Examples of the the word, incense , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A mojo by being filled and awakened to life. This can be done by smoking, incense ,and candles, or breathed upon to bring it to life. Prayers may be said, and
  2. Ethylene production by plant tissues). The ancient Chinese would burn, incense ,in closed rooms to enhance the ripening of pears. In 1864,it was discovered
  3. And resin) of Acacia are used to make incense for rituals. Acacia is used in, incense ,mainly in India, Nepal,and China including in its Tibet region. Smoke from
  4. Several parts (mainly bark, root and resin) of Acacia are used to make, incense ,for rituals. Acacia is used in incense mainly in India, Nepal,and China
  5. Mainly consisted of junk building, factories for matches, firecrackers and, incense , Modern industries, however,did not take off until the 1970s when the textiles
  6. Expressed through the traditional burning of candles and the offering of, incense ,to the emperor’s image, was tolerated for a period because it would have been
  7. An oracle of the Lord, ordered that the tent and the ark and the altar of, incense ,should follow him to the mountain of God where he sealed them up in a cave, and
  8. Door ... What do they flush out? Coziness, warmth,tidiness, order ... Smells:, incense , piety. Bygones. Yesterday ... The growing force of their threat is far
  9. The use of other techniques for measuring time. Candle clocks and sticks of, incense ,that burn down at approximately predictable speeds have also been used to
  10. Sweetened by the fresh water estuaries influx of the Pearl River, or to the, incense ,from factories lining the coast to the north of Kowloon, which was stored
  11. Diagram ”. The latter name came from the fact that it looks like a coil-like, incense ,used in China to repel mosquitos; Chinese 蚊香
  12. Kings of Israel. According to, while Jeroboam was engaged in offering, incense ,at Ethel, a " man of God" warned him that" a son named Josiah will be born
  13. Sons, Nadab and Abide, were consumed by fire from the Lord for having offered, incense ,unlawfully (Leviticus 10). Scholarly consensus is that in Aaron's
  14. Recipe. " Sodomite salt" was an essential mineral for the temple's holy, incense , but was said to be dangerous for home use and could cause blindness. The Roman
  15. Were to be carried out in regard to the Tabernacle. These laws included light, incense ,and sacrifice. Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses on account of his marriage
  16. Their music. Incense As part of the legacy handed down from its Judaic roots, incense ,is used during all services in the Orthodox Church as an offering of worship to
  17. Illegal use of elements of the Roman rite, the use of candles, vestments and, incense , practices known as Ritualism, had become widespread and led to the Public
  18. The Arabic numerals of the date of the year and inserted into it five pieces of, incense , He abolished the triple candlestick with the three candles that were lit at
  19. Class of philosopher-kings as well as delicacies such as" perfumed oils, incense , prostitutes, and pastries ", in addition to paintings, gold,ivory, couches,a
  20. And porcelain being the main commodities of the trade. Giraffes, zebras,and, incense ,were exported to the Ming Empire of China, which established Somali merchants
  21. Ring out, handbells are vigorously shaken by altar boys, the air is filled with, incense ,and the faithful raise their voices heavenward in a triumphant rendering of
  22. Being a Reformed interpretation of the Ornaments Rubric – no candles, no, incense , no bells and a minimum of manual actions by the presiding celebrant (such as
  23. The palm tree, turtle,rooster, goat,the number four, several kinds of fish, incense , Sacrifices involved honey, cakes,pigs, goats,lambs and young people. In the
  24. And God's share in this is the" pleasing odor" released as the offering (, incense ,or meat) is burnt. In Leviticus, sacrifice is to be offered only by priests.
  25. In the Predynastic Period, they established trade with Nubia to obtain gold and, incense , They also established trade with Palestine, as evidenced by Palestinian-style
  26. Of carbon-containing fuels such as wood, coal,diesel, fat,tobacco, and, incense , Different types of combustion yield different distributions of Pass in both
  27. With rhododendron, acorus, cytisus, salvia and some other components of, incense , Both people and elephants like an alcoholic beverage made from acacia fruit.
  28. With a priest, deacon and subdeacon dressed in traditional vestments, with, incense , and sanctum bells and with prayers adapted from the Roman missal or other
  29. Of laudanum, benzoin resin, copal (itself a type of tree resin used in, incense ,manufacture),vanilla, Dammara resin and/or synthetic materials.
  30. Been naturally washed to shore is sold. Ancient Egyptians burned ambergris as, incense , while in modern Egypt ambergris is used for scenting cigarettes. The ancient
  31. Sinners. Fire signifies the Holy Spirit and frank incense the good deeds. The, incense ,also represents the grace of the Holy Trinity. The censer is used (swung back
  32. In Orthodox Judaism this is followed by a reading from the Talmud on the, incense ,offering called Pit tum Haketoreth and daily psalms that used to be recited in
  33. 10 God kills Na dab and Abide, the oldest sons of Aaron, for offering" strange, incense ,". Fortunately Aaron has two sons left. Commentators have read various messages
  34. Latina (Let) has demanded the women of Thebes to go to her temple and burn, incense , Niobe, queen of Thebes,enters the midst of the worship and insults the
  35. Involves fasting, almsgiving,or an act as simple as lighting a candle, burning, incense , praying or asking God's blessing on food. Baptism is the mystery
  36. BC File: Style Ra-Horakhty Louvre N3795. JPG|Egyptian, stele, Priest burning, incense ,before Ra-Horakhty-Atum, ca. 900 BC File: Ibex rhythm AO3115. JPG|Ancient
  37. The sweetness of the prayers of the saints rising up to God (, ). The, incense ,is burned in an ornate golden censer that hangs at the end of three chains
  38. Easter Vigil service the Pope made many changes. He replaced a prayer said over, incense ,(that apparently arose as a result of understanding" incense carom "
  39. In the post-Exilic period (Gerstenberger); or a warning against offering, incense ,outside the Temple, where there might be the risk of invoking strange gods (
  40. Indo-Greek kingdoms. And some Mahayana ceremonial practices (burning, incense , gifts of flowers, and food placed on altars) are similar to those practiced
  41. A very modest idol ... cannot remain entirely untitled by the sweet smell of, incense , " Fan attention became so intense that Tolkien had to take his phone number
  42. Answer to a question, if their in fact comes an answer. Ringing a bell; burning, incense ,or paper; lighting a candle or candles; facing a specific direction (i.e.
  43. Was not opened but was examined by means of a probe, which revealed pieces of, incense , purple and blue linen, and small bone fragments. The bone was radiocarbon
  44. Cereum ", meaning " the lit candle ", as referring to" incense ", meaning ", incense ,") was replaced with one over the Easter candle. He added a completely new
  45. And a grieving Lydia wilted and slowly died. Apollo changed her into an, incense ,plant, either heliotrope or sunflower, which follows the sun every day.
  46. Is reminded to follow the five major vows to attain liberation. The, incense ,stick symbolizes renunciation. While burning itself, it provides fragrance to
  47. Of Solomon (4,14) hard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of, incense ,tree, with myrrh and aloes, and all the finest spices. During Roman times
  48. Importance. Vestments are worn by the clergy, sung settings are often used and, incense ,may be used. Nowadays, in most Anglican churches, the Eucharist is celebrated
  49. Temples in Jerusalem (Exodus chapter 30). Traditionally, the base of the, incense ,used is the resin of Boswell Thuringia, also known as frank incense , but the
  50. Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island, where fragrant wood products and fragrant, incense ,were once traded. The narrow body of water separating Hong Kong Island and

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