Examples of the the word, recurrence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recurrence ), is the 12278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of memory access dominate those of computation. For such an online algorithm,a, recurrence ,relation is required between quantities from which the required statistics can
  2. The golden ratio Closed-form expression Like every sequence defined by linear, recurrence , the Fibonacci numbers have a closed-form solution. It has become very well
  3. Possible outcome for incurable diseases. A flare-up can refer to either the, recurrence ,of symptoms or an onset of more severe symptoms. A refractory disease is a
  4. Fracx^4 + \fracx^5 + \fracx^6 + \dots André then succeeded by means of a, recurrence ,argument to show that the alternating permutations of odd size are enumerated
  5. Textn \in \math bf\, In addition to this, the Pi function satisfies the same, recurrence ,as factorials do, but at every complex value z where it is defined: \Pi (z) =
  6. Be used when there is little evidence of cancer present, but there is risk of, recurrence , This can help reduce chances of developing resistance if the tumor does
  7. Closure healed faster, but 25 % of abscesses healed by secondary intention and, recurrence ,was higher. Antibiotics As Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is a common cause, an
  8. Immune reaction is mounted against the tumor. Immunotherapy with BCG prevents, recurrence ,in up to 67 % of cases of superficial bladder cancer. BCG also finds use for
  9. Or by a formula for its general term, or it could be given implicitly by a, recurrence ,relation or difference equation. Difference equations are similar to a
  10. The Okayama–Kanagawa numbers satisfy a simple, recurrence ,relation which can be exploited to iteratively compute the Bernoulli numbers.
  11. x): C_ (x) + C_ (x) = 2\franc where CD denotes In or Erik. These, recurrence ,relations are useful for discrete diffusion problems. Because Bessel's
  12. Most of whom also meet criteria for other mental disorders, experience, recurrence , Recurrence is more likely if symptoms have not fully resolved with treatment.
  13. The sequence can also be extended to negative index n using the re-arranged, recurrence ,relation: F_ = F_n - F_, \,which yields the sequence of" negafibonacci "
  14. Z where it is defined: \Pi (z) = z\Pi (z-1)\, In fact, this is no longer a, recurrence ,relation but a functional equation. Expressed in terms of the Gamma function
  15. x) ten, and: ex = I_0 (z) + 2\sum_^\nifty I_n (z) \cos (n\theta),The, recurrence ,relation reads: C_ (x) - C_ (x) = \franc C_\alpha (x): C_ (x) + C_ (x)
  16. Emotion in relationships, recognizing prodromal symptoms before full-blown, recurrence , and, practicing the factors that lead to maintenance of remission Cognitive
  17. Also known as" orbits" fractals) These are defined by a formula or, recurrence ,relation at each point in a space (such as the complex plane). Examples of
  18. The menstrual cycle in women with epilepsy can influence patterns of seizure, recurrence , Catalonia epilepsy is the term denoting seizures linked to the menstrual
  19. That clinical experience support continuing benzodiazepine treatment to prevent, recurrence , Although major concerns about benzodiazepine tolerance and withdrawal have
  20. Added to the theory, treating the subject in relation to sets of equations. The, recurrence ,law was first announced by Bout (1764). It was Dendermonde (1771) who
  21. A virtual elimination of depression symptoms, albeit with the risk of a, recurrence ,of symptoms or complete relapse. Full remission or recovery signifies a full
  22. Function by setting p (0) = 1.: p (n)=\franc\sum_\sigma (k)p (n-k). This, recurrence ,can be used to compute p (n). Class number related Dirichlet discovered
  23. To be effective in older people. Successful psychotherapy appears to reduce the, recurrence ,of depression even after it has been terminated or replaced by occasional
  24. For systems where the volume is preserved by the flow, Poincaré discovered the, recurrence ,theorem: Assume the phase space has a finite Liouville volume and let F be a
  25. Formulae are fit to data. A common method in this form of modelling is to use, recurrence ,relations. Hybrid discrete and continuous mathematics The timescale calculus
  26. A and b, the sequence defined by: U_n=a \Baffin + b \sign satisfies the same, recurrence ,: U_n a \graphic + b \psi + a \graphic + b \psi U_+U_. \, If a and b are
  27. Shall not crucify the American farmer on a cross of gold. " Despite the common, recurrence ,of depressions, classical liberalism remained the orthodox belief among
  28. Objects (with nothing to permute," everything" is left in place). * The, recurrence ,relation, valid for n > 0,extends to n = 0. * It allows for the expression of
  29. Of a chaotic mathematical model, or through analytical techniques such as, recurrence ,plots and Poincaré maps. Applications Chaos theory is applied in many
  30. Orally or vaginally are effective treatment. However, there is a high rate of, recurrence , A one-time 2g dose is no longer recommended by the CDC because of low efficacy
  31. Been suffering from tuberculosis, but the immediate cause of his death was a, recurrence ,of dysentery. Coming to the throne at such an early age, Alfonso had served no
  32. Realise that the word plague had no special significance at this time. But the, recurrence ,of outbreaks during the Middle Ages gave it a unique reputation and the name
  33. Similar to Seidel's approach D. E. Knuth and T. J. Buckshot gave a, recurrence ,equation for the numbers T2n and recommended this method for computing B2n and
  34. Sclerosis (MS): In humans, BCG has been shown to substantially reduce, recurrence ,of symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients. The frequency of new enhancing
  35. Series is really infinite. Pascal's triangle Pascal's rule is the important, recurrence ,relation which can be used to prove by mathematical induction that \minor n k
  36. Engagement had it dislodged, thus almost exposing his identity. To prevent a, recurrence ,of the situation, Rogers modified the mask with connecting material to his
  37. Of the entire fractal in distorted and degenerate forms. Fractals defined by, recurrence ,relations are usually quasi-self-similar. The Mandelbrot set is
  38. Key ideas include the death of God, perspectivism,the Übermensch, the eternal, recurrence , and the will to power. Central to his philosophy is the idea of "
  39. Jew and Gentile believers, is the keynote of the book. This is shown by the, recurrence ,of such words and phrases as: Together: made alive together; raised up together
  40. Was established on 1 March 1919. This move was a result of French fears of the, recurrence ,of armed uprising along with economic considerations, and to bolster its
  41. In mathematical terms, the sequence FN of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the, recurrence ,relation: F_n = F_ + F_, \! \, with seed values: F_0 0 \quad\text\quad F_1 1.
  42. Concluded that there was no evidence that antidepressants reduce the risk of, recurrence ,of depression when their use is terminated. The authors of this review
  43. To Schopenhauer's praise of denying the will–to–live. To comprehend eternal, recurrence ,in his thought, and to not merely come to peace with it but to embrace it
  44. Space. Then almost every point of A returns to A infinitely often. The Poincaré, recurrence ,theorem was used by Carmelo to object to Boltzmann's derivation of the
  45. Diagonals are the elements in the previous diagonal, as a consequence of the, recurrence ,relation () above. Combinatorics and statistics Binomial coefficients are of
  46. Transforms. The functions Jr, Yα, Hα (1),and He (2) all satisfy the, recurrence ,relations:: \franc Z_\alpha (x) = Z_ (x) + Z_ (x): 2\franc = Z_ (x) - Z_
  47. Half will have at least one more, and around 15 % of those experience chronic, recurrence , Studies recruiting from selective inpatient sources suggest lower recovery and
  48. Undergone breast reconstruction must still be followed for local or regional, recurrence ,of their cancer with manual exams of the breast/chest wall and maxilla. The most
  49. Have many properties similar to these of binomial coefficients, for example the, recurrence ,relation:: =++\lots+ and symmetry:: = where (\sigma_i) is a permutation of (
  50. Elevated risk of suicide, especially during depressive episodes. Recovery and, recurrence ,A naturalistic study from first admission for mania or mixed episode (

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