Examples of the the word, referee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( referee ), is the 6140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Attack. Clinching is a temporary match state and is quickly dissipated by the, referee , Clinching is technically against the rules, and in amateur fights points are
  2. KO). A" technical knockout" ( TKO) is possible as well, and is ruled by the, referee , fight doctor, or a fighter's corner if a fighter is unable to safely continue
  3. Was written in this fashion. ) Often they all (except Gun, who acted as “, referee ,”) would work on exactly the same pages of the script, and Kurosawa would
  4. Until the fighter returns to his or her feet and can continue. Should the, referee ,count to ten, then the knocked-down boxer is ruled" knocked out" ( whether
  5. An offense has been committed. This is known as" playing an advantage ". The, referee ,may" call back" play and penalize the original offense if the anticipated
  6. Declaration was effected, but the game was delayed. Lara was called by the match, referee ,for explanation of his actions but was not fined. Off the field Brian Lara has
  7. Of incorrect equipment, such as a broken stick. Rather than stopping play,the, referee ,may allow play to continue when its continuation will benefit the team against
  8. Of Black liberation theology *John Cone, an American professional wrestling, referee ,*John J. Cone, the fourth Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus from 1898
  9. Of the opponent's punch and not a slip, as determined by the referee ,the, referee ,begins counting until the fighter returns to his or her feet and can continue.
  10. Only when the ball has left the field of play, or when play is stopped by the, referee , After a stoppage, play can recommence with a free stroke, a penalty shot or a
  11. Cease fighting and move to the furthest neutral corner of the ring until the, referee ,has either ruled a knockout or called for the fight to continue. Violations of
  12. Magallanes, Uruguayan footballer *1979 – Robert Holder, German football, referee ,* 1979 – Kristen Hughes, Australian netballer * 1979 – Ruth Riley, American
  13. Terran Sandwich, Canadian ice hockey player * 1972 – Quiche Nishimura, Japan, referee , football player * 1973 – Theo Ratliff, American basketball player * 1973 –
  14. Referee, the authority to enforce the rules, and whose decisions are final. The, referee ,may be assisted by one or two assistant referee s. Equipment The basic equipment
  15. Use holding tactics to prevent the opponent from swinging. If this occurs,the, referee ,separates the opponents and orders them to continue boxing. Repeated holding
  16. His or her opponents arms and holds on to create a pause – is broken by the, referee , each fighter must take a full step back before punching again (alternatively
  17. Record. A" standing eight" count rule may also be in effect. This gives the, referee ,the right to step in and administer a count of eight to a fighter that he feels
  18. American actress (b. 1939) * 2010 – Arthur Merchant, Sr., American boxing, referee ,(b. 1920) *2011 – Mikhail Rusyayev, Russian footballer (b. 1964) * 2011 –
  19. Ways to win; if the opponent is knocked out and unable to get up before the, referee ,counts to ten seconds (a knockout, or KO),if the opponent is deemed unable
  20. Break between halves. The end of the match is known as full-time. The, referee ,is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an allowance for time
  21. Take much more punishment before a fight is halted. At any time, however,the, referee ,may stop the contest if he believes that one participant cannot defend himself
  22. The course of the game. Substitutions can be performed without notifying the, referee ,and can be performed while the ball is in play. However, if the substitute
  23. May be in danger, even if no knockdown has taken place. After counting the, referee ,will observe the fighter, and decide if he is fit to continue. For scoring
  24. By an arbitrator or arbitration tribunal. (In modern French,"" usually means, referee ,or umpire. ) In the sense used here it is first defined in 1704 by Mathieu de
  25. And one of these is likely to be an extra goalkeeper. A game is officiated by a, referee , the authority to enforce the rules, and whose decisions are final. The referee
  26. A player or coach who shows poor sportsmanship, such as by arguing with a, referee ,or by fighting with another player, can be charged with a more serious foul
  27. Meaning that the clock is not stopped when the ball is out of play; the, referee ,can, however,make allowance for time lost through significant stoppages as
  28. Fighter must take a full step back before punching again (alternatively,the, referee ,may direct the fighters to" punch out" of the clinch). When a boxer is
  29. Is disqualified for breaking a rule, or a winner is determined either by the, referee ,'s decision or by judges' scorecards at the end of the bout. The birth hour of
  30. Severely imbalanced. Amateur bouts which end this way may be noted as" RSC" (, referee ,stopped contest) with notations for an outclassed opponent (RICO),outscored
  31. Of the throne of Spain 1907-31. *Bill" Ronnie" Alfonso, former Wrestling, referee ,& manager. *Antique Alfonso of Castile, fifth illegitimate child of Alfonso XI
  32. Feet as a result of the opponent's punch and not a slip, as determined by the, referee , the referee begins counting until the fighter returns to his or her feet and
  33. Lands cleanly on the head or torso with sufficient force is awarded a point. A, referee ,monitors the fight to ensure that competitors use only legal blows. A belt worn
  34. Had no written rules. There were no weight divisions or round limits, and no, referee , In general, it was extremely chaotic. The first boxing rules, called the
  35. Cuban revolutionary and politician *1930 – Wilfred Hiker, German football, referee ,* 1930 – Don Ho, American vocalist and pianist (d. 2007) * 1930 – Bernard
  36. Or a corner stroke. If the ball has left the field along the sidelines,the, referee ,must decide which team touched the ball last, and award a restart stroke to the
  37. Except when either the ball leaves the field of play, or play is stopped by the, referee , When the ball becomes out of play, play is restarted by one of eight restarts
  38. To be four to five seconds. Even if an offense is not penalized because the, referee ,plays an advantage, the offender may still be sanctioned (see below) for any
  39. Time, and must be reported to the match secretary and the two captains. The, referee ,alone signals the end of the match. In league competitions games may end in a
  40. Adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master serves as the game's, referee ,and storyteller, while also maintaining the setting in which the adventures
  41. 1980s *In February 1985,Knight threw a chair across the court to protest a, referee ,'s call during a game against the rival Purdue Boilermakers. Knight was
  42. Break is needed. The game is controlled by the officials consisting of the, referee ,(referred to as crew chief in the NBA),one or two umpires (referred to as
  43. Which two people fight each other using their fists. Boxing is supervised by a, referee ,over a series of between one and three minute intervals called rounds. The
  44. Advice and attention from their coach and staff. The fight is controlled by a, referee ,who works within the ring to judge and control the conduct of the fighters
  45. The fight to continue. Violations of these rules may be ruled" fouls" by the, referee , who may issue warnings, deduct points, or disqualify an offending boxer
  46. For making a free throw, which is attempted from a line from the basket. The, referee ,may use discretion in calling fouls (for example, by considering whether an
  47. Punting situation, short yardage situation),The clock starts again when the, referee ,determines the ball is ready for scrimmage, except for team time-outs (where
  48. It is following a play in which the clock would not normally stop—once the, referee ,declares the ball ready for play. In the NFL the clock does not explicitly stop
  49. From Hogan on February 5,1988, in a match where it was later revealed appointed, referee ,Dave Hefner was" detained backstage ", and a replacement who Disease paid to
  50. Assistant manager of Atlético Junior. On November 1,2007,Valderrama accused a, referee ,of corruption by waving cash in the face of Oscar Julian Ruiz when the official

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