church and its sacerdotal ministry, while the prevalent asceticism of the day, continuing ,the Stoic and Ciceroni an training of his youth, enabled him to promulgate a
  16. Invasion. This group also enjoyed the loyalty of most Afghan Arab fighters. The, continuing ,internecine strife between various factions, and accompanying lawlessness
  17. Attack on the Jewish community in Hebron in the British Mandate of Palestine, continuing ,until the next day, resulted in the death of 65-68 Jews and the remaining Jews
  18. The philosophical idealism and metaphysics of its period. That which has, continuing ,clinical value needs to be reexamined through practice and research to
  19. Of one battery of artillery guarding West Point's arsenal. However, because of, continuing ,conflict with Native Americans, it was soon realized that it was necessary to
  20. S conviction led to the removal of his security clearance, and barred him from, continuing ,with his cryptographic consultancy for GCHQ. His British passport was not
  21. Albums named Freudian (about Sigmund Freud's work on psychology) and (, continuing ,from the Alan Parsons Project's first album about Edgar Allan Poe's
  22. Medieval aesthetics in the realm of philosophy built upon Classical thought, continuing ,the practice of Platinum by employing theological terminology in its
  23. Darwin demurred at first, then began writing up a species sketch of his, continuing ,work in May 1856. Natural selection and Darwin By February 1858,Wallace had
  24. Arc around the northern side of the Arabian Platform, before turning south and, continuing ,as the ranges that define the Great Rift Valley. Between Adana and Antalya, the
  25. Efforts to strengthen and reform the military are called into question by, continuing ,non-combat deaths and other violent incidents in the army ranks, which have
  26. From Soweto. The Black community's opposition to Afrikaans and preference for, continuing ,English instruction was underscored when the government rescinded the policy
  27. Obstacle to economic progress, including stepped up foreign investment, is the, continuing ,conflict with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Trade with Russia and
  28. Growth due to global mobility, outweigh the microeconomic losses and justify, continuing ,government intervention. A historically high level of government intervention
  29. This was owing to bad weather, a lack of a government stimulus package, and the, continuing ,effects of decreased agricultural subsidies by the Armenian government (per
  30. State between death and the final judgment and in the possibility of ", continuing ,to grow in holiness there ", but Methodism does not officially affirm this
  31. Him. He was besieged at Bam for some fourteen months. When it was clear that, continuing ,the resistance was of little use, Hasan Ali Shah sent one of his brothers to
  32. And church represent a divine order of structures through which God unfolds his, continuing ,work of creation. Hence, for Maurice, the Protestant tradition has maintained
  33. Of a merger of Alkmaar '54 and FC Zaanstreek. FC Zaanstreek was formed in 1964, continuing , the professional adventure of the Kroger Football Club (in the finals, and had
  34. The NCLB changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union, with Baldwin, continuing ,as its director and Walter Welles as chief counsel. Jeannette Rankin, Jane
  35. Russia, starting from conflict between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky and, continuing ,through numerous conspiracy theories spread by official propaganda.
  36. By the U. S., Russia,and France until April 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are, continuing ,to work with the two Presidents in the hope of finding a lasting peace. The two
  37. Designation continues south on I-35 and then becomes part of Highway 71, continuing , on to the west. Highway 290 becomes its own road again southwest of the city
  38. And Freeman Dyson. Certain problems arise with the idea of a particular person, continuing ,after death. Peter van Unwaged, in his argument regarding resurrection, notes
  39. Agnostic within the class Trilobite remains uncertain, and there has been, continuing ,debate whether they are trilobites or a stem group. The challenge to the status
  40. By the U. S., Russia,and France until April 6,2001. The Co-Chairs are, continuing ,to work with the two Presidents in the hope of finding a lasting peace. The two
  41. About the band's future. ABBA assured the press and their fan base they were, continuing ,their work as a group, and that the divorce would not affect them. Nonetheless
  42. Airports in the other country: some also extend the freedom to provide, continuing ,service to a third country, or to another destination in the other country
  43. S classes while continuing his own postgraduate studies. In Munich, and, continuing , in Berlin, Speer began a close friendship, ultimately spanning over 50 years
  44. The Greek Artemis and Apollo, the Roman Diana and Cupid, the Germanic Agile, continuing ,in legends like those of William Tell, Palnetoke, or Robin Hood. Armenian Hay
  45. Of universal peace and reconciliation. During Ueshiba's lifetime and, continuing ,today, aikido has evolved from the Wiki that Yeshiva studied into a wide
  46. Catalyst and Business Catalyst were also announced. Adobe's 2010 was marked by, continuing ,back-and-forth arguments with Apple over the latter's non-support for Adobe
  47. Of instruction for half the subjects taught in non-White schools (with English, continuing ,for the other half). Although English is the mother tongue of only 8.2 % of
  48. To take psychedelic drugs. Association with Vedanta Beginning in 1939 and, continuing ,until his death in 1963,Huxley had an extensive association with the Vedanta
  49. Present coastal arrangement appeared c. 7000 BC, with post-ice age sea levels, continuing ,to rise for another 3,000 years after that. The subsequent Bronze Age
  50. Ties to Islamist groups in the Middle East indicate that Al-Qaeda may be, continuing ,support. Supporters and other sources of funding The group obtains most of its

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