Examples of the the word, thoughtful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thoughtful ), is the 6149 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Peart's lyrics have always been divided. While fans have lauded them as, thoughtful ,and intelligent, some critics have called them over-wrought and bombastic. In
  2. He did it through sustaining programming like the New York Philharmonic,the, thoughtful ,drama of Norman Corwin—and an in-house news division to gather and present news
  3. The Shanghai School were widely innovative and diverse, and often contained, thoughtful ,yet subtle social commentary. The most well-known figures from this school are
  4. Actors, and expertise. The late 1950s and 1960s also brought some more, thoughtful ,big war films like Andrei Tarkovsky's Ivan's Childhood (1962),David Lean
  5. Sound that made the group famous. McDaniel — who had become a fan of, thoughtful ,singer-songwriters like John Lennon, Harry Chain, and Sarah Lachlan — wanted
  6. DN 16) ); it is a panegyric for a man who is kindly, unselfish,popular, and, thoughtful , toward others. In the long list of the disciples given in the Angular Nikita
  7. Won the 2002 Whit bread Book of the Year award, the judges calling it a" rich, thoughtful ,and deeply satisfying" account that unearths" a wealth of material about the
  8. And ultimate reality. The spiritually aspiring saints and devotees, as well as, thoughtful ,men of the material world, have been getting guidance and help from these
  9. Succeed gleefully or fail heroically. His characters were nonetheless, thoughtful , often introspective, and well-developed. His plot lines frequently involved
  10. Would occasionally pop up throughout Psyche's future recordings. Despite these, thoughtful ,moods,Psyche's next album would re-introduce the group as innovators in
  11. Mac Murray had become Hollywood's highest-paid actor portraying a decent, thoughtful ,character in light comedies, melodramas,and musicals; Wilder cast him as a
  12. Reference to Socrates. The university panel considered it noteworthy and, thoughtful , but too informal and witty for a serious academic thesis. The thesis dealt
  13. In order to respond directly to ongoing events; she intended to write a more, thoughtful ,second volume but died before completing it. While Wollstonecraft does call for
  14. Pietism, with its strong tendency to insulate believers into small, deeply, thoughtful , groups. Furthermore, Hesse described his father's Baltic German heritage as "
  15. Be it a mindless horde of opponents (such as zombies or skeletons) or a, thoughtful , plotting villain. Some games feature undead playable characters, such as and
  16. Casting, she described her character as" manly and resolute, but nonetheless, thoughtful ,... he thinks before he acts, a trait indicative of great strength and great
  17. Which emphasizes the idea that through technology, good design and more, thoughtful ,use of energy and resources, people can live responsible, sustainable lives
  18. Songs like" You Got Nothing I Want" and" Merry-Go-Round" to stand beside, thoughtful ,ballads like" Choir girl ", pop-flavoured love songs like" My Baby" and
  19. The proceedings themselves. The undoubted flaws rightly continue to trouble the, thoughtful , " Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court Harlan Fisk Stone called
  20. Afflicted with some behavioral disorders. Most clang associations are less ", thoughtful ," than the above example and more about the alliteration or rhyming than the
  21. Uses of the word. For most people," rationality" means" sane,"" in a, thoughtful ,clear-headed manner," or knowing and doing what's healthy in the long term.
  22. Overall intellect necessary for the task. Some close to him argued he was more, thoughtful ,than he seemed, was aware that Secretary Rumsfeld and his staff were unable to
  23. Anthrax had at last shed its sometimes cartoonish outlook in favor of mature, thoughtful ,songwriting, a trend which had begun on the previous album Persistence of Time.
  24. S acting limitations are also sorely evident, since Luther is the kind of, thoughtful ,thief who has to talk, rather than maintaining the enigmatic fortitude that is
  25. View of a brainless barbarian, Howard originally created Conan as a, thoughtful ,figure, although primarily a man of action rather than a man of deep thought or
  26. Gradually, he acquires a conscience, and by the 20th Century has become a, thoughtful ,and caring man, full of remorse at his past deeds. In The Wake, Death meets
  27. When he made a complete recovery. Of this time, Stoker wrote," I was naturally, thoughtful , and the leisure of long illness gave opportunity for many thoughts which were
  28. David with his own father Charles V, and himself sought to emulate the, thoughtful ,and logical character which he perceived in Solomon. Moreover,Escorial's
  29. Or on imagery from their lyrics (Walther on her Vogelweide is shown in a, thoughtful ,pose which exactly matches the description of himself in one of his most famous
  30. The presentation of opinion and facts is often improved with graphics and, thoughtful ,compositions of visual information - known as information design. Newspapers
  31. Altruism and mysticism, honesty,joy and nonviolence ". At the same time, many, thoughtful , hippies distanced themselves from the very idea that the way a person dresses
  32. Bishop Carlson as being" more identified with the radical right than with, thoughtful ,religious leadership. " In 1999 and 2003,Descale voted in favor of the ban on
  33. Some critics also compared it with Hill Street Blues, Lou Grant" and other, thoughtful ,US dramas, thanks to its realism and its level-headed treatment of touchy
  34. From New England. Starbuck, the young first mate of the Pequot, is a, thoughtful ,and intellectual Quaker from Nantucket. Little is said about Starbuck's early
  35. For the cities they serve. A few papers maintain a reputation for thorough and, thoughtful ,review of restaurants to the standard of the good published guides, but others
  36. The manor of Nor brook near Stratford-upon-Avon. Reputed to be an intelligent, thoughtful ,man, he sheltered Catholics at his home at Satterfield, and was another who
  37. Which to rebuild. Matteo Palmier wrote in the 1430s:" Now indeed may every, thoughtful ,spirit thank god that it has been permitted to him to be born in a new age. "
  38. And habits of thinking that prepare students to lead lives of integrity and, thoughtful ,engagement in both the public and private spheres. The School is striving to
  39. Anna and Wilhelmina" Will ". As a child, Vincent was serious, silent and, thoughtful , He attended the Under village school from 1860,where the single Catholic
  40. Hawthorne is purity itself. His tone is singularly effective—wild, plaintive, thoughtful , and in full accordance with his themes ... We look upon him as one of the few
  41. Commentator on the game. Bénard was a Test cricket all-rounder, blending, thoughtful , leg spin bowling with lower-order batting aggression. Along with fellow bowling
  42. As“ not only riveting examples of high-energy punk, but contained provocative, thoughtful ,lyrics berating the urban synthetic fashions of the 70s and urging individual
  43. And the retention of the local watershed, can often be cheaply conserved by, thoughtful ,designs. Autonomous buildings are usually energy-efficient in operation, and
  44. D better sit right down and send for those tickets ...' Critics praised the, thoughtful ,use of Shaw's original play, the brilliance of the lyrics, and Loewe's
  45. France. This horrifying breakdown of civil control was deeply disturbing to, thoughtful ,people on both sides of the religious divide. In his famous essay" Of
  46. Words cannot express, and how far He has gone in adapting His language with, thoughtful ,concern for our weak human nature ".::: Footnote: St. John Chrysostom, In Gen.
  47. Served as the louder, funnier side of the show in contrast to the reserved, thoughtful ,Dr. Drew. Corolla left the show in 2005. On May 13, 2009,Adam returned to
  48. To recognize. “ The face is what one goes by, generally,” Alice remarked in a, thoughtful ,tone. “ That’s just what I complain of,” said Humpty Dumpty. “ Your face
  49. L'Angle novel Many Waters (1986,ISBN 0 374 34796 4). He is characterized as, thoughtful ,and intelligent, a kind-hearted young man who is on good terms with feuding
  50. Just what perverted values and assumptions would allow such a diligent, thoughtful , and conventional man to propose so perverse a plan ". Johnson notes Swift’s

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