Examples of the the word, jointly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jointly ), is the 6139 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The System/370 (the prior versions were a TSS/370 based Unix system developed, jointly ,with AT&T c.1980,and VM/IX a VM/370 based system developed jointly with
  2. In 2006,the ACLU of Washington State and the Second Amendment Foundation, jointly ,filed a lawsuit against the North Central Regional Library District (NCRL) in
  3. Of which Algol is generally considered the first). History ALGOL was developed, jointly ,by a committee of European and American computer scientists in a meeting in
  4. Tribe who had ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome, left his kingdom, jointly ,to his daughters and the Roman Emperor in his will. However, when he died, his
  5. Largely autonomous political power, as well as the district of Back, which is, jointly ,administered by both. Each of the Entities has its own constitution.: See
  6. Their acts. A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who, jointly ,oversee the activities of a company or organization. The body sometimes has a
  7. Fleming House, which is near to Old Street. *Fleming, Florey and Chain, jointly ,received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945. According to the rules of the
  8. To the throne. Aegis thus took possession of the throne of Mycenae and ruled, jointly ,with Theses. During this period Agamemnon and his brother, Menelaus,took
  9. Density of 371/km² (958/sq mi). Sports In 2000,Belgium and the Netherlands, jointly ,hosted the UEFA European Championship. In June 2007,representatives of the
  10. Validation The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) is operated, jointly ,by the United States Government's National Institute of Standards and
  11. He won the Atoms for Peace Award in 1969. Bohr, Mottelson and Rainwater were, jointly ,awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics" for the discovery of the connection
  12. Being overtaken by the Tories) and fought the 1983 and 1987 general elections, jointly ,as the SDP–Liberal Alliance. During 1982 and 1983,at the depths of Labour's
  13. Hebrew: שרביט קסמים‎),is an Israel Defense Forces military system being, jointly ,developed by the Israeli defense contractor Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and
  14. Duties apply to each director separately, while the powers apply to the board, jointly , Also, the duties are owed to the company itself, and not to any other entity.
  15. And his family and cut his communications with Soviet dissidents. The plan was, jointly ,approved by Vladimir Kryuchkov, Philipp Book, and Grigorenko (heads of First
  16. Library Theatre company, and indeed Ayckbourn's first two plays were written, jointly ,with her under the pseudonym of" Roland Allen ". They had two sons, Steven and
  17. And all the serving MPs, of the Liberal Party joined this party, led first, jointly ,by Steel and the SDP leader Robert McLennan, and later by Paddy Ash down (
  18. The original Boston Herald was founded in 1846 by a group of Boston printers, jointly ,under the name of John A. French & Company. The paper was published as a single
  19. Between English and French-speaking communities, as the islands had been, jointly ,administered as a condominium with France. Fiji, Tuvalu,the Solomon Islands
  20. Structure and complete amino acid sequence of Egg, a feat for which they were, jointly ,awarded the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. While most of these
  21. Who proposed that the Trojans settle in her land and that she and Aeneas reign, jointly ,over their peoples. Once again, this was in favor of Juno, who was told of the
  22. Should recall Tiberius. The Emperor planned to have Felix and Tiberius rule, jointly , but when Tiberius returned Felix was forced to retire to Porto, near Rome
  23. Computing curricula. Some major awards in Computer science are given, jointly ,by ACM and the IEEE-CS. There is also a mounting challenge to the ACM's
  24. Launched a Taepodong-1 missile over northern Japan, the Japanese have been, jointly ,developing a new Surface-to-air interceptor known as the Patriot Advanced
  25. To run for 13 episodes, but due to legal problems between the two studios who, jointly ,held the rights to the series, Artmic and COMEX, the series was discontinued.
  26. Spoken. The Principality was formed in 1278. The role of monarch is exercised, jointly ,by the two co-princes, the President of the French Republic and the Bishop of
  27. Of the House of Atreus, until atoned by Orestes in a court of justice held, jointly ,by humans and gods. Trojan War Agamemnon gathered the reluctant Greek forces to
  28. Is now exporting energy. Albania and Croatia have discussed the possibility of, jointly ,building a nuclear power plant at Lake Shooter, close to the border with
  29. Its objectives are: -“ To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or, jointly ,with others, for any person or persons, partnership,company, corporation
  30. Jacket to receive his medal. In June 2004,Eddie and Johnny Morris were, jointly ,profiled in the first of a three part BBC Two series, The Way We Went Wild
  31. Of Ames offers a transit system throughout town, called Ride, that is funded, jointly ,by Iowa State University, the ISU Government of the Student Body, and the City
  32. Of the committee. " Freshman Senators Edward Brooke and Charles H. Percy, jointly ,wrote an" Additional Views" section appended to the committee report
  33. Developed jointly with AT&T c.1980,and VM/IX a VM/370 based system developed, jointly ,with INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation c.1984). AIX/370 was released in 1990
  34. An International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Gaborone. The academy, jointly ,financed, managed and staffed by the two nations, provides training to police
  35. Di Ohio et al. in the frame of a NATO VACANT Undersea Research project using, jointly ,the NATO RV Alliance, and the Turkish Navy Survey ship" Ubuntu ". In 2002,a
  36. Government of Ireland does not use the term British Isles In documents drawn up, jointly ,between the British and Irish governments, the archipelago is referred to
  37. The formulation of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model. Hodgkin and Huxley were awarded, jointly ,the Nobel Prize for this work in 1963. The formulas detailing atonal
  38. Were unproven allegations in 2001 that Dos tum and his forces, who were fighting, jointly ,with US Special Forces, suffocated as many as 2,000 prisoners in container
  39. Terms of the agreement was that the airfield the U. S. Army built would be used, jointly ,by the U. S. and the U. K. (which it was for the duration of the war, with RAF
  40. Been expelled by Atreus. Aegis thus and Theses thereafter ruled over Mycenae, jointly , exiling Atreus' sons, Agamemnon and Menelaus to Sparta, where King Tenders
  41. In June 1963 took Charlton's England goal tally to 30,equalling the record, jointly ,held by Tom Finney and Nat Loft house and Charlton's 31st goal against Wales in
  42. A stillborn. Youth After the death of Amalric's father, the throne passed, jointly ,to his mother Melisande and his older brother Baldwin III. Melisande did not
  43. Currently being renovated and expanded. The third theater space, to be operated, jointly ,with next door Mosque, will open in late 2009 or early 2010. Other theaters
  44. Spellings (e.g. 1 Chronicles) as Protestant Bibles in those books which are, jointly ,considered canonical,i.e. the protocanonicals. The Talmud in Lava Basra 14b
  45. Labels would agree to drop the technology. On April 2,2007,Apple and EMI, jointly ,announced the removal of DRM technology from EMI's catalog in the iTunes Store
  46. Nucleus of a new squadron, designated No. 18. This squadron would be staffed, jointly ,by Australian and Dutch aircrews plus a smattering of aircrews from other
  47. The forerunner and principal source of the Apostles' Creed, as having been, jointly ,created by the Apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, with each of
  48. Mr. Carnegie. Carnegie Mellon University and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, jointly ,administer the http://diva.library.cmu.edu/carnegie/ Andrew Carnegie Collection
  49. Reno Did is a giant mining project in Chaff. The main license (EL5) is held, jointly ,by the Government of Balochistan (25 %),Antofagasta Minerals (37.5 %) and
  50. And his wife, James ' daughter, Mary,were James' successors, who ruled, jointly ,as William III and Mary II. The Bill of Rights also stated that the line of

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