Examples of the the word, lovely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lovely ), is the 3902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Definite information in Petrarch's work concerning Laura, except that she is, lovely ,to look at, fair-haired,with a modest, dignified bearing. Laura and Petrarch
  2. Oscar Hammerstein, Leo Robin, and E. Y. Hamburg contributed lyrics for Kern's, lovely ,music, resulting in the soulful ballad 'All Through the Day,' the rustic
  3. Declares" We'll have Manhattan, /The Bronx and Staten/Island too. /It's, lovely ,going through/the zoo. " Bronx Local: While hundreds of songs about New York
  4. Higher than other deliveries. A few leg spinners such as Shahid Africa, Awais, lovely , John Lister, Mushtaq Ahmed, and Imran Tapir have also mastered the flipper, a
  5. Queen Esther, of whom she says" was willing to sacrifice herself to save the, lovely ,Jewish people. " * Esther is one of the five heroines of the Order of the
  6. Food of the gods; it was with ambrosia Hera" cleansed all defilement from her, lovely ,flesh ", and with ambrosia Athena prepared Penelope in her sleep, so that when
  7. S defender and Claudius' antagonist, but Pompey himself retreated to his, lovely ,young wife and his theater plans; such behavior was not expected of the once
  8. Contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life; to, lovely ,Kris Aphrodite and to Lyrics Dionysus yield, for arms exchange the labors of
  9. Damages. " After much argument, the judge resolves the case by marrying the, lovely ,plaintiff himself. With Sullivan's brother, Fred,as the Learned Judge, the
  10. Aging Billiard. The marriage resulted in two sons and a daughter. He bought a, lovely ,little place in the country for the family, Spurveskjul (Sparrow Hideaway).
  11. With 6.5 million marble floor tiles creating a wavy form and is one of the most, lovely ,promenades in Spain. For the people of Alicante, it is the meeting point in the
  12. Indra and the Paras, in the panel above the doorway of this cave, is a, lovely ,fantasy. All the paintings seem to illustrate the beauty of nature and human
  13. That are commercially farmed. *In North Horwich Sand Pond, a public beach and, lovely ,swimming area, is located off Great Western Road. *There are many beaches in
  14. Anne expressed her grief for his death in her poem" I will not mourn thee, lovely ,one ", in which she called him" our darling ". Thor Green appeared later as
  15. A motive for marriage laws. Poems such as" Why should I be bound to thee, O my, lovely ,Myrtle-tree? " And" Earth's Answer" seem to advocate multiple sexual
  16. In working up a sweat and is an insufferable mama's boy. Finding Kelly May a, lovely , naive Pollyanna, he courts her until she literally tosses him. Although the
  17. Was a very pretty light brown, and fell on her neck in graceful curls. She had, lovely ,violet-blue eyes; fine pencilled eyebrows and a clear almost transparent
  18. Paris naturally offered artists the opportunity to portray three naked, ideally, lovely , women,as a sort of beauty contest, but the myth, at least since Euripides
  19. Still is. To me, he was just Tom, but to everybody else, he is huge. But he was, lovely ,to me and I loved him. I still love him. " In addition, she has expressed shock
  20. Written down for the first time. And in developing the mythology the lush and, lovely ,spot called Eden was codified by being written. Kariņš writes" Adam and Eve
  21. And cornfields. It was described in one account as the" party island" with ", lovely , rocky cliffs" with a year-round population in the hundreds that" explodes
  22. In charge of Hero. Hero confides in Pseudos that he is in love with the, lovely ,Philip, one of the courtesans in the House of Locus. Pseudos promises to help
  23. By his genius," the grandeur of his soul, that quickness of comprehension, and, lovely , sympathy ". She proposed a Platonic living arrangement with Fuel and his wife
  24. Shall be the virgin, : Thou shalt win this bride of beauty;: Go and bring the, lovely ,maiden: To thy home in Kalevala. " Marine works for several days at a mighty
  25. The homes were mostly two-story brick houses. New Harmony consisted of a, lovely ,brick church. William Herbert, a visitor to New Harmony wrote this about their
  26. Green Midget Café in Bradley) interrupt conversation by loudly singing" Spam, lovely ,Spam, wonderful Spam. " They are ordered to" shut up" by the irate waitress
  27. Lessons. She felt that Monroe was not suited to stage acting, but possessed a ", lovely ,talent" that was" so fragile and subtle, it can only be caught by the camera
  28. Her, calling her his, and writing impassioned notes about" her whole being, lovely ,eyes, gentle hands, and tiny feet ". During their relationship, Satie composed
  29. Of the more controversial episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus, in which a, lovely ,day out for an upper class English family turns into a blood-soaked orgy of
  30. And told his parents that he was immensely happy to" behold the face of his, lovely ,bride ". Unfortunately, the couple found that they were unable to speak to each
  31. 1980) Karamazov Prominent among FM Manchu's agents was the" seductively, lovely ," Karamazov. Her real name is unknown. She was sold to the Si-Fan by Egyptian
  32. For the acceptance of Krishna in every direction? Snyder: Why,it's a, lovely ,positive thing to say Krishna. It's a beautiful mythology and it's a
  33. More than 40 castles and fortresses from the Middle Ages and many quaint and, lovely ,country villages. Until the early 1980s,industry was a major source of water
  34. Is an aspiring actress. Moira Macdonald of The Seattle Times wrote" Cruz, so, lovely , she hardly seems real, makes Lena both vulnerable and steely. Lena's life, it
  35. The The bans told that the union of Ares and Aphrodite produced Harmonic, as, lovely , as a second Aphrodite. But of the union of Hephaestus with Aphrodite, there was
  36. Drowns out all conversations with a song repeating" Spam, Spam,Spam, Spam ..., lovely ,Spam! Wonderful Spam! ", hence " Spamming" the dialogue. The excessive amount
  37. Himself to a less laborious and more jovial profession, and so opened the most, lovely ,hostelry outside the Port San Gallo, and at the sign of the Dragon at the
  38. An orchestra made so lamentable an exhibition of itself. ... The work itself is, lovely ,stuff, very simple – that pregnant simplicity that has come upon Elgar's music
  39. An amaranth planted in a garden near a Rose-Tree, thus addressed it:" What a, lovely ,flower is the Rose, a favorite alike with Gods and with men. I envy you your
  40. S theological concerns become more explicit. In 1648, he wrote a hymn How, lovely ,are thy dwelling fair, a paraphrase of Psalm 84,that explains his view on God.
  41. Blinds you. " *" Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more, lovely ,and more temperate:" - William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18 *" I'm happier than a
  42. A'most could ha' groan'd-: What! So winner, an ' still cast aside-:: What! So, lovely , an' not to be own'd;: Oh! A God-gift a-treated WI' scorn:: Oh! A child that
  43. Listened carefully to their banter, one could hear words like" Lob lob" ( ", lovely ,") and" Flowerpot" (" flowerpot" ), either of which could have given rise
  44. Was" the finest Juliet of her time,"" endlessly haunting," and" the most, lovely ,and enchanting Juliet our present-day theater has seen. " John Gielgud's New
  45. Golden flowers, my darling Class, for whom I would not (take) all Lydia or, lovely ,..." These fragments have often been interpreted as referring to Sappho's
  46. To harken both America the Beautiful and America the Plain Jane, and the, lovely ,Protestant backbone in his fiction and essays, when he decided to show it off
  47. Of linguistic indeterminacy – Petrarch never rises above the" be pie" ( her, lovely ,foot): Laura is too holy to be painted; she is an awe-inspiring goddess.
  48. I am Hercules Poirot. ": The revelation left Mrs Summerhouse unmoved.:" What a, lovely ,name," she said kindly. " Greek,isn't it? " Post World War II:" He, I knew
  49. In Plain Slavs, who were allied to Charlemagne, in their stead. Limbic (", lovely ,") was founded on the banks of the river Trade about four kilometers north of
  50. His painting. Long after both Niggle and Parish have taken their journeys,the, lovely ,field that they built together becomes a place for many travelers to visit

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