Examples of the the word, hungry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hungry ), is the 4983 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Another word for" angry," is" fuming," which ends in" g. " The second,", hungry ," at least when personified, is " eager" which ends in" r. " Similarly, the
  2. Three words in the English language that end in" dry. " The first" one" is ", hungry ," the second" one" is" angry," what is the third" one "? If you have read
  3. Little Jake. Tex is riding up from the valley and comes across a lost and, hungry ,Indian boy, Makooya and saves him. Later when reunited with his father, Tex is
  4. Were increasingly scarce. Thousands of soup kitchens were opened to feed the, hungry , who grumbled that the farmers were keeping the food for themselves. Even the
  5. That solve this riddle are ...? #*The answer is the three-word sentence" I am, hungry , " This version asks for three words that end in" dry," not three words each
  6. To the marginalized inside and outside the church: the poor, the sick,the, hungry , the imprisoned. Unlike Orthodox and Roman Catholic deacons who may be married
  7. Is FAO's flagship initiative for reaching the goal of halving the number of, hungry ,in the world by 2015 (currently estimated at close to 1 billion people),as
  8. May be due to assorted health problems, including: *The dogs might be, hungry , such as when eating routines are changed, food is withheld, or nutrients are
  9. Kennedy) is a reporter on Frontline. She is ambitious, amoral and publicity, hungry , While there are constant rumors that she has affairs with male celebrities in
  10. The English language that end in" dry. " Two words that end in" dry" are ", hungry ," and" angry. " Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses
  11. The sentence, : IU us Doris, ke tie masalas" Someone just said that tie is, hungry ,", the pronoun tie is understood to refer only to someone other than the person
  12. The English language that end with the letters 'g ','r ', and 'y '. Two are ", hungry ," and" angry. " Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses it
  13. Frequent recourse to his friends, constantly borrowing money and still going, hungry ,for days at a time; he learned that his daughter had died. Nevertheless, he
  14. Unborn Louise, when Billy sings in" Soliloquy" of his daughter, who " gets, hungry ,every night ", he uses Julie's dotted rhythms. Such rhythms also characterize
  15. That puzzle has no good answer). #Think of words ending in" dry. " Angry and, hungry ,are two of them. There are only three words in" the English language. " What
  16. Words in the English language that end in" g" or" y. " One of them is ", hungry ," and another one is" angry. " There is a third word, a short one, which you
  17. Have played with before. Cats also tend to play with toys more when they are, hungry , String is often used as a toy, but if it is eaten it can become caught at the
  18. One declarative sentence can refer to many propositions; for instance," I am, hungry ," changes meaning (i.e. refers to different propositions) depending on the
  19. Returning with straw to put over the bare wires of the beds. Later, to feed the, hungry ,men, Kat brings bread, a bag of horse meat, a lump of fat, a pinch of salt and
  20. Used as a qualifier is generally a reinforcement: for example," I'm quite, hungry ," means" I'm very hungry ". In BRE quite (which is much more common in
  21. Correct when the puzzle is printed, but they give away the trick. #Angry and, hungry ,are two words in the English language that end in" dry. "" What" is the
  22. The high-pitched purrs cats make to solicit food may mimic the cries of a, hungry ,human infant, making them particularly hard for humans to ignore. Grooming Cats
  23. To normality. This meant not only an end to the difficult shortages of the ", hungry ,years," but also the curtailing of female employment outside the home. In East
  24. Neither one is angry or hungry . What are they? #*The answer is" angry" and ", hungry , " Since these are words, they are not capable of being angry or hungry . #Here
  25. Yet in his Experiment in Autobiography, Wells speaks of constantly being, hungry , and indeed, photographs of him at the time show a youth very thin and
  26. And" hungry . " Since these are words, they are not capable of being angry or, hungry , #Here is a version invented by Frank Rubin on December 4,2003: Give me three
  27. Mad ", but it more commonly means" somewhat ", so that in BRE" I'm quite, hungry ," can mean" I'm somewhat hungry ". This divergence of use can lead to
  28. A little later. But total franchising is only 3 % of retail trade which is, hungry ,for foreign franchise growth. The year 2005 saw the birth of an updated
  29. Other versions: I know two words that end in" dry. " Neither one is angry or, hungry , What are they? #*The answer is" angry" and" hungry . " Since these are words
  30. A desperate effort to induce the natives to continue provisioning him and his, hungry ,men, successfully won the favor of the natives by correctly predicting a lunar
  31. To establish a secure base camp where passing ships could shelter, and where, hungry ,sailors could stock up on fresh supplies of meat, fruit,and vegetables. To
  32. Wholly mistaken, but the most critical connection was the congregating of the, hungry ,at soup kitchens, food depots, overcrowded work houses where conditions were
  33. From political lines sometimes faced discrimination, although no one went, hungry ,and all were eventually housed. This treatment of Orthodox children led to the
  34. The coast, the boats were gone. Drake and his men, downhearted,exhausted and, hungry , had nowhere to go, and the Spanish were not far behind. At this point Drake
  35. Generally a reinforcement: for example," I'm quite hungry " means" I'm very, hungry ,". In BRE quite (which is much more common in conversation) may have this
  36. Near the foot of the lake. Arnold generously opened his stores to Allen's, hungry ,men, and tried to dissuade Allen from his objective, noting that it was likely
  37. Of Baldrick's best, worst and a only pair of underpants as a weapon against a, hungry ’T. Rex. Finding that Baldric has forgotten to write dates on the machine's
  38. Modern English does not have three common words ending in -dry. Angry and, hungry ,are the only ones. There are, however,a number of rare and obsolete words
  39. In a threatening situation it is beneficial for the animal not to feel, hungry ,even if it needs to eat. Stimulation of 5-HT2A receptors will achieve that. But
  40. Were increasingly scarce. Thousands of soup kitchens were opened to feed the, hungry ,people, who grumbled that the farmers were keeping the food for themselves.
  41. Could also simply use a pronoun and a verb: for example, 我饿。 to è. " I am, hungry , " Only sentences with a noun as the complement (e.g.," this is my sister "
  42. Of his favorite experimental animals, the pigeon. Skinner placed a series of, hungry ,pigeons in a cage attached to an automatic mechanism that delivered food to the
  43. Elijah, and St. George were going through Georgia. When they became tired and, hungry ,they stopped to dine. They saw a Georgian shepherd and decided to ask him to
  44. Somewhat ", so that in BRE" I'm quite hungry " can mean" I'm somewhat, hungry ,". This divergence of use can lead to misunderstanding. Frequency * In the UK
  45. No need for a copula, e. g., in Mandarin," to be tired" ( 累 lei)," to be, hungry ," (饿 è)," to be located at" ( 在 CAI)," to be stupid" ( 笨 Ben) and so
  46. You eat, each of you goes ahead without waiting for anybody else. One remains, hungry , another gets drunk. Communion is a translation; other translations are "
  47. Part of" Operation: Little Vittles. " Candy-filled shoos were air-dropped to, hungry ,West Berliners by America's 17th Military Airport Squadron during the
  48. Very loyal to her father in his endless feud with Zeus; it was she who rode the, hungry ,tides after Poseidon had stirred up a storm, and led them onto the beaches
  49. Redeeming his soul ... but not that of the guttersnipe he takes in as his money, hungry ,assistant. " The Marching Morons" is one of Kornbluth's the most famous short
  50. Confuse such questions—for example, to argue that people eat because they're, hungry ,and not to acquire nutrients—without realizing that the reason people

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