Examples of the the word, mn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mn ), is the 7766 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shyb shad QM i'LI all i'strait a'RDA UQAM luxuriate Tulum, mn , shgaytk i'ray link falmstqbl OK ya ballad flight'k Allah flight' rank
  2. And additive functions An arithmetic function an is * completely additive if a (, mn , ) = a (m) + a (n) for all natural numbers m and n; * completely
  3. The number:: MN = (UN + LN)/2 If MN is an upper bound for S set:: UN+1,MN, and LN+1 LN Otherwise set:: LN+1 MN and UN+1 UN This obviously defines two
  4. M, b ) is the class of (NB + MD, db ) and their product is the class of (, mn , db). The embedding is given by mapping n to the equivalence class of (en, e
  5. Equiv 0 \mod p Since p is a prime number,p-1 can be factorized. Let p-1 =, mn , Let a^0\equiv b_1\mod p, \ a^1\equiv b_2\mod p, etc. Then the p-1 terms of
  6. Proof: let A, B,C be the sets of residue classes modulo-and-coprime-to m, n,MN, respectively; then there is a bijection between A × B and C, by the Chinese
  7. N 2. (Both sides are then one). Since the equation is antisymmetric in IJ and, mn , any set of values for these can be reduced to the above case (which holds).
  8. Inz'run i'like ` shy shad QM i'LI all i'strait a'RDA UQAM luxuriate Tulum, mn , shgaytk i'ray link falmstqbl OK In English People of Chad, arise and to work!
  9. n) if map m does not contain key n MN: = fib (n − 1) + fib (n − 2) return, mn , This technique of saving values that have already been calculated is called
  10. Been proven. Consequently, each value of b_j must be unique for j = 1,2,\dots, mn , Since b_j < p, the elements of matrix B are no other than the set of numbers:
  11. Chiaro) and also a few with Dalmatian, such as (probably phonetically) >, mn , ( Lat. Cognatus > Rom. Cu mn at, Dalm. Co mn ut). Among the notable phonetic
  12. Two numbers m and n share a common divisor, then it might not be true that d (, mn , ) d (m)\times d (n). The sum of the positive divisors of n is another
  13. In Egypt. Pyramid complex The pyramid complex was called ←N5-nfr-kA→, mn , : n-anx-O24 which means" Referral is Established and Living ". The complex
  14. 26. It is the fourth power of two. Sixteen is the only integer that equals, mn , and nm, for some unequal integers m and n (m 4,n 2,or vice versa). It has
  15. In Turkey. *In 2006 NBG acquired 99.44 % of Serbia's Vojvođanska Bank for €385,MN, *In 2006 NBG sold its US arm, Atlantic Bank of New York, to New York Community
  16. Abelian groups when G has zero rank. The cyclic group \math_ of order, mn , is isomorphic to the direct sum of \math_m and \math_n if and only if m and
  17. Clean-technology fund. In October 2010,KPCB has launched a new $250,MN, fund called sound to fund the startups in the social space with Facebook, Zynga
  18. Above case (which holds). The equation thus holds for all values of IJ and, mn , Using equation 1,we have for equation 2 \var epsilon_\varepsilon^ = \delta_IPI
  19. That divides both of them. Then an arithmetic function an is * additive if a (, mn , ) = a (m) + a (n) for all cop rime natural numbers m and n; * multiplicative
  20. Polynomials). By the fundamental theorem of algebra, this can be factored into, mn , linear factors, so there are MN solutions to the system of equations. The linear
  21. Is simply the Euclidean norm if the matrix is considered as a vector of length, mn , Generalization The concept of trace of a matrix is generalized to the trace
  22. Number range 0. Mn-1 is being used. For the regular number range 1., mn , you can add 1 to each number. This has absolutely no effect on the properties
  23. If CD (n, k ) > 1 then χ (n) 0; if CD (n, k ) 1 then χ (n) ≠ 0. #χ (, mn , ) = χ (m)χ (n) for all integers m and n. From this definition, several other
  24. If MN is an upper bound for S set:: UN+1 MN and LN+1 LN Otherwise set:: LN+1,MN, and UN+1 UN This obviously defines two Cauchy sequences of rationals, and so we
  25. And (LN) as follows:: Set u0 U and l0 L. For each n consider the number::, mn , = (UN + LN)/2 If MN is an upper bound for S set:: UN+1 MN and LN+1 LN
  26. Varphi (PA\alpha) = PA\alpha - PA for prime p and \alpha \GEQ 1. *\var phi (, mn , ) \var phi (m)\var phi (n)\dot\franc where d \math rm (m, n ). *\var phi (m)
  27. Of the building (a funerary booth or a shrine),the meaning of the word, mn , ( a name or the verb endures) and the relationship between Omaha and Menes (
  28. Varphi is a multiplicative function; if m and n are cop rime then \var phi (, mn , ) = \var phi (m) \var phi (n). (Sketch of proof: let A, B,C be the sets of
  29. Principle, they show that all maximal cliques in G may be generated in time O (, mn , ) per clique, where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of
  30. A quadratic equation. Take for example 2x2 − 5x + 2 0. Because a 2 and MN a, mn ,2,which means that of m and n, one is 1 and the other is 2. Now we have (2x +
  31. D (n),meaning that when two numbers m and n are relatively prime, then d (, mn , ) d (m)\times d (n). For instance’d (42) 8 2 \times 2 \times 2 d (2)
  32. Set u0 U and l0 L. For each n consider the number:: MN = (UN + LN)/2 If, mn , is an upper bound for S set:: UN+1 MN and LN+1 LN Otherwise set:: LN+1 MN and
  33. W-w_i+v_i) if w_i \peasant w. The solution can then be found by calculating, mn , W. To do this efficiently we can use a table to store previous computations.
  34. M: = map (0 → 0,1 → 1) function fib (n) if map m does not contain key n, mn , : = fib (n − 1) + fib (n − 2) return MN This technique of saving values that
  35. Upon a quadratic equation. Take for example 2x2 − 5x + 2 0. Because a 2 and, mn ,a, mn 2,which means that of m and n, one is 1 and the other is 2. Now we have
  36. M and Y has degree n then the number of intersection points does not exceed, mn , More generally, number of points in the intersection of 3 algebraic surfaces
  37. Solution in z. The terms of | S |, for example (a0)n (in)m, all have degree, mn , so | S | is a homogeneous polynomial of degree MN in x and y (recall that AI
  38. Corresponding formula in any number of mass points. Writing M = m1 + m2 + ... +, mn , the above formula for the center of mass may be expressed in the form: M
  39. Proofs For equation 1,both sides are antisymmetric with respect of IJ and, mn , We therefore only need to consider the case i\new j and m\new n. By
  40. A (n) for all natural numbers m and n; * completely multiplicative if a (, mn , ) = a (m)a (n) for all natural numbers m and n; Two whole numbers m and n
  41. Numbers in the analytical number range 0. Mn-1 has the magic sum: NSM = m (, mn ,- 1) / 2. Besides more specific qualifications the following are the most
  42. Left\floor\franc\right\floor +\dots +\left\floor\franc\right\floor =, mn , Combining these formulas gives quadratic reciprocity in the form: \left (
  43. Reduce the size as the module decreases. Module can be defined in the normal (, mn , ),the transverse (CT),or the axial planes (ma) depending on the design
  44. Polynomials factorable over the integers: (MX+p) (no+q),\, \! Where:, mn ,a, \ PQ c\, \! And: PN + me = b. \, You can then set each binomial equal to
  45. But there are more than 268,300 The country Top level domain of Mongolia is., mn , Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Dial-Up is still the main system, although
  46. Theorem of algebra, this can be factored into MN linear factors, so there are, mn , solutions to the system of equations. The linear factors correspond to the
  47. m) + a (n) for all cop rime natural numbers m and n; * multiplicative if a (, mn , ) = a (m)a (n) for all cop rime natural numbers m and n. Ω (n),ω (n),up
  48. In April 2010,six countries and Bill and Melinda Foundations has pledge $925,MN, for food security. Till date, it has helped 8 countries. Promote agriculture
  49. Of dimensions of the original spaces; for instance Rm ⊗ Rn will have dimension, mn , Elements of V ⊗ W are sometimes referred to as tensors, although this term
  50. A0)n (in)m, all have degree MN, so | S | is a homogeneous polynomial of degree, mn , in x and y (recall that AI and bi are themselves polynomials). By the

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