Examples of the the word, bookmark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bookmark ), is the 6144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Client software. http://www.sync2it.com/search Sync2It. Com has added, bookmark ,clustering and user bookmark ratios to their search results. Recent
  2. Installation" Installation of a bookmark let" is performed by creating a new, bookmark , and pasting the code into the URL destination field. Alternatively, if the
  3. Bookmark system, Epiphany uses categorized bookmark s, where a single, bookmark ,(such as“ Epiphany” ) can exist in multiple categories (such as“ Web
  4. Are used in applications such as surface protection films, masking tapes, bookmark ,and note papers, price marking labels, promotional graphics materials, and for
  5. All things. If you have God you will want for nothing. God alone suffices. ~The, bookmark ,of Teresa of Avila Portrayals *" St. Teresa" was painted in 1819–20 by
  6. Silver's seminars, came up with the idea of using the adhesive to anchor his, bookmark ,in his hymnbook. Fry then developed the idea by taking advantage of 3M's
  7. 4th edition text. Burgundy, full imitation leather, elaborate gold gilt. No, bookmark ,ribbon. Free end-paper maps in black, white,and red; other illustrations in
  8. Like the others, this book was leather-bound with silver-gilt edges and a cloth, bookmark , The book was expanded with some new information,31 new illustrations, and a
  9. Results and contributions primarily in BibTeX. * Connotes – Open-source social, bookmark ,style publication management system. * Digital Bibliography & Library Project –
  10. Presented as a link, under some browsers it can be dragged and dropped onto the, bookmark ,bar. The bookmark let can then be run by loading the bookmark normally. History
  11. History window which can sort by title, last access date, or URL. * Hot list (, bookmark ,) mechanism which can automatically or manually check for updates to bookmark ed
  12. On Rails' default database management system is also SQLite. * Marks,the, bookmark ,sharing tool has also reported to use SQLite to manage the bookmark s for each
  13. With 8 different search engines (user extensible) *Groups - the ability to, bookmark ,& open multiple pages simultaneously *URL aliases - open URLs by just typing a
  14. The airport, waiting for a flight to Europe. Sam uses the ripped up bill as a, bookmark ,but it all falls out without his noticing it as Sam and Emily walk toward their
  15. Features The Bookmarks client software enables social bookmark ing and, bookmark ,data clustering. The user data input requirements of web-based systems that
  16. USA, in February 1998. CAP grew to encompass several other areas, including, bookmark , management for web browsers -- it's effectively a roaming protocol for
  17. The blank leaf or leaves (if any) preceding the back free endpaper. A, bookmark ,is a thin marker, commonly made of paper or card, used to keep one's place in
  18. Main building. It is a unique object as far as our context is concerned. ) * My, bookmark ,takes me to the main page of the English Wikipedia. * Sanjay lives on the beach
  19. Bookmarks panel on the left side of the browser window, and by clicking a, bookmark , the respective web page would be viewed in the larger panel to the right.
  20. 2007 New features: * Google Notebook to save content (text and images) with a, bookmark ,System Requirement Internet Explorer, Windows XP, Vista Google Toolbar 6.0
  21. Favorites icon),also known as a shortcut icon, Web site icon, URL icon, or, bookmark , icon,is a file containing one or more small icons, most commonly 16×16 pixels
  22. Count turns up exactly 69,105 leaves. " The Witness The gun receipt used as a, bookmark ,in the mystery book is number 69105. Work I Probably its most famous appearance
  23. In softcover ISBN 0-201-13448-9 (blue spiral-bound with a built-in flap for a, bookmark ,) and hardcover ISBN 0-201-13447-0 #Volume B: TeX: The program. A documented
  24. Viewer is presented with a list or collection of words or letters, such as “, bookmark ,” or“ ABC ”, respectively,in the form of links. Clicking on any of the links
  25. Museum, listen to audio, see animations, control robots and other media, and to, bookmark ,information for printout at the end of the exhibit. The device became known as
  26. Matters. The user interface provides the menu bar, address bar, status bar, bookmark ,manager, history and preferences window among other things. It embeds the
  27. Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics. * Bioeconomy – A social, bookmark ,and publication management system based on BibTeX. * Cutesier – An online
  28. A spinning bezel and a loading indicator attached to it. *The button to add a, bookmark ,is now attached to the address bar by default. *The reload/stop button is now
  29. On enhanced usability. Score Kidnapping focuses on enhanced PDF support (, bookmark ,import) and integration of reference management including BibTeX support.
  30. Separated into chapters and narrated in the third-person with a quick-save, bookmark ,feature. Although neither the dialog nor narrative were written by Fast
  31. Dropped onto the bookmark bar. The bookmark let can then be run by loading the, bookmark ,normally. History Steve Kansas of bookmark lets. Com coined the term "
  32. Sync2It. Com has added bookmark clustering and user, bookmark ,ratios to their search results. Recent enhancements to the Bookmarks client
  33. Featured gold embossed lettering on the cover, gilded edges, and a cloth ribbon, bookmark , The end pages are printed with a map of The Valley, and it comes with a
  34. Box set includes a photo album, stickers,a thank-you card from Young, a Chose, bookmark , a comic book, a Chose USB, a DVD and the new EP. The first and second plugs
  35. Blogosphere," he said. Paul Be gala has stated in The Huffington Post that" I, bookmark ,NRO and read it frequently. It's smart and breezy ... ". National Review
  36. Movement away from Avant's IE roots. More radical is the addition of a native, bookmark ,system in place of sharing IE's favorites. These bookmark s may be stored
  37. user's contributions. Users can be discovered through a drop-down menu on each, bookmark , * Demonstrate their expertise through the links displayed in their profile.
  38. To a fixed set of paths through the training material, permit the learner to ", bookmark ," their progress when taking breaks, and assure the acceptability of test
  39. Full leather covers; ribbed spine; gold-leaf edges all around; tipped-in, bookmark ,; gold gilt runic lettering on front cover. 14.8 x 22.5 cm,317 numbered pages.
  40. Japan. Asama Ningbo and short Ningbo (literally" big sister dolls" and ", bookmark ,dolls," respectively) are made of wash paper. Asama Ningbo tend to be
  41. Market drivers. A bookmark let is Unobtrusive JavaScript stored as the URL of a, bookmark ,in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. The term is a portmanteau of
  42. Bookmarks While most browsers feature a hierarchical folder-based, bookmark ,system, Epiphany uses categorized bookmark s, where a single bookmark (such as
  43. Browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. The term is a portmanteau of the terms, bookmark ,and applet, however,an applet is not to be confused with a bookmark let just as
  44. Service to synchronize calendar, address book, mail account, Internet, bookmark , and other data with one or more Macintosh or Windows computers using Wi-Fi or
  45. Product Updates 8-9 are based on OpenOffice. Org 2.3. New features include, bookmark ,support for PDF export, MediaWiki export in Writer. Product Updates 10-11 are
  46. Code previously associated with the interrupt; this is analogous to placing a, bookmark ,in a book in response to a phone call. In modern operating systems, interrupts
  47. Graphics As Viola WWW developed, it began to look more like Hypercube:: It had a, bookmark ,facility so that you could keep track of your favorite pages. It had buttons
  48. Creating a" beer pyramid" in a refrigerator with wire shelves, serving as a, bookmark , or preventing computer cables from slipping behind desks. Smaller sized clips
  49. Pages that relate to the current Bookmarks and online storage * Online secure, bookmark , feed and setting storage - allows access of same browser setup anywhere *
  50. Browser window. In normal use, the following JavaScript would be installed to a, bookmark ,in a browser bookmark s toolbar. From then on, after selecting any text

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