Examples of the the word, vigorously , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Comparative anatomy after reading Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, and, vigorously , promoted Darwin's ideas in Germany. However, like most others natural
  2. His friends by becoming a strong supporter of the new government. He so, vigorously ,supported Alexander Hamilton's reports on public credit, including the
  3. Was necessary to subdue certain fortresses, one of which was for several days, vigorously ,defended by the governor, Yussuf al-Hazmi, a Khwarizmi. He was, however
  4. Reactive toward many metals than hydrated bromine, however. Dry bromine reacts, vigorously ,with aluminum, titanium,mercury as well as alkaline earths and alkali metals.
  5. Carbon nanoparticles are a deadly toxin to Drosophila. Carbon may also burn, vigorously ,and brightly in the presence of air at high temperatures, as in the Wind scale
  6. Dunning School of historiography. W. E. B. Du Boys and other black historians, vigorously ,disputed this interpretation when the film was released. Most historians of all
  7. Think," said Korzybski, while he took a second one. The students were chewing, vigorously , Then he tore the white paper from the biscuits, in order to reveal the
  8. A simpler dramatic structure and a softer tone. Old Comedy was the comedy of a, vigorously ,democratic Polish at the height of its power, and it gave Aristophanes the
  9. At the expense of the Bavarian government, with a view to devoting himself, vigorously ,to the study of Sanskrit. There he enjoyed the society of such eminent men as
  10. Hymen Honda () was Ever Hoxha's uncle and was a militant who campaigned, vigorously ,for the independence of Albania, which occurred when Ever was four years old.
  11. Under his wing, training her in methods of public speaking. He encouraged her, vigorously , telling her that she was" to take my place when I am gone. " One of her first
  12. The viceroy of Kashmir, Iftikar Khan (1671–1675) carried out the policy, vigorously ,and set about converting non-Muslims by force. Orders of the arrest of the Guru
  13. S range of products, and wherever Microsoft achieved a dominant position he, vigorously ,defended it. He gained a reputation for being distant to others; as early as
  14. 2 Dy (s) + 6 H2O (l) → 2 Dy (OH)3 (a) + 3 H₂ (g) Dysprosium metal, vigorously ,reacts with all the halogens at above 200 °C: :2 Dy (s) + 3 F2 (g) → 2 DyF3
  15. Klan Act and the second and third Enforcement Acts. Grant used their provisions, vigorously , suspending habeas corpus in South Carolina and sending troops there and into
  16. Is currently endangered, only that it is potentially so. In fact, it is being, vigorously ,affirmed. Often acting according to the current long-standing sentiment unknown
  17. Almost completely saturated liquid. After it is sealed, the container is shaken, vigorously ,for at least one minute. It is then allowed to sit on a flat surface for a day
  18. 1866,in which the Southern states were not allowed to vote. Johnson campaigned, vigorously , undertaking a public speaking tour of the north that was known as the" Swing
  19. Beneath a canopy encircles the church. As church bells ring out, handbells are, vigorously ,shaken by altar boys, the air is filled with incense and the faithful raise
  20. As Georges Cuvier, Richard Owen, Adam Sedgwick, and Charles Lyell attacked it, vigorously , It has been suggested that Wallace accepted the idea of the transmutation of
  21. Of pirates. The merchants with whom they were travelling, defended themselves, vigorously ,and for a time successfully, but eventually they were conquered and overcome by
  22. Been divided on whether if believed that abortion was murder, and did not begin, vigorously ,opposing abortion until the 19th century. However, abortion is largely heavily
  23. As hollow and unconvincing. The work appeared anonymously ... and was, vigorously ,suppressed by the authorities. Diderot, who had been under police surveillance
  24. Such primary dams overnight, though they may not defend secondary dams as, vigorously , (Beavers may create a series of dams along a river. ) Lodges The ponds
  25. In water solutions of acids, where this salt is soluble, calcium reacts, vigorously , Calcium, with a density of 1.55 g/cm3,is the lightest of the alkaline earth
  26. Many ways more practical and accessible to the masses than Radar. Both centers, vigorously ,pursued the promotion of Ašxarhabar. The proliferation of newspapers in both
  27. Freedom of thought and all forms of private initiative were being suppressed, vigorously , Personal and official censorship was rife; criticism of the authorities was
  28. And Valid formed the earliest predominating set). These companies competed, vigorously ,for their shares of this market. One of the tactics used by these companies to
  29. Her; they are married to the Devil acting as best man; a shirtless man, vigorously ,flogs a woman reclining on a couch; lewd burlesque dancers gyrate to blaring
  30. Amid allegations of abuse by unauthorized jumpers. Since then, the Service has, vigorously ,enforced the ban, charging jumpers with" aerial delivery into a National Park
  31. And ecclesiastical courts. Over the same period Anglican churches engaged, vigorously ,in Christian missions, resulting in the creation, by the end of the century, of
  32. For the next century. Bermudian sailors relied on more than salt, however. They, vigorously ,pursued whaling, privateering,and the merchant trade. Vessels sailed the
  33. All the films he produced. Personal life Marriages and relationships Lancaster, vigorously ,guarded his private life. He was married three times. His first two marriages
  34. One hundred bishops met at Alexandria, declared in favor of Athanasius, and, vigorously , rejected the criticisms of the Russian faction at Tyre. At a council in 350
  35. The rising commercial class. He saw the importance of trade and promoted it, vigorously , The Great Elector's shrewd domestic reforms gave Prussia a strong position in
  36. Clutch pads usually last about 100,000 miles (160,000 km) depending on how, vigorously ,the car is driven.; Dampers In addition to the damped disc centers which reduce
  37. For comment, Lamo reportedly affirmed to Paulsen his intention to" comply, vigorously ," with the order. WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning In February 2009,a partial
  38. Theology Abortion and enrollment Like other Church Fathers, St Augustine ", vigorously ,condemned the practice of induced abortion" as a crime, in any stage of
  39. Rocked, and tilted up to 45 degrees by means of a hydraulic apparatus, and was, vigorously ,shaken to simulate depth charge attacks. Petersen was admittedly obsessive
  40. In what became known as the Gasped Affair, a British warship that had been, vigorously ,enforcing unpopular trade regulations was burned by American patriots including
  41. Being less reactive than chlorine but more reactive than iodine, bromine reacts, vigorously ,with metals, especially in the presence of water, to give bromide salts. It is
  42. Was a significant factor in his choice as vice president by Lincoln. Johnson, vigorously ,suppressed the Confederates, telling his subordinates:" Whenever you hear a
  43. Statement in response:" The lawsuit against Brian is meritless. While he will, vigorously ,defend himself he is deeply saddened that his cousin Mike Love has sunk to
  44. Salient),while the absolutize case is unmarked. New work in case theory has, vigorously ,supported the idea that the negative case identifies the agent (the intent
  45. Innovation, not widely practiced until the 18th century, and were opposed, vigorously ,in worship by a number of Protestant Reformers, including Martin Luther (
  46. Election During the 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign, Clinton, vigorously , advocated on behalf of his wife, Hillary Clinton. Through speaking engagements
  47. And political dimensions of the war effort, seeking to reunify the nation. He, vigorously ,exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without
  48. Poet and one of the leading figures of the Beat Generation in the 1950s. He, vigorously ,opposed militarism, materialism and sexual repression. Ginsberg is best known
  49. It loses a star. A republic is ugliness set free. " *" She fought him off, vigorously , scratched, cried that she will die before she submits, but the chevalier paid
  50. Atmosphere accumulated large amounts of oxygen. Gluconeogenesis In vertebrates, vigorously ,contracting skeletal muscles (during weightlifting or sprinting, for example)

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