Examples of the the word, supper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( supper ), is the 9456 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The formal supper s follow a standard format which is as follows. Order of the, supper ,Start of the evening Guests gather and mix as in any informal party. Host's
  2. Activist * William Hooper Young, early 20th-century convicted murderer A Burns, supper ,is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, author of
  3. The Barony are the best gentlemen in the world and the Mamma, and wins a, supper , Hammett narrates. Seventh tale (VI,7) Madonna Filippo, being found by her
  4. Is for you. Do this in remembrance of me. ' In the same way also the cup, after, supper , saying,'This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you
  5. Fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to, supper ,in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets. " The Davis camp
  6. If desired. It is not unusual to toast the locality or nation in which the, supper ,is being held. Works by Burns After the speeches, there may be singing of songs
  7. In triumph and drives the money changers from the temple, holds a last, supper , prays to be spared the coming agony, and is betrayed. He is tried by the
  8. Sacramental status of baptism. Zwingli identified baptism and the Lord's, supper ,as sacraments, but in the sense of an initiatory ceremony. Mode and manner A
  9. Scene: Scarpia's apartment in the Palazzo Barnes, that evening Sharia, at, supper , sends a note to Tosca asking her to join him. His henchman Violetta announces
  10. Fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to, supper ,in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets. " Still, the last four
  11. Though this may simply be because both are traditionally served at a Burns, supper , Warren Edwards of Wine for Spice notes that haggis is spicy and therefore
  12. His fill yet with such lines as" Not enough by half! / I may eat myself for, supper , " And yet, the music betrays the seeming unbridled ecstasy of Jacob; he is
  13. The decoration of what is now the Thomas Coral Foundation for Children and the, supper ,boxes at Vauxhall Gardens. In 1746,Gainsborough married Margaret Burr, an
  14. To embrace her she stabs him to death with a knife she has taken from the, supper ,table. After cursing him and securing the safe-conduct, in a gesture of piety
  15. Space in the garden to raise more money, and her sons would hunt game for, supper , In 1935 or 1936,Louise Little began dating an African-American man. A
  16. Or it can be served plain with buttermilk in a bowl as a cold light soup for, supper , In Egypt, couscous is eaten more as a dessert. It is prepared with butter
  17. Tombstone with holy water or to pour libations of milk on it. At bedtime,the, supper ,is left on the table for the souls. In Bolivia, many people believe that the
  18. To his disciples, in which Judas Iscariot is no longer present, having left the, supper , The depictions here are generally melancholy, as Jesus prepares his disciples
  19. Mother in the house overlooking the motel. He then shyly invites Marion to have, supper ,with him. She overhears Norman arguing with his mother about his supposed
  20. Virus family" status. Those cadres were given a chance to have his/her last, supper ,with the LTTE leader Prabhakar, which was a rare honor one would get in the
  21. No not in so low a degree as to eat with him. But eating with him at the Lord’s, supper , is the very highest degree of visible Christian communion. Who can suppose
  22. Supper of the Lamb ###A great multitude praises God. (19:1-6) ###The marriage, supper ,of the Lamb. (19:7-10) ##The Millennium ###The beast and the false prophet
  23. deep-fried in batter. Together with chips, this comprises a" haggis, supper ,". A" haggis burger" is a patty of fried haggis served on a bun, and a "
  24. Conclude" We're through playing' now! " *" Hey Grandpa! What's for, supper , ": Grandpa Jones is cleaning a window pane (with no glass in it) and recites
  25. Testimonies, musical specials, Scripture reading, and occasionally the Lord's, supper ,". Early Pentecostals placed a high emphasis on congregational participation.
  26. As the bloater and buckling, were also once commonly enjoyed as a high tea or, supper ,treat; most popularly with inland and urban working-class populations before
  27. Discovered in some beds, presumably forming part of the villagers' last, supper , One woman was in such haste that her necklace broke as she squeezed through
  28. Italian cedar and Spanish cedar, but uses it in the sense of" to have a late, supper ," in most varieties, while the preferred word for" to dine" is actually
  29. The host says a few words welcoming everyone to the, supper ,and perhaps stating the reason for it. The event is declared open. All of the
  30. In German cuisine is also illustrated by words such as Abendbrot (meaning, supper , literally Evening Bread) and Brother (snack, literally Bread Time). In
  31. Some scholars consider the Lord's supper to have derived not from Jesus' last, supper ,with the disciples but rather from the gentile tradition of memorial dinners
  32. That it is the Last Supper. Historicity Some scholars consider the Lord's, supper ,to have derived not from Jesus' last supper with the disciples but rather from
  33. In a game. As they bet, Alfredo wins some large sums until Flora announce that, supper ,is ready. Alfredo leaves with handfuls of money. As everyone is leaving the
  34. Eat ". Edwards insists," That this respects not eating with them at the Lord’s, supper , but a common eating, is evident by the words, that the eating here forbidden
  35. In Christian art. There are three major themes in the depictions of the last, supper , The first theme is the dramatic and dynamic depiction of Jesus' announcement
  36. Born in Ayrshire, some of whom had known Burns. They held the first Burns, supper ,on what they thought was his birthday on 29 January 1802,but in 1803
  37. The mother of John the Baptist and of Mary, the mother of Jesus (ch. ). Last, supper ,Luke is the only gospel that treats the Last Supper the way Paul does, as the
  38. The neighbors often meant dancing, either impromptu in someone's home after, supper ,or at the balls held regularly at the assembly rooms in the town hall. Her
  39. Renew their baptismal covenants through weekly participation in the Lord's, supper ,(commonly called Sacrament). Mormons also perform other ordinances, which
  40. Always prepare a speech with his audience in mind, since above all, the Burns ', supper ,should be entertaining. Everyone drinks a toast to Robert Burns. Appreciation
  41. It;: But we HAE meat, and we can eat, : And SAE let the Lord be than kit. The, supper ,then starts with the soup course. Normally a Scottish soup such as Scotch Broth
  42. Instead of being stuffed into pork casings. *Poutine - A traditional Sunday, supper ,deriving from the French" Brought Bourgignon" but served with a thick gravy
  43. Simple short order grill fare and the typical sports bars and decades old, supper ,clubs to high-end steakhouses and eateries that serve new American cuisine
  44. To be an animal. Modern usage Haggis is traditionally served with the Burns, supper ,on the week of January 25,when Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns, is
  45. Cry bitterly. Elements unique to the Gospel of John In John, Jesus has his last, supper ,and is executed not on the day Nisan 15 (the first night of Passover) but on
  46. James Madison was forced to flee to Virginia. The British commanders ate the, supper ,that had been prepared for the President before they burned the Presidential
  47. Pococurante: A Venetian noble. Candide and Martin were his guests. In the, supper ,they talked about art and philosophy. The Six Kings In an inn at Venice, Candide
  48. Order in which he was indoctrinated. Later, while Candide and Martin are eating, supper , Cacao returns to Candide and informs him that Cunégonde is in Constantinople
  49. On horseback, in snow, hail and freezing rain — later that evening eating his, supper ,without changing from his wet clothes. Friday morning, he awoke with a severe
  50. Katia is often the first dish in the traditional twelve-dish Christmas Eve, supper ,(also known as Sarah Lechery). It is rarely served at other times of the

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