Examples of the the word, immature , in a Sentence Context

The word ( immature ), is the 12277 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Donate appeared in the Permian and all are effectively amphibious (aquatic, immature ,stages, and terrestrial adults),as are all modern donates. Their prototypes
  2. Of the student; within this particular framework,“ the child is simply the, immature ,being who is to be matured; he is the superficial being who is to be deepened ”
  3. Pejorative, disgusted choice, bad,or adult language, and sometimes even ", immature ," language. Profanity is distinct, however,from insult; an ugly modification
  4. Initial phase of the inflammation (which is referred to as celebrities),the, immature ,lesion does not have a capsule, and it may be difficult to distinguish it from
  5. In influencing doctors to consider homosexuality as a neurosis afflicting, immature ,women. Homosexual subculture disappeared in Germany with the rise of the Nazis
  6. Is so recent (in geologic terms) that modern-day drainage patterns are, immature ,and poorly established. The direction of glacial advance and recession set the
  7. Play a part.: 5. Age, Maturity,and Experience: Those who are young in age, or, immature , in their understanding are afforded leniency.: 6. Interests of the Innocent:
  8. In many places weathering of these strata has resulted in the formation of, immature ,calcareous soils. Gorge and caves Cheddar Gorge, which is located on the edge
  9. Traits in adulthood. Thus, the psychopathologic individual for Freud was an, immature ,individual, and the goal of psychoanalysis was to bring these fixations to
  10. Inexperienced, or gullible (probably by analogy to unripe,i.e. unready or, immature , fruit). Green was the traditional color worn by hunters in the 19th century
  11. Story about all this will be taken to be trying to avoid guilt, to be, immature , utopian or psychopathic '. Moral and legal definitions" Guilt" is the
  12. As the endospores can transform into toxin-producing bacteria in the infant's, immature ,intestinal tract, leading to illness and even death (see Health hazards below
  13. Signaling by heterodimeric G-proteins Although it is a relatively, immature ,area of research, it appears that heterodimeric G-proteins may also take part
  14. The consent of Pope Eugene IV that the Kingdom of Naples would go to his, immature ,son Ferdinand. He died in Castle dell'HVO in 1458,while he was planning the
  15. Mr Wellington at Baling encouraged him to publish, at the age of fifteen,an, immature ,work, Ishmael and Other Poems. In 1822, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge
  16. A marked change in form, texture and physical appearance or metamorphosis, from, immature , to adult. These insects either have hemimetabole development, and undergo an
  17. Málaga, is now banned because the techniques used to catch them trap too many, immature ,fish of other species. The mountainous regions of the Sierra Moreno and Sierra
  18. Its emphasis on prognosis. At Hippocrates' time, medicinal therapy was quite, immature , and often the best thing that physicians could do was to evaluate an illness
  19. Bud from the host cell. Maturation occurs either in the forming bud or in the, immature ,virion after it buds from the host cell. During maturation, HIV proteases
  20. Family groups range from five to fifteen adults, as well as a number of, immature ,males and females. When a group gets too big, a few of the elder daughters will
  21. Of the ocean mist. Today much of the forest cover comprises relatively, immature ,agroforestry plantations, in which are used non-native species such as Prosodies
  22. Hellbender has working lungs, but gill slits are often retained although only, immature ,specimens have true gills; the hellbender absorbs oxygen from the water through
  23. Of Rico hats are worn by women to church. They are made from the uncurled, immature ,fiber of the coconut palm and are of very high quality. The Polynesian
  24. The traditional method of obtaining the latex is to scratch (" score" ) the, immature ,seed pods (fruits) by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky
  25. 18-year-old trophy wife, Anne,a vain girl who is in love with Fredrik, but too, immature ,to grasp the concept of marriage. The two have been married for eleven months
  26. Was described as" the leading cause of direct mortality in both adult and, immature ,bald eagles," according to a 1978 report in the Endangered Species Technical
  27. And differentiation of neurons from stem cell precursors, the migration of, immature ,neurons from their birthplaces in the embryo to their final positions
  28. May show an interest in activities that are viewed by their peers as stupid and, immature ,for their age, such as trading cards, comic books, television programs, films
  29. Part is synthesized in a series of steps in the mitochondria and the cytosol of, immature ,red blood cells, while the globing protein parts are synthesized by ribosomes in
  30. Bluish-grey or hazel, and the feet pink above with black soles and webbing. An, immature ,individual will have a shorter bill and lighter upper parts. Like most seabirds
  31. He had abdicated. Events of Yōzei's life Yoga was made emperor when he was an, immature , unformed young boy. * 869 (Joan 10): Yoga was born, and he is named Saw
  32. Guidance of neuronal axon growth. These cells are typically other, sometimes, immature , neurons. History Some of the first intracellular recordings in a nervous
  33. Gallant in his study of defense mechanisms took as a central example of 'an, immature ,defense ... fantasy - living in a" Walter Mitty" dream world where you
  34. Gandhi's use of the term Harridans as saying that Davits were socially, immature , and that privileged caste Indians played a paternalistic role. Amber and
  35. Skating style. In the 1984 Winter Olympics of Sarajevo many competitors used an, immature ,form of skating kicking extra speed with one foot (trail being in the middle
  36. Had been based on juvenile specimens, and subsequently been recognized as, immature ,individuals of other species or genera. By the 1990s it was understood that
  37. Is viewed under a microscope. Frequently, these extra white blood cells are, immature ,or dysfunctional. The excessive number of cells can also interfere with the
  38. By way of displacing the normal bone marrow cells with higher numbers of, immature ,white blood cells, results in a lack of blood platelets, which are important in
  39. Of the inner membrane. The presence of mutagens may induce the release of some, immature ," micronucleated" erythrocytes into the bloodstream. Nucleated cells can also
  40. Bronze, green,and purple at the back of the neck in various lights. Female and, immature ,birds were similar marked but with duller gray on the back, a lighter rose
  41. Nonetheless, it still faces problems. These include poor infrastructure and an, immature ,telecom regulatory regime. The Ministry of Communications & Information
  42. Is called a bull moose, a mature female moose is called a cow moose, and an, immature ,moose of either sex is called a (moose) calf. Habitat, range,and
  43. To be done '. In November of that year, Oxford matriculated as an imputes, or, immature , fellow-commoner,of Queens' College, Cambridge in November 1558,and remained
  44. Or resting stage between the larval and adult forms. In hemimetabole insects, immature ,stages are called nymphs. Development proceeds in repeated stages of growth and
  45. Of this supposed species is seriously disputed. It was never refuted to be an, immature ,female desert European Night jar. Apodiformes Swifts and hummingbirds.: Known
  46. Females are larger than males. The beak is large and hooked. The plumage of the, immature ,is brown. Bald Eagles are not actually bald, the name derives from the older
  47. Moon in the form" AEC immature a I am frustrate Guntur -of" ( Latin: These, immature ,ones have already been read in vain by me -of),that is, when rearranged,"
  48. That the interruption of normal breast development during pregnancy leaves, immature ,cells that are more cancer-prone in the breasts. However, major medical bodies
  49. Advertising with a focus on social networking sites. This is a relatively, immature ,market, but it has shown a lot of promise as advertisers are able to take
  50. External wing buds will form in later instar. In holometabolous insects, immature ,stages are called larvae, and differ markedly from the adults. Insects which

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