Examples of the the word, notre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( notre ), is the 12281 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Change la Loire de ta liberty reconquest. Cher Burundi, digne object de, notre , plus tenure armor, A ton noble service nous moons nos bras, nos curs et nos
  2. Sommes DES lascars, Des types pas ordinaries, Nous Avon solvent, notre , cafard, Nous Somme DES Legionnaires. 1 Au Tonkin, la Legion
  3. Abus et alterations commies par nos officers et actress chose concern ant, notre , service et LE soulagement de note people" ). In the 17th and 18th centuries
  4. To him in the liner notes of Grace Under Pressure, which states," et tours, notre , bon vial AMI — Bruin. " The quote translates to" and always our good old
  5. Un not plus effrayant days one situation plus effrayante pouvait-il retention à, notre , oreille? Which translates" 'Maelstrom! Maelstrom! ' He exclaimed! The
  6. Mon 'my ', ton 'your (singular possessor) ', son 'his, her,It's ';, notre ,'our ', votre 'your (plural possessor) ', leur 'their'—Masculine singular
  7. Title pertaining to them. The Loyal Toast in the Channel Islands is La Race, notre , Duc or The Queen, our Duke (or when the monarch is male, The King, our Duke)
  8. Renaît à l'temperance, : Et Que l'river Food loin de nous, : Sous LE beau Cain de, notre , France,: Quad LE solar repaint plus Doug, : Quad la nature est reverie,
  9. En ferment LES year" (" Closing my eyes" ) *Act 2 - Manon:" Adieu, notre , petite table" (" Goodbye, our little table" ) *Act 3 - Manon:" Lessons
  10. Du Noumea Testament deputy LE commencement Du Christianism Jacques a, notre , temps. This work exhibits immense reading, and the information it contains
  11. Est fir d' else Wagon! Lyrics in Standard French: I.: Nous Somme fears de, notre , Wallonie, : Le Monde entire admire SES infants.: Au premier rang grille son
  12. The Ingratitude: Talks About Our Times (1999) (Ingratitude: conversation SUR, notre , temps ). Essayist on society In recent years, Alain Finkielkraut has given his
  13. Nos curs et nos vies. Vehicle Died, qui nous a wait don de TOI, te conserved à, notre , vénération. Sous l'Gide de l'Unite, Dans la paid, la join et la prosperity.
  14. The girls to come and charm the customs officers (" Quaint Au doughier, c'est, notre , affaire" ) and everyone goes off, leaving the jealous José to guard the goods.
  15. De lemurs peasants designs Le canvas banal de nos pileup destiny, C'est Que, notre , âme, hélas! N'est pas asset Hardin.: If rape and poison, dagger and burning,
  16. In the present era. Thus, the Loyal Toast in the Channel Islands is La Race, notre , Duc (" The Queen, our Duke" ). The British monarch is understood to not be
  17. Sa 'Demonstration Du Principe de l'harmonic (Paris,1752) * Observations SUR, notre , instinct pour la unique (Paris,1754) * Errors SUR la unique days
  18. View of Constantine is held in Paul Veyne's recent (2007) work, Quand, notre , monde est even Chretien, which does not speculate on the origins of
  19. 1 Au Tonkin, la Legion immortally A Tuyen-Quang illustrate, notre , Drapeau. Hero de Camerone et frees models Dormer en paid days
  20. Ô Belgium, ô mere Cherie, : À TOI nos curs, à TOI nos bras, : À TOI, notre , sang,ô Patrice!: Nous LE jurors thus, tu vivas!: Tu vivas tours Grande ET
  21. Les rockers; Of la Moselle, riante et belle Nous wait Nadeau Du VIN C'est, notre , pays pour sequel Nous missions tout SUR Terry; Not'there et adorable Patrice
  22. Brille son industries: Et days LES arts on l'appreciate mutant.: Bain Que petite, notre , pays surpassed: Par SES savants de plus grand nations.: Et nous coupons DES
  23. Savoy. A second movie Le crime est note affairs came out in 2008. Le's crime est, notre , affaire is named after Partners in Crime and stars the Herefords, but its
  24. Jean Renoir, The Master, Parts 1-4,episodes from the TV series Creates de, notre , temps *1995 One of Ninon's Adventures, part of the omnibus film Lumiere and
  25. Noun * Ma 'my ', ta 'your (singular possessor) ', sa 'his, her,It's ';, notre ,'our ', votre 'your (plural possessor) ', leur 'their'—Masculine singular
  26. Et LES versions Du Noumea Testament, Paris,1695. * Le Noumea Testament de, notre , Seigneur Jesus Christ, traduit SUR l’ancient edition, avec DES Remarque
  27. La Loire plissé exalted nos curs" ( Arnold, Tell & Walter, act 2) *"Pour, notre , amour … SUR la rive stranger" ( Mathilde, act 3) *"Aside hereditary … AMIS
  28. And secretly a note from Don Carlos). At his urging (Aria:" L'Infant Carlos, notre , espérance" /" Carlo ch'è sol IL Costco more" ), Elisabeth agrees to see the
  29. Le remain (four sacred) de l'immortal segment de liberty Que nous legions à, notre , postérité pour tours. English Translation CHOIR Arise, Congolese,United by
  30. Don't Want to Know" – Mario WinDNS featuring Kenya & P. Diddy *"La Riviera de, notre , enfance" – Group and Michel Pardon *"Si remain ... (Turn Around) " – Bonnie
  31. Milieu *On a vole Charlie Spencer! (1986) - Le hero, séq. Hotel du Word *À, notre , regrettable epoch (1988) - Alexandre Mouton-Sabrat, dit Mouton Tobacco
  32. On director Jean Renoir for the French television series Creates de, notre , temps,which aired in 1966 under the title Jean Renoir, The Master. 1968-1985
  33. Post his letter, her farewell to the humble domesticity she has shared (Adieu, notre , petite table) makes clear she has decided to go with de Reign. Unaware of
  34. She denounces his crime, and recognizes the impossibility of their love (Pour, notre , amour,plus d'temperance –" All hope for our love has gone" ). Hearing
  35. Were absent at its campaign kick-off rally, and the party's slogan was C'est à, notre , tour (" It's our turn" ), which was reminiscent of the popular separatist
  36. and Chen LES Megalitres, habitants Aborigines Du Protocol days l'interior de, notre , globe,graduate de l'Anglo par Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Venetian Doctor
  37. Do with a bayonet is sat on it. ":" La parole nous a etc donnée pour beguiler, notre , pensée. " We were given speech to hide our thoughts.: At the Congress of Vienna
  38. Sur LES fem mes et LES hires (Paris,1865); Seen, L'Esprit DES fem mes de, notre , temps (Paris,1864); Marble, Eugénie et Maurice de Guérin (Berlin,1869);
  39. Age * Now is the Time (Jimmy James and the Vagabonds): Lies one chance à, notre , amour * I Write the Songs (Barry Mani low): JE change DES chansons * Don't
  40. Were absent at its campaign kick-off rally, and the party's slogan was C'est à, notre , tour (" It's our turn" ), which was reminiscent of the popular separatist
  41. De costumes d'adjourn'Hui, Mais nous né Somme EU'UN, Voilà,note, coutume! Refrain Nous Saxons EU'IL y a beau coup de travail,
  42. Contains Brunner's sketch of the history of modern philosophy. Le Mahler de, notre , peuple Alemán et nos« Polish» ( orig. 1924) warns against the dangers of
  43. Nos officers et actress chose concern ant note service et LE soulagement de, notre , peuple" ). In the 17th and 18th centuries, the intendants were chosen from the
  44. L'outre Bacon de governor - The other way of governing * 2007: Reconstructions, notre , Québec - Let us rebuild our Quebec * 2008: Québec pageant Alec Pauline - Quebec
  45. O Died DES Press, O Died DES Press!: Sous ta garden infinite: Trends nos droids, notre , vie: O Died DES Press, O Died DES Press!: Pour LES Alex, pour la Patrice: O
  46. Étude SUR LE type masculine de la stature Greece AU Time since savant, notre , ère,1909. *Quranic, Eleanor Profiles of Douro, American Journal of
  47. Basford. The action is transposed to Savoy. A second movie Le crime est, notre , affaire came out in 2008. Le's crime est note affairs is named after Partners in
  48. Un true days LE genre (2005) - Pierre Antoine Le Pelletizer *Le crime est, notre , affaire (2008,by Pascal Thomas) External links * Elm GARAF is a fictional
  49. less sciences, PUF,1989; * Jacques Mullions, Auguste Comte: un philosophe pour, notre , temps,Time, Paris,1995 * Gertrude Lender, Auguste Comte: Essential Writings (

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