Examples of the the word, impending , in a Sentence Context

The word ( impending ), is the 9209 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Newspaper, the Alameda Sun, in 2001. In 2006,Knight Rider announced its, impending ,sale to McClatchy Corp., a Sacramento-based publishing firm. McClatchy Corp.
  2. Person, and had led the country through some of its greatest crises to the, impending ,defeat of Nazi Germany and to within sight of the defeat of Japan as well. Less
  3. Amounts of money. Organization literature includes many discussions of, impending ,global financial doom. As a result, TFI has gone to considerable lengths to
  4. To the purpose of God because of extraordinary circumstances (" because of the, impending ,crisis" ), see also Pauline privilege. Their concerns were that marriage might
  5. Movement as such: see for example the big demonstration against the, impending ,war in Iraq that closed the first European Social Forum on November 2002 in
  6. In 1775,when Daniel Morgan was recruiting sharpshooters in Virginia for the, impending ,American War of Independence. In some countries, rifle marksmanship is still a
  7. Failure. Both pilots failed to clear their flight paths and anticipate their, impending ,high-aspect, midair impact according to Brig Gen Joseph Races Jr., the leader
  8. Using plain text, without HTML formatting or attachments. Awareness of, impending ,weather conditions is particularly important to cruising sailors who are often
  9. That he was motivated by a divine vision requiring him to notify her of an, impending ,terrorist assassination attempt. On 13 May, Suu FYI was arrested for violating
  10. Bureaucracies" and" marked by surreal distortion and often a sense of, impending ,danger: Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation, the false trial
  11. Throne in 559 B. C. E.; his final years were preoccupied by the threat of the, impending ,Persian onslaught against Egypt. With great strategic skill, Cyrus had
  12. Bruce Willis a role, but Willis had to turn down the opportunity because of the, impending ,start of filming on the first 6 episodes of Moonlighting. Principal photography
  13. Led by Sir Edward Carson, opposed home rule in the light of what they saw as an, impending ,Roman Catholic-dominated Dublin government. They formed the Ulster Volunteer
  14. Here have no names and seem to have little overall significance, except for the, impending ,possibility of injury or death for Bauer and his comrades. Only pitifully
  15. Claim on the ransom money. Statute of limitations In 1976 discussion arose over, impending ,expiration of the statute of limitations on the hijacking. Most published legal
  16. Kamila has deployed the GR at key airports, ostensibly in preparation for an, impending ,presidential visit. At the end of 2005,there were Guards deployed in Mandala
  17. Report makes it clear that the harbor controllers were actually informed of, impending ,disaster by shore observers even before the crew were themselves aware. The
  18. Crewmates to desert with him, remaining on the island; he was counting on an, impending ,visit by another ship. No one else agreed to come along with him. Straddling
  19. Chained to a lamppost, sings a plea for the sun not to rise on the day of his, impending ,trial. Act 3, Scene 18: In the courtroom Moses, like a carnival barker, sells
  20. After mice, followed by humans) and try in vain to warn humans of Earth’s, impending ,destruction. Their story is told in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Much
  21. To rise during the show's third season, but going into the fourth season,the, impending ,demise of network PTEN left a fifth year in doubt. Unable to get word one way
  22. In which King Sendai, a righteous king favored by the Buddha, learns of an, impending ,attack on his kingdom. He arms himself in defense, and leads his army into
  23. Him (or, more rarely, her ) to dance and the summoned is moaning about, impending ,death. In the first printed Potentate textbook (Anon.: Vierzeiliger
  24. Three rejoinders to the Venetian theologians, and may have warned Sari of an, impending ,murderous attack. Allegiance oath controversy and papal authority Melamine
  25. Which ran a very small program stored in ROM. The large product lineup and the, impending ,fading out of the Pong machines led Cole co to face near-bankruptcy in 1980.
  26. Abu Zubaydah was one of three individuals“ best positioned to know about, impending ,terrorist atrocities. ” - Michael Hayden *Abu Zubaydah is someone who was “
  27. AOL Journal blog hosting service were eliminated, after first announcing the, impending ,shutdown on September 30, 2008 * Since January 2009,AOL News has discontinued
  28. Nation at risk, and nothing but radical reform of our schools can save us from, impending ,disaster ... Whatever the price ... the price we will pay for not doing it will
  29. Before being eaten, but kept them alive so that they could brood over their, impending ,fate. ... With this tribe, as with many others, the bodies of women were in
  30. And uses various arguments to convince him that he must fight and kill in the, impending ,battle. According to this interpretation of the scriptures, face-to-face combat
  31. Goldman traveled to Canada in 1927,just in time to receive news of the, impending ,executions of Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti in Boston
  32. Resigning en masse, the first of any forced resignation, in the face of an, impending ,censure from the Parliament. Along with the extension of the ordinary
  33. In Senior period Japan that hires a group of samurai to defend it against an, impending ,attack by bandits, was given a full epic treatment, with a huge cast (largely
  34. August 19-21,1991) led to the abandonment of this reorganization. With the, impending ,dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991,an independence movement, initially
  35. RACES) radar, which,if functional, would have indicated to the third mate an, impending ,collision with the Bligh reef by detecting the" radar reflector ", placed on
  36. Beating so that legal death can be declared. When there is advance notice of, impending ,clinical death, it is sometimes possible to deploy a team of technicians to
  37. As a" handshaking" signal warning a sender to stop transmission because of, impending ,overflow, and Control-Q (ON," transmit on" ) to resume sending, persists to
  38. When he was guaranteed that the team would become an NFL franchise after the, impending ,merger of the two leagues. There was also a complication: Major League Baseball
  39. The town of Shrewsbury. Since 22 June 1485 Richard had been aware of Henry's, impending ,invasion, and had ordered his lords to maintain a high level of readiness. News
  40. And so enrolled in science. When Columbia University announced in 1892 its, impending ,move to Morning side Heights, Barnard built a new campus on 119th-120th Streets
  41. The insular administrations to continue government as best they could under, impending ,military occupation. The Royal Navy blockaded these islands from time to time
  42. Us, the deluge, a remark attributed to Louis XV of France in reference to the, impending ,end of a functioning French monarchy and predicting the French Revolution. The
  43. Jones levelled similar accusations against the BBC after they disclosed the, impending ,British attack on Goose Green by 2 Para. Jones had threatened to lead the
  44. Gas Pipeline Feasibility Assessment *Loan of $1.2 billion to bail it out of an, impending ,economic crisis in Pakistan and ongoing funding for the countries growing
  45. The project was too far along to be challenged or changed and still make the, impending ,Consumer Electronics Show (CES) show in Las Vegas. Upon learning that the
  46. Close, hit him quite hard. He then set out for Bennington, where news of his, impending ,return preceded him, and he was met with all the honor due a military war
  47. Literary career appeared a certainty for Anne and her sisters. However,an, impending ,tragedy was to engulf the family. His sudden death came as a shock to the
  48. Situation on a global, regional and country-by-country basis. In case of, impending ,food emergencies, the system dispatches rapid crop and food supply assessment
  49. Then kinetic friction. The maximum value of static friction, when motion is, impending , is sometimes referred to as limiting friction, although this term is not used
  50. Movement By 2002,many parts of the movement showed wide opposition to the, impending ,invasion of Iraq. Many participants were among those 11 million or more

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