Examples of the the word, lg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lg ), is the 12275 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2 + lg (1.125) # lg (x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2#, lg ,(x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (
  2. Then (n CLG no - 2⌈ lg no + 1),which is between (n lg n - n + 1) and (n, lg ,n + n + O ( lg n) ). For large n and a randomly ordered input list, merge sort
  3. Is usually 4. Teachers in lower classes are encouraged to write marks such as, lg ,– Laban eerie (very good),g – eerie (good),patenkinamai (sufficient to
  4. Image: cloche JM. jpg|JM cloche Image: cloche am. JPG|AM cloche Image: cloche, lg , JPG|LG cloche Image: cloche VP. jpg|VP cloche Image: cloche GDP. JPG|GDP
  5. Lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2#, lg ,(x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2# lg (x 1.08166) 2# lg (x 1.75563) 2# lg
  6. 0 while rem < 2: m += 1 FP /= 2 rem # now: # rem x # > lg (rem) lg (x) # >, lg ,(x) FP # = FP + FP # time for recursion! Print (" lg (x kg) \t 2 return FP
  7. This is usually done using a bit vector. Moreover, since there are at most O (, lg ,n) numbers in the sequence, these bits can be encoded in O (1) machine words
  8. Lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2#, lg ,(x 1.21278) 2# lg (x 1.08166) 2# lg (x 1.75563) 2# lg (x 1.54113) 2# lg
  9. __main__ ': value = 4.5 print" X = ", value result = lg (value) print (", lg ,(X) = ", result)# Brackets required for Python 3 # Sample output # # $ python
  10. Dear Abby. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel,1981. ISBN 0836279077; 081613362X (, lg , Print. ) * Van Buren, Abigail. Dear Abby on planning your wedding. Kansas City
  11. 2 rems = x m = 0 while rem < 2: m += 1 FP /= 2 rem # now: # rem x # > lg (rem), lg , ( x) # > lg (x) FP # = FP + FP # time for recursion! Print (" lg (x kg)
  12. Lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2#, lg ,(x 1.08166) 2# lg (x 1.75563) 2# lg (x 1.54113) 2# lg (x 1.18753) 2# lg
  13. 2002 pp. 63-70; they add #22 the logarithm lo (x, y ) or, lg ,(x, y ) depending on the exact derivation. In the following we observe that
  14. To mitigate this ambiguity the ISO specification is that log10 (x) should be, lg ,(x) and loge (x) should be LN (x). Uses Before the early 1970s,hand-held
  15. For Python 3 # Sample output # # $ python log2. Py # X = 4.5 # lg (4.5) = 2 +, lg ,(1.125) # lg (x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x
  16. A lg orithm, one can easily create a priority queue with O (1) pulling and O (, lg ,( lg (n) )) insertion. Libraries A priority queue is often considered to be
  17. Lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2# lg (x 1.08166) 2# lg (x 1.75563) 2#, lg ,(x 1.54113) 2# lg (x 1.18753) 2# lg (x 1.97759) 2# lg (x 1.95543) 2# lg
  18. Lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2#, lg ,(x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2# lg (x 1.08166) 2# lg
  19. Required for Python 3 # Sample output # # $ python log2. Py # X = 4.5 #, lg ,(4.5) = 2 + lg (1.125) # lg (x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x
  20. Rem<1: IP -= 1 rem while rem>=2: IP += 1 rem /= 2 print (" lg (kg) = CD +, lg ,(kg) " % (x, ip, rem )) # Brackets required for Python 3 # Fractional part
  21. Lg (rem) lg (x) # > lg (x) FP # = FP + FP # time for recursion! Print (", lg ,(x kg) \t 2 return FP + franc_ lg (rem/2,FP) if __name__ == '__main__ ':
  22. Number of characters in the alphabet. So for English each character can convey, lg ,26 4.7 bits of information. Remember that lg is meant as the logarithm for base
  23. Ranges to check, and binary search time for the redirection would be O ( lg (, lg ,(N) )). Other solutions Linear hashing is a hash table a lg orithm that
  24. Log (x) " generally means" log2 (x) " (although this is often written as, lg ,(x) instead). Origin of the term natural logarithm Initially, it might seem
  25. English each character can convey lg 26 4.7 bits of information. Remember that, lg ,is meant as the logarithm for base two in this case. See Binary logarithm for
  26. Of any number 2^n where n is any integer. ) def, lg ,(x): IP = 0 rems = x # Integer part while rem<1: IP -= 1 rem while rem>=2: IP
  27. X = 4.5 # lg (4.5) = 2 + lg (1.125) # lg (x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2#, lg ,(x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (
  28. One can easily create a priority queue with O (1) pulling and O ( lg (, lg ,(n) )) insertion. Libraries A priority queue is often considered to be a "
  29. Val, iiij lib '. Silva past' ii led' lg ' & i lat '. Tot'm' e iii led ', lg ,' & ii lat Which roughly translated reads:: In Benguela, Gospatric has a
  30. Confirmed the findings a few years later. Toroidal design Image: Tokamak fields, lg , PNG|thumb|200px|right|Tokamak magnetic field and current. Shown is the
  31. Per character (as 32 25). In general the number of bits of information is, lg ,N, where N is the number of characters in the alphabet. So for English each
  32. Lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2# lg (x 1.08166) 2#, lg ,(x 1.75563) 2# lg (x 1.54113) 2# lg (x 1.18753) 2# lg (x 1.97759) 2# lg
  33. Python log2. Py # X = 4.5 # lg (4.5) = 2 + lg (1.125) # lg (x 1.125) 2#, lg ,(x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (x 1.415) 2# lg (
  34. And deleting elements) is O (S) time. For example if one has an O (n, lg ,( lg (n) )) sort a lg orithm, one can easily create a priority queue with O (
  35. JPG|Michael Douglas, Academy Award-winning actor Image: Bonnaroo08 jackjohnson2, lg , JPG|Jack Johnson, Musician Image: Robert Ballard. JPG|Robert Ballard
  36. Integer part while rem<1: IP -= 1 rem while rem>=2: IP += 1 rem /= 2 print (", lg ,(kg) = CD + lg (kg) " % (x, ip, rem )) # Brackets required for Python 3 #
  37. Fp) if __name__ == '__main__ ': value = 4.5 print" X = ", value result =, lg ,(value) print (" lg (X) = ", result)# Brackets required for Python 3 #
  38. ㅾ SJ, and final consonants restricted to ㄱ g, ㄴ n, ㄹ l, ㅁ m, ㅂ b, ㅅ s, ㅇ NG, ㄺ, lg , ㄻ LM, ㄼ lb (no ㄷ d, as it was replaced by s). Long vowels were marked by a
  39. De burn h't. & Wast' e '. T. R. E. val, iiij lib '. Silva past' ii led ', lg ,' & i lat '. Tot'm' e iii led' lg ' & ii lat Which roughly translated
  40. To or slightly smaller than (n CLG no - 2⌈ lg no + 1),which is between (n, lg ,n - n + 1) and (n lg n + n + O ( lg n) ). For large n and a randomly ordered
  41. To grow the overall number of entries by doubling, there will only be O (, lg ,(N) ) ranges to check, and binary search time for the redirection would be O
  42. Lg (x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2#, lg ,(x 1.415) 2# lg (x 1.00111) 2# lg (x 1.55742) 2# lg (x 1.21278) 2# lg (
  43. N⌉ - 2⌈ lg no + 1),which is between (n lg n - n + 1) and (n lg n + n + O (, lg ,n) ). For large n and a randomly ordered input list, merge sort's expected (
  44. Sample output # # $ python log2. Py # X = 4.5 # lg (4.5) = 2 + lg (1.125) #, lg ,(x 1.125) 2# lg (x 1.28289) 2# lg (x 1.35435) 2# lg (x 1.68226) 2# lg (
  45. And deleting elements) is O (S) time. For example if one has an O (n lg (, lg ,(n) )) sort a lg orithm, one can easily create a priority queue with O (1)
  46. The alphabet can be permuted. Assuming all keys are equally likely, H (k), lg , ( 26! ) 88.4 bits. For English text D 3.2,thus U 88.4/3.2 28. So given 28
  47. N) ) ranges to check, and binary search time for the redirection would be O (, lg ,( lg (N) )). Other solutions Linear hashing is a hash table a lg orithm that
  48. Until >= 2 rem = x m = 0 while rem < 2: m += 1 FP /= 2 rem # now: # rem x # >, lg ,(rem) lg (x) # > lg (x) FP # = FP + FP # time for recursion! Print (" lg
  49. ᅏ, ᅑ,ㆅ. * 11 consonant clusters: 1. ㄳ (gs); 2. ㄵ (NJ); 3. ㄶ (NH); 4. ㄺ (, lg ,); 5. ㄻ (LM); 6. ㄼ (lb); 7. ㄽ (ls); 8. ㄾ (Lt); 9. ㄿ (LP); 10. ㅀ (LH
  50. In late Proto-Germanic) * l + consonant: LP, lt, lk, lf, l,LH, ls,lb, ld, lg , LM * r + consonant: RP, rt,OK, rf, r,Rh, rs,Rb, rd,kg, rm,RN The s +

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