Examples of the the word, confinement , in a Sentence Context
The word ( confinement ), is the 12276 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Previously occupied by Mahmud and died at Topeka Palace after six years of, confinement , Character of Ahmed III's rule The reign of Ahmed III, which had lasted for
- Under the title" Queen of the World ". Eventually, Treize is released from, confinement , and he relieves Elena of her crown, telling her that while she has
- Abu Zubaydah's case, however,this is debatable since the smallest of the close, confinement ,boxes caused his wound to reopen and begin to bleed again. Indeed, John
- 7) stress positions, ( 8) sleep deprivation, ( 9) insects placed in a, confinement ,box, and (10) the waterboard. ” It also expanded on the techniques of walling
- Of making the ship a safe and warm shelter during a predicted lengthy, confinement , Justified by Archer thus:" A ship that is built with exclusive regard to its
- Was first placed aboard, a brig anchored at Montreal. He was kept in solitary, confinement ,and chains, and General Richard Prescott had, according to Allen, ordered him
- Zoo and circuses There is growing resistance against the capture, confinement , and use of wild elephants. Animal rights advocates allege elephants in zoos
- Walling, ( 3) facial hold, ( 4) facial slap (insult slap),(5) cramped, confinement , (6) wall standing, ( 7) stress positions, ( 8) sleep deprivation, ( 9)
- With Speer given Number Five. Initially, the prisoners were kept in solitary, confinement ,for all but half an hour a day, and were not permitted to address each other or
- Techniques. These techniques, include forced nudity, sleep deprivation, confinement ,in small dark boxes, deprivation of solid food, cold temperatures, stress
- Where Elizabeth immediately had her arrested. Mary spent the next 18 years in, confinement , but proved too dangerous to keep alive, as the Catholic powers in Europe
- Death has no remedy"- Alvaro was condemned to death and decapitated while in, confinement ,on July 8,1538 (other sources suggest he was garroted, which would have been
- Slope, increasing thickness, increasing snowfall, increasing longitudinal, confinement , increasing basal temperature, increasing meltwater production and reduced bed
- son's death. He was arrested for violating his parole, and placed in solitary, confinement , There he remained while Vermont declared independence, and John Burgoyne's
- Allows the opportunity for analysis of how people react when forced into close, confinement ,with people who lie outside their comfort zone, since they may hold different
- Exposed to them during their Moon walks. However, after almost three weeks in, confinement ,(first in their trailer and later in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the
- Advocated humane treatment of mental disorders, had insane persons freed from, confinement ,and treated them with natural therapy, such as diet and massages. His teachings
- Of compound turbines are the reduction in size of any one casing,the, confinement ,of the highest pressure to the smaller casing (which may be made of stronger
- That the condensate could be stabilized by the quantum pressure from trap, confinement ,for up to about 1000 atoms. The Bose–Einstein condensation also applies to
- Of Portuguese India,1509-1515 Albuquerque was released after three months ', confinement , on the arrival at Bangalore of the grand-marshal of Portugal with a large
- Affected are not directly observable. This phenomenon is called color, confinement , The weak force is due to the exchange of the heavy W and Z bosons. Its most
- Of 3 weeks (first week in total isolation and the next two weeks in close, confinement ,). The guidelines for radiation levels vary from state to state; some states
- At the LEP storage ring at CERN confirmed this result. Experimentally, confinement ,is verified by the failure of free quark searches. Free gluons have never been
- Suits in combat (which he feels negate the true spirit of battle). In his, confinement , Trade builds the Gun dam Epson and later gives it to Hero. Much like Wing
- Or unworthy of participating in community life. " The court added that ", confinement ,in an institution severely diminishes the everyday life activities of
- Note that the correct French syntax is à propose DE);: slaughterhouse;:, confinement ,during childbirth; the process of having a baby; only this latter meaning
- Aroused suspicion for the authorities, and consequently ` Abdul'Baha’s, confinement ,was tightened. During the next decade ` Abdul'Baha would be in constant
- To beatings, isolation,waterboarding, long-time standing, continuous cramped, confinement , and sleep deprivation. During Abu Zubaydah's interrogation President Bush
- The Miles Du Salt were used to house political prisoners and for solitary, confinement , The islands became notorious for the brutality of life there, centering around
- Corrective significance – these are entirely inadmissible in Soviet places of, confinement , ” The legal base and the guidance for the creation of the system of "
- Was later taken to Insane Prison, where she could have faced up to five years, confinement ,for the intrusion. The trial of Sub FYI and her two maids began on 18 May and a
- A North Vietnamese military prison—including torture—and four years in solitary, confinement , In his conclusion, Stockdale quoted Epictetus as saying," The emotions of
- Golden sweat’ from them, the organization of production in places of, confinement , which while profitable from a commercial point of view is fundamentally
- And monasteries, many of them in ruins, evoking “ feelings of fear, surprise, confinement ,”. This setting of the novel, a castle or religious building, often one fallen
- Being released until 11 February. The cause of the challenge and of Oxford's, confinement ,to quarters by the Queen is unknown. By April 1580,Oxford had taken over the
- Like this:" His figure was that of a robust, large-framed man, worn down by, confinement ,and hard fare; but he was now recovering his flesh and spirits; and a suit of
- May refer to: Chemistry * Molecular encapsulation, in chemistry,the, confinement ,of an individual molecule within a larger molecule * Capsule (pharmacy),in
- Of the distinction, however,state that deprogramming entails coercion and, confinement , In exit counseling the cult member is free to leave at any time. Deprogramming
- At Port Blair when completed in 1910 included 698 cells designed for solitary, confinement ,; each cell measured by with a single ventilation window above the floor.
- 6,1699. Kidd was placed in Stone Prison, spending most of the time in solitary, confinement , His wife, Sarah,was also imprisoned. The conditions of Kidd's imprisonment
- Bored through the tongue with a red-hot iron and imprisoned in solitary, confinement ,with hard labor. Nadler was released in 1659,but he was a broken man. On
- One anticipated by the Bad. Towards the end of his life, the strict and harsh, confinement ,was gradually relaxed, and he was allowed to live in a home near ` Aka, while
- More than eight years, four-and-a-half of them spent incommunicado in solitary, confinement ,in undisclosed locations. He was subjected to the technique of waterboarding
- Time as possible. He wrote," I am obsessed with the idea of using this time of, confinement ,for writing a book of major importance ... That could mean transforming prison
- Greater strain on the vertebrae. Treatment consists of combinations of crate, confinement ,and courses of anti-inflammatory medications (steroids and non-steroidal
- Under special criminal procedure and by summary methods * The execution and, confinement ,of people in concentration camps for crimes allegedly committed by their
- On Grid ". Samuel Noah Kramer, believes that behind this myth of Enki's, confinement ,of ABU lies an older one of the struggle between ENI and the Dragon Our (the
- Denominations it has been described as an intermediate place or state of, confinement ,in oblivion and neglect. The notion of purgatory is associated particularly
- Boxing Elephant" ). However, conditions for circus elephants are unnatural (, confinement ,in small pens or cages, restraints on their feet, lack of companionship of
- Boltzmann constant:: 11\,604.505 (20) \box. For example, a typical magnetic, confinement ,fusion plasma is 15 key, or 170 megakelvins. Properties The energy E, frequency
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