Examples of the the word, maternity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maternity ), is the 6583 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the construction and renovation and equipping of health centers and rural, maternity ,units. Relations with the US government UNFPA has been accused by different
  2. Romance magazines and novelettes. Episode 14,Oxen of the Sun Bloom visits the, maternity ,hospital where Mind Purely is giving birth, and finally meets Stephen, who is
  3. In building the welfare state. German workers enjoyed sickness, accident and, maternity ,benefits, canteens,changing rooms and a national pension scheme. Constituent
  4. Subject to the Constitution, to make laws with respect to: The provision of, maternity ,allowances, widows ’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment,pharmaceutical
  5. Of much of the US naval base. The evacuation included several patients from the, maternity ,ward, resulting in multiple births aboard ship. Ellis was deployed to East
  6. Building still remains in use, although successive extensions were added (, maternity , outpatient clinics, operating rooms, etc.). Into the existing complex. The
  7. Increased family allowances (though by a smaller amount than in 1974) and, maternity ,leave benefits. * A tax relief act, which reduced income taxes and provided
  8. Addition of an obstetric and gynecological clinic in 1915 made it the first, maternity ,hospital as well. Later, the hospital received a donation from Dr. Enrique
  9. Labor Conventions, which dealt with hours of work in industry, unemployment, maternity , protection,night work for women, minimum age and night work for young persons
  10. And dental service; reduced family allowances, child-care benefits, and, maternity , payments depending on income and wealth; lowering subsidies of pharmaceuticals
  11. Are patterned after the Hello Kitty character. In 2008,a Hello Kitty-themed, maternity ,hospital opened in Dublin, Taiwan. Hello Kitty is featured on the receiving
  12. Australians. In 1959 Aboriginal people became eligible for pensions and, maternity ,allowances. In 1962,Robert Menzies' Commonwealth Electoral Act provided that
  13. Is celebrated on 1 January, on the same day as the Octave of Christmas. Her, maternity ,was celebrated on 11 October in pre-1970 versions of the General Roman Calendar
  14. The same standards as the US, Australia and Canada. In the UK, only 1 % of, maternity ,units test for the presence of Group B Streptococcus. Although the Royal
  15. And agriculture. In his May 2006 annual speech, Putin proposed increasing, maternity ,benefits and prenatal care for women. Putin was strident about the need to
  16. The NIH VBA conference panel in March 2010," We recommend that hospitals, maternity ,care providers, health care and professional liability insurers, consumers,and
  17. Pregnant mothers who need it and six clinics in the Gaza Strip have their own, maternity ,units. UNRWA provides refugees with assistance in meeting the costs of
  18. One-child certificate" entitling them to such benefits as cash bonuses, longer, maternity , leave,better child care, and preferential housing assignments. In return, they
  19. To reclaim her son. #"Christine" ( 10 January 2000) — With Anita away on, maternity ,leave, new girl Christine (Kay Ads head) joins the team. Whilst Dolly is very
  20. Health care received; this depends on income, age,illness or disability. All, maternity ,services are provided free of charge and children up to the age of 6 months.
  21. By taxes on employers. The national government provides unemployment insurance, maternity ,benefits, family allowances, and day-care centers. Health insurance covers most
  22. The so-called castle of the village of Moderate, which served at the time as the, maternity ,home of the Brigham district. The village, located near Keen in the vicinity
  23. Come in various fits, including skinny, tapered,straight, boot cut, Mommy-cut, maternity , and flare. Jeans are now a very popular form of casual dress around the world
  24. Longevity for females apparently reflected improved health practices during, maternity ,and childbirth. In 1959,about 45 % of the population was under 15 years of age
  25. One of a midwife, a General Practitioner or an Obstetrician to provide their, maternity ,care. About 78 percent choose a midwife (8 percent GP,8 percent Obstetrician
  26. Non-invasive techniques. Compared with obstetricians, midwives offer lower, maternity ,care cost, and midwife-led births are associated with lower intervention rates
  27. So much that they re-introduced her in a six-episode story arc to cover for the, maternity ,leave of Amanda Tapping at the beginning of season 9. At the same time, Richard
  28. Outlawed dismissal for pregnancy. The Social Security Act of 1975 introduced a, maternity ,allowance fund, while the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 set up an Equal
  29. Of birthplace, and a focus on the woman as the primary decision-maker in her, maternity ,care. When women or their newborns experience complications, midwives will work
  30. Admitted from a waiting list. 15 % were admitted for other reasons (such as, maternity ,care or childbirth. 99.6 % of hospital admissions took place on time as planned
  31. Which arguably paved the way for the postwar welfare state. Infant, child,and, maternity ,services were expanded, while the Official Food Policy Committee (chaired by
  32. As a woman and queen, that she ... preferred to indulge the mere instincts of, maternity ,at the risk of involving her husband, her infant, and their kingdom, in the
  33. Been her next project after Deception. However, she was pregnant and went on, maternity ,leave. Joan Crawford played her role in Possessed and was nominated for an
  34. That Fox was essential to the show's success. With co-star Meredith Baxter on, maternity ,leave, he refused to allow Fox time off to work on a film. Back to the Future
  35. As a god. He viewed it as" motherless paternity in the place of fatherless, maternity ," where once altered,Athena's character was to be crystallized as that of a
  36. Diagnosis and treatment, preventive medicine, hospitalization (general, maternity , psychiatric and chronic),surgery and transplants, preventive dental care for
  37. In Watusi National Park, the latter location being a significant Polar Bear, maternity ,denying area. In contrast, most of the eastern shores (the Quebec portion)
  38. Redress against unfair dismissal. The legislation also provided for paid, maternity ,leave and outlawed dismissal for pregnancy. The Social Security Act of 1975
  39. On June 18. (King Khalid succeeds Faisal. ) * March 28 – A fire in the, maternity ,wing at Music Hospital in Rivera, former Yugoslavia, kills 25 people.
  40. And/or a Sailor Stars dub. She left the role after completing the movies for, maternity ,reasons. Linda Ballantyne has also expressed joy in the role and has often said
  41. 1997,there have been many changes in UK employment law. These include enhanced, maternity ,and paternity rights, the introduction of a National Minimum Wage and the
  42. The lives of individuals. It is education for combat ... war is to man what, maternity ,is to the woman. I do not believe in perpetual peace; not only do I not believe
  43. Maritime sector, night work, discrimination,child labor, forced labor and, maternity ,protection. Conventions For a list, see Through July 2011,the ILL has adopted
  44. Is widely applied to determine genetic family relationships such as paternity, maternity , sibling ship and other kinship. During conception, the father’s sperm cell and
  45. On economic matters, feminists have advocated for workplace rights, including, maternity , leave,and against other forms of gender-specific discrimination against women.
  46. The Guinness Book of World Records for" largest number of births in a single, maternity ,facility" for ten years. Because there was generally a massive shortage of
  47. 8 percent GP,8 percent Obstetrician,6 percent unknown. ). Midwives provide, maternity ,care from early pregnancy to 6 weeks postpartum. The midwifery scope of
  48. Medical Hospital, designed as an inpatient center for medical, surgical, maternity , and emergency admissions. Established in 1998,St. Augustine's Medical
  49. Benefits, child endowment, widows ’ pensions, unemployment benefits, and, maternity , allowances. The subsequent federal legislation was deemed constitutional by the
  50. Free education, free healthcare, retirement at 60 for men and 55 for women, maternity ,leave, free disability benefits and sick leave compensation, subsidies to

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