Examples of the the word, automation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( automation ), is the 6160 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can model many problems, among which are electronic design, automation , communication protocol design, parsing and other engineering applications. In
  2. Or Wi-Fi, which all run on 2.4GHz. The standard has been created to enable home, automation , security, healthcare and energy monitoring applications that are battery
  3. Of the crank set per minute *Cadence Design Systems, an electronic design, automation ,company *Cadence (film),a 1990 film directed by Martin Sheen *Cadence
  4. Algorithmics, artificial intelligence, hardware design, electronic design, automation , and verification. A literal is either a variable or the negation of a variable
  5. Communication means and radio-electronic * RPE Neftgazavtomat, devices and, automation ,systems for monitoring technological processes * RPE Automatic Lines
  6. Attempts to establish a neutral data exchange format for the electronic design, automation ,(EDA) industry. The goal was to establish a common format from which the
  7. A special Christie lamp house, and the Quit server with custom designed, automation ,interfaces. On February 2,2000,Philippe Bin ant, technical manager of Digital
  8. In particular entry level jobs—will be increasingly susceptible to, automation ,via expert systems, machine learning and other AI-enhanced applications.
  9. And is secure and trusted by its users. Types/variations Sales force, automation ,Sales force automation (SFA) involves using software to streamline all phases
  10. Enemies of life. Prospects for implementation As the use of industrial, automation ,has expanded over time, some factories have begun to approach a semblance of
  11. Add the critical element of conditional response and larger memory, allowing, automation , of both numerical calculation and in general, automation of many
  12. Of electricity (e.g. nuclear, gas and solar),lighting, industrial, automation , medical imaging equipment, motors,railway locomotives, aircraft jet engines
  13. Affordability, reliability,fuel efficiency, economic prosperity, and the, automation ,of drudgery in farming and industry, but rarely mentions, and rather belittles
  14. Must be printed using MICR toner or ink. Banks and other clearing houses employ, automation ,equipment that relies on the magnetic flux from these specially printed
  15. Dresser Atlas, a provider of oil field services and subsequently factory, automation ,services * Western Atlas, US company, subsequently Atlas Wire line and Baker
  16. Interpreter which operates under Linux, Unix,and Windows. It supports Windows, automation , supports calls to operating system and user defined Dolls, has an advanced APL
  17. And was also widely adopted for civil purposes in the British control and, automation ,industry. It was used to write software for both the Ferrari and GET computers
  18. Is the acceleration system, while another is the size and energy, degree of, automation ,or projectiles. The simplest acceleration system is a straight or bent prod and
  19. The direct line of succession of mass production and its intensification into, automation ,stems directly from what we worked out at Ford Motor Company between 1908 and
  20. Such as transistors),and integrated circuits. Electronic design, automation ,software programs include schematic capture programs and printed circuit board
  21. There are many patents covering various aspects of call center operation, automation , and technology. One of the early inventors in this field, Ronald A. Katz
  22. And trusted by its users. Types/variations Sales force automation Sales force, automation ,(SFA) involves using software to streamline all phases of the sales process
  23. Broadcasting Corporation in Montreal used the Nova 1200 for channel layout, automation ,up until the late 80s. It was then replaced with refurbished Nova 4 units and
  24. Never be able to program a computer started using Hypercube for all sorts of, automation ,and prototyping tasks, a surprise even to its creator. Apple itself never
  25. And millions of constraints. Examples of such problems in electronic design, automation ,(EDA) include formal equivalence checking, model checking, formal
  26. To control up to eight million digitally controlled external audio, lighting, automation , relay and voltage control channels spread around a large theme park, for
  27. And mesh modeling. AutoCAD supports a number of APIs for customization and, automation , These include AutoLISP, Visual LISP, VBA, NET and Object ARX. Object ARX is a
  28. Used to assess computer output on the scale of human intelligence. But the, automation ,of evaluative and predictive tasks has been increasingly successful as a
  29. To be used in battery powered devices such as smartphone app controllable home, automation ,or security systems. DECT handsets and bases from different manufacturers
  30. Self-replicating system that relies on conventional large-scale technology and, automation , The term evolved to distinguish such systems from the microscopic" assemblers
  31. In many modern automobiles. It also plays an important role in industrial, automation , Control engineers often utilize feedback when designing control systems. For
  32. Manufacturing, forensic science and so on. The recent developments of computer, automation ,and information technologies have innervated analytical chemistry to initiate a
  33. LT does not support customization with LISP, ARX,and VBA. * Management and, automation ,capabilities with Sheet Set Manager and Action Recorder. AutoCAD Freestyle
  34. Samplers, drum machines, sequencers,and lighting consoles). Industrial, automation ,equipment such as programmable machinery and industrial robots may not have a
  35. Such a construction project, and that our current understanding of industrial, automation ,is insufficient to build the self-maintaining systems needed for the sphere's
  36. On a language similar to Hypertext; it is often used for DTP workflow, automation ,needs. In the 1990s Face Span provided a third-party graphical interface, and
  37. Specialized artificial intelligence applications, robotics and other forms of, automation ,will ultimately result in significant unemployment as machines begin to match
  38. Axis ciphers required new levels of mathematical sophistication. Moreover, automation ,was first applied to cryptanalysis in that era with the Polish Bomb device
  39. System itself is highly developed and technologically advanced, with full, automation ,in facilities that handle domestic and international telecom. Domestically
  40. And distributor presence. Along with this expansion came advances in bottling, automation , new bottling materials and more efficient distribution methods. These advances
  41. Corporation which run on top of a modified Beds and the Untracked radio, automation ,software that runs on Beds and Zeta, but is also sold as a" Station-in-a-Box "
  42. Training by automatic mining of best practices from past interactions, support, automation , and many other technologies to improve agent productivity and customer
  43. One of the Eiffel Tower lifts Image: EiffelTowerLiftAutomation. JPG|Some, automation ,controls at the base of one of the Eiffel Tower's lifts. Image:
  44. And Never (now part of Metro) - have succeeded in areas such as industrial, automation , medical and meteorological technology. Nokia is a world leader in mobile
  45. A modal editor supporting command mode, text mode and viewing mode * powerful, automation ,can be achieved by feeding commands from standard input Famous for its
  46. Rendering software) provides an EMMA standard based scripting engine for tasks, automation , * Google Apps Script in Google Spreadsheets and Google Sites allows users to
  47. Require a human user to give hints to the system. Depending on the degree of, automation , the proper can essentially be reduced to a proof checker, with the user
  48. Include insights into opportunities, territories,sales forecasts and workflow, automation , quote generation, and product knowledge. Modules for Web 2.0 e-commerce and
  49. Allow for easier visualization of a design. Then, using an electronic design, automation ,tool, a technology-mapped net list is generated. The net list can then be fitted
  50. Systems may also be linked with detectors and fraction collectors providing, automation , The introduction of gradient pumps resulted in quicker separations and less

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