Examples of the the word, einstein , in a Sentence Context

The word ( einstein ), is the 6156 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And engineer. He wrote and released two critically acclaimed discs, entitled ", einstein , won " and" Einstein too. " The latter includes guest performances by Trey Gun
  2. Of the term irradiance, which is defined in terms of power per unit area. The, einstein , is used in studies of photosynthesis since the light requirement for the
  3. M = German) (300 CLIPS). (PROLOG" Einsteins_riddle (Fish_Owner): -, einstein , ( Houses, Fish_Owner). Einstein (Houses, Fish_Owner): - = (Houses, house
  4. Lenses (including the detection of the first gravitational lens and the first, einstein , ring ). The telescope has also been used for SET observations. Mark II and III
  5. Bewegter Former" (" On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" ), group,Einstein, name anti /> his third paper that year, was received on June 30 and published
  6. Adapter. An Einstein is a unit used in irradiance and in photochemistry. One, einstein , is defined as one mole of photons, regardless of their frequency. Therefore
  7. Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content? "),group, einstein , name and /> in which Einstein developed an argument for arguably the most
  8. On screen modes for Quick BASIC 4.5 has some references to the MCGA adapter. An, einstein , is a unit used in irradiance and in photochemistry. One Einstein is defined as
  9. Temperature – Ole River * degree Baumé (°Bé),density – Antoine Baumé *, einstein , ( E),photochemistry – Albert Einstein * Faraday (FD),electrical charge –
  10. Photons, regardless of their frequency. Therefore, the number of photons in an, einstein , is Avogadro's number,6.022×1023. Irradiance might be measured in Einsteins
  11. Aron off and Jim Keller are only a handful that Mover has interviewed. Einstein, einstein , was Mover's side project, which gave him the opportunity to compose, play
  12. Joe Saurian, and has released two critically acclaimed solo projects known as, einstein , won and Einstein too. Adding to this range of musical activities, Jonathan also
  13. Has released two critically acclaimed solo projects known as Einstein won and, einstein , too. Adding to this range of musical activities, Jonathan also owns and
  14. Kenny Aron off and Jim Keller are only a handful that Mover has interviewed., einstein , einstein was Mover's side project, which gave him the opportunity to compose
  15. M-prolog" Einsteins_riddle (Fish_Owner): - Einstein (Houses, Fish_Owner)., einstein , ( Houses, Fish_Owner): - = (Houses, house,Norwegian, _,house, _,_, _,milk
  16. Liquid, as Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat" ), group,Einstein, name anti /> received May 11 and published July 18,delineated a stochastic
  17. And released two critically acclaimed discs, entitled " Einstein won" and ", einstein , too. " The latter includes guest performances by Trey Gun of King Crimson

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