Examples of the the word, marvellous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marvellous ), is the 8190 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2. Cough also said that" The men who run football have missed the most, marvellous , chance of cleaning up the game in one swoop" and went on to say," The trouble
  2. The best-selling Horse Underwater, Funeral in Berlin, and the rest of those, marvellous , celebrated Len Leighton spy thrillers ". Likewise, on the 1976 edition dust
  3. Some of the biggest stars in the world, and am grateful to the BBC for such a, marvellous , experience. I would like to make it perfectly clear that no negotiations ever
  4. In 1856. Young's theory of color sensations, like so much else that this, marvellous , investigator achieved in advance of his time, remained unnoticed until Maxwell
  5. Oratory, his penetrating knowledge of nature, and the reputation of his, marvellous , powers,including the curing of diseases, and averting epidemics, produced many
  6. That Prince Igor is not performed more often, as it has a colorful setting, marvellous , moments of drama and characterization, and music of sumptuous beauty. It does
  7. And improvisations. Many of his compositions depict what he termed" the, marvellous , aspects of the faith ", and drew on his deeply held Roman Catholicism. He
  8. Officer. He then turned to Snagged and said, ‘ John. I have just done the most, marvellous , piece of business. I’ve bought a water-heater on ten years hire-purchase and
  9. Artists and promotes art in many other ways. The city also possesses some, marvellous , oddities such as the Museum of Caricature (the only one of its kind in the
  10. This valley is the fairest and largest low plot in all the island, and it is, marvellous , sweet and pleasant, and planted in every place with fruit trees or with herbs
  11. Living again, as the divine prophets foretold, along with a myriad of other, marvellous , things concerning him. " Theological significance As Paul the Apostle stated: "
  12. Heaven and Earth, he writes: But if you inquire from those who defend these, marvellous , fictions,why all things do not fall into that lower part of the heaven, they
  13. Fire they burst into flame. One gets a little flame like an ear of corn. This, marvellous , thing was formerly called a" light-bringing slave ", but afterwards when it
  14. Dowry as large as if Mary were a princess. Mary's mother found the contract ", marvellous , strange " because the king had included Mary's son's inheritance in the dowry
  15. His friendship with the Emperors. But he possessed a keen intellect; he had a, marvellous , capacity for work, and his powers of application were enormous. He used to
  16. Might. The Older are freshly empowered by the Light of Valor, and using, marvellous , weapons and armor as well as the previously unseen cavalry they defeat the Orc
  17. Age of 17. A posthumous darling of the Romantics, he is now remembered as 'the, marvellous , Boy ' (Wordsworth). The Victorian Henry Wallis returned to Chatterton's
  18. To produce a piece full of tragic situations, combined with the charm of the, marvellous , In order to accomplish this goal, Cervantes relied heavily on allegory and on
  19. Died. Style D. S. Minsky characterized Gogol's universe as" one of the most, marvellous , unexpected — in the strictest sense, original — worlds ever created by an
  20. S chamberlain, Sir William Sidney, who in adulthood recalled the prince as" a, marvellous , sweet child, of very mild and generous condition ". Edward was educated with
  21. National TV organization OF. The specialty of the" Sky Media Loft" is the, marvellous , view over the Nibelungenbrücke and the main place of Linz at the other side of
  22. Our holy religion and imparting it to others. Their hatred for idolatry is, marvellous , They get into feuds with the heathen about it, and whenever their own parents
  23. Yet explained the origin of the primordial protoplasm, and,above all, of its, marvellous , properties,which render evolution possible—in heredity and in adaptability
  24. To rabbi Abbey bar Kahuna; and his sword, which became the sword of David, had,marvelous, powers. On his death it was found that his heart carried the image of Dagon
  25. Who are being admitted to the highest grade at these mysteries, the mighty, and,marvelous, and most perfect secret suitable for one initiated into the highest mystic
  26. Cathedral, nor any of the other charming sights of this city, but rather that, marvellous , view encountered this morning of the rolling English countryside. ' In addition
  27. While Variety magazine also complimented Hepburn's" soft sensitivity, marvellous , projection and emotional understatement" adding that Hepburn and MacLaine "
  28. The heroic novels of the preceding century, with a certain intermixture of the, marvellous , Then Marivaux's literary ardor took a new phase. He parodied Homer to serve
  29. And the children of Jacob his chosen (Psalm CV. 5,6),may remember his, marvellous , works in the beginning … " … The general principles which are the groundwork of
  30. Bitter) farewell to life; the composer Alan Berg called the Ninth" the most, marvellous , thing that Mahler ever wrote ". Antecedents and influences Mahler was a" late
  31. Darling Stuart never comes back. He's just crying his eyes out .... John is, marvellous , to me, he says that he knows Stuart so much, and he loves him so much that he
  32. Round Table itself is not mentioned until Race the concept of Arthur having a, marvellous , court made up of many prominent warriors is much older. Geoffrey of Monmouth
  33. Beget a Dudley heir, without his" utter overthrow ": You must think it is some, marvellous , cause ... that forces me thus to because almost of the ruin of mine own house
  34. In a general election in November (which Elizabeth described as ", marvellous ," to her mother) and the Governor-General of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Sir Lee
  35. His Christ flower production. Gediflora is world leader in producing these, marvellous , flowers. Staten is also the municipality with a huge production of pigs of an
  36. The Egyptians that there was even the appearance of his performing anything (, marvellous , ) in the city which bears his name, and that too only after his decease,--an
  37. No small part of the extraordinary fame of 'Kublai Khan' inheres in its alleged, marvellous , conception. Its Preface is world-famous and has been used in many studies of
  38. Valley (initially called Chapel Valley) where Jamestown is situated as“ a, marvellous , fair and pleasant valley, wherein divers handsome buildings and houses were set
  39. Alongside Nicholas Clay in The Dandy Lion. She was Regan to Michael Hordern's, marvellous , King Lear at Nottingham Playhouse in 1970; Anna Calder-Marshall played Cordelia
  40. In the Life ". Harold Pinter read the eulogy, concluding with" He was a bloody, marvellous , writer. " According to Dennis Dewsnap's memoir,What's Sex Got To Do With It
  41. Joachim, who performed them for George V of Hanover. He declared them a ", marvellous , heavenly pleasure. " Wieck-Schumann was the authoritative editor of her
  42. Studying at Liverpool College of Art. According to Lennon, Sutcliffe had a ", marvellous , art portfolio" and was a seriously talented painter who was one of the" stars
  43. He is by no means unattractive. " (D, I:115). " It is wonderful, truly,marvelous, how serene is the good Gotama's appearance, how clear and radiant his
  44. A statement at the time Upon wrote:" The fact that I'm mentioned in such a, marvellous , way,it gives me the greatest pleasure and satisfaction. I don't think you can
  45. Be viewed, above all, as a romance. Medieval romances typically recount the, marvellous , adventures of a chivalrous, heroic knight, often of super-human ability, who
  46. Time Leonardo wrote an often-quoted letter to Ludovic, describing the many, marvellous , and diverse things that he could achieve in the field of engineering and
  47. None of the fascinations of the transcendental to captivate the lovers of the, marvellous , the credulous and enthusiastic, which the pretensions and alleged occult
  48. João de Barros, Great Zimbabwe was an ancient capital city built of stones of, marvellous , size without the use of mortar. And while the site was not within Mutapa's
  49. To do anyone a kindness. I knew him in the context of panel games, to which his, marvellous , unforced humor, spontaneous but beautifully timed, always added sparkle. " In
  50. Element in Shakespeare prefigured his later expressions of what he called" the, marvellous , aspects of the Roman Catholic Faith"—among which may be numbered Christ's

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