Examples of the the word, k , in a Sentence Context
The word ( k ), is the 2812 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Since p (x) is irreducible, this means that p (x) = k (x − a),for some, k ,∈ F \. On the other hand, if F is not algebraically closed, then there is some
- Argentina by Francisco Salmon,1938 Image:20070124 seem deal budget, k ,society z Goldie. JPG|Bas-relief from the Polish Parliament building in
- Defining it as that length for which the Gaussian gravitational constant (, k ,) ta k es the value when the units of measurement are the astronomical units of
- K is algebraically closed. We consider the affine space of dimension n over, k , denoted An ( k ) (or more simply An, when k is clear from the context). When
- Quantum numbers p and σ of the previous section and the sign of the energy, E (, k ,), and AK denotes the corresponding annihilation operators. Of course, since we
- Of the Latin alphabet, such as Hawaiian, and Italian, which uses the letters j, k , x, y and w only in foreign words. It is un k nown whether the earliest alphabets
- And the subscripts of this element to i and k ; comment begin real y: 0; i: a;, k ,: = 2⌊a; for p from a to a do for q from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q > y then y
- Exponential functions of energy (at the particle level) over k t, with, k , representing the Boltzmann constant and T representing the temperature observed
- Words, there are elements k ,x1,x2,…, xn of the field F such that p (x) =, k ,(x − x1) (x − x2) ··· (x − in). If F has this property, then clearly
- Mathcal): k \LEQ \operator name (\mathcal): l, this leads to a definition of, k ,angles called canonical or principal angles between subspaces. Angles in
- Complex numbers C, but many of the same results are true if we assume only that, k ,is algebraically closed. We consider the affine space of dimension n over k
- A (T). * Every rectangle R is in M. If the rectangle has length h and breadth, k ,then a (R) = HK. * Let Q be a set enclosed between two-step regions S and T.
- Strong explosion of breath. In English a voiceless plosive that is p, t or, k ,is aspirated whenever it stands as the only consonant at the beginning of the
- Size a by 2⌈a is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i and, k ,; comment begin real y: 0; i: a; k : = 2⌊a; for p from a to a do for q from
- In out Number) is function Next ( k : in Number) return Number is begun return, k ,+ 1; end Next; begin Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line ('The total is:' & Number'Image (
- A value of 5.2×10−6 at 10 K. The rate constant was calculated from the formula, k ,a (T/300)B. For the primary formation reaction, a 1.05×10−6 and B = −0.47.
- Is a multiple of x − a. Since p (x) is irreducible, this means that p (x) =, k ,(x − a),for some k ∈ F \. On the other hand, if F is not algebraically
- Frac where G is the Newtonian gravitational constant, M☉ is the solar mass, k ,is the Gaussian gravitational constant and D is the time period of one day. The
- Use the principle of mathematical induction to prove" for every natural number, k , every family of k nonempty sets has a choice function. ") This method cannot
- In common for r, nor anything to indicate that they have the same vowels as the, k ,set. Most Indian and Indochinese Aquinas appear to have first been developed
- The relation between absolute and apparent magnitude, and an additional, k ,correction might be required. For nearby astronomical objects (such as stars
- In the form of tables of differences UTC-UTC ( k ) (equivalent to TAI-TAI (, k ,)) for each participating institution k . (The same circular also gives tables
- Of size n by m is transferred to y, and the subscripts of this element to i and, k ,; begin integer p, q; y: 0; i: k : = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for q: =1
- Has an exact defined value in SI units and the Gaussian gravitational constant, k ,is fixed in the astronomical system of units, measuring the light time per unit
- Procedure Abs max (a) Size: (n, m ) Result: (y) Subscripts: (i, k ,); value n, m; array a; integer n, m,i, k ; real y; comment The absolute
- That the expectation value of H need not be positive. This is because E (, k ,) can have any sign whatsoever, and the combination of creation and
- In F, splits into linear factors. In other words, there are elements, k , x1,x2,…, xn of the field F such that p (x) = k (x − x1) (x − x2) ··· (
- By an arc of a circle that has the same length as the circle's radius (, k ,= 1 in the formula given earlier). One turn is 2π radians, and one radian is
- To a do for q from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q > y then y: = abs app, q; i: p;, k ,: q phi od; y end # abs max # Note: lower (⌊) and upper (⌈) bounds of an
- Distinct letter shapes. For example, a comma-shaped letter represented g, d,y, k , or j. However, such apparent simplifications can perversely ma k e a script more
- X | \approx \franc \math rm ( k m) where k >0. The approximation improves as, k ,increases. K=10 is good for many practical purposes. An analog or analogue
- m) Result: (y) Subscripts: (i, k ); value n, m; array a; integer n, m,i, k ,; real y; comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of size n by m
- Syllabary: か k ey, き I, く KU, け KE, こ KO have nothing in common to indicate, k ,; while ら Ra, り RI, る Ru, れ re, ろ RO have neither anything in common for r, nor
- Relations. However, if one now writes down the Hamiltonian: :H=\sum_ E (, k ,) a\dagger_ k a_ k , \,then one sees immediately that the expectation value of H
- Mathematical induction to prove" for every natural number k , every family of, k ,nonempty sets has a choice function. ") This method cannot, however,be used
- Y, and the subscripts of this element to i and k ; begin integer p, q; y: 0; i:, k ,: = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for q: =1 step 1 until m do if abs (app, q )
- Suppress the inherent vowel, yielding the bare consonant. In Devanagari, क् is, k , and ल् is l. This is called the drama in Sans k rit, or plant in Hindi. It may
- Isosceles triangles are: \left (\cos\franc, \sin\franc, ( -1)OK h \right) with, k ,ranging from 0 to 2n-1; if the triangles are equilateral
- For interstellar NH3 is the reaction:: NH4+ + ex → NH3 + H· The rate constant, k , of this reaction depends on the temperature of the environment, with a value
- Participating institution k . (The same circular also gives tables of TAI-TA (, k ,), for the various unsynchronized atomic time scales. ) Errors in publication
- By the radius of the circle r, and possibly multiplied by a scaling constant, k ,(which depends on the units of measurement that are chosen):: \theta = k
- K (which depends on the units of measurement that are chosen):: \theta =, k ,\franc. The value of θ thus defined is independent of the size of the circle: if
- h),sheep-folds (i),together with the servants' and laborers' quarters (, k ,). At the south-east corner we find the hen and duc k house, and poultry-yard (
- By writing: :\psi (x)=\sum_u_ k (x)a_ k ex, \,where we use the symbol, k ,to denote the quantum numbers p and σ of the previous section and the sign of
- Satisfying the relations: :b_ a\dagger_ k \ \math rm\ by\dagger_ a_ k , \,where, k ,has the same p, and opposite σ and sign of the energy. Then one can rewrite the
- Closed. We consider the affine space of dimension n over k , denoted An (, k ,) (or more simply An, when k is clear from the context). When one fixes a
- Procedure Print_and_Increment (j: in out Number) is function Next (, k ,: in Number) return Number is begun return k + 1; end Next; begin Ada. Text_IO.
- This timescale is expressed in the form of tables of differences UTC-UTC (, k ,) (equivalent to TAI-TAI ( k ) ) for each participating institution k . (The
- 1 step 1 until m do if abs (app, q ) > y then begin y: = abs (app, q ); i: p;, k ,: q end Abs max Here's an example of how to produce a table using Elliott
- For k ilometer (in Gree k ) is" k m" in both languages and the letter ", k ," does not appear in the longhand of either translation," k m" is a symbol as
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